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SAT Review Mr. Dreeson.

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1 SAT Review Mr. Dreeson

2 Sentence Completions Circle any clues (word/phrase)
Box any trigger words: yet, but, however, except, unless, although, rather than, instead of Put symbols in the blanks: + for positive; - for negative Eliminate wrong answers Do hard SC after reading comp

3 Sentence Completion (cont)
Easy question – easy answer Hard question – hard answer Order of difficulty Easy – Medium – Difficult If you’re not dictionary sure, keep it Word association Modicum – moderate

4 Reading Comprehension
Actively read the passage Line # questions first Attack specific answer choices Avoid strong emotions Respect professionals

5 Reading Comp (cont.) No order of difficulty
If a word or phrase is repeated several times in an answer choice, choose from those choices p. 826(712), #12; p. 829(715), #23 VIC (Vocabulary in Context) Secondary definition important, p. 829(715), #21

6 Attack specific choices
Kill words (easy to argue) Each, all, will, totally, must, always, only, solely, never Keep words (tough to argue) May, can, some, most, sometimes, might, suggest

7 Sentence Correctness Answer choice with fewest words often correct 844(954) #1 Misplaced modifiers 844(955) #5, #11 Check for –ing, -ed words Watch for fragments 844(954) #2 Avoid choices starting with “Because…” 844(954) #3

8 Sentence Correct (cont.)
Watch for weak pronoun references (we, they, it) 844(954) #4, #10 Watch for comma splices (putting comma between sentences) 845(955) #6, #7 Know parallel structure 844(954) #1; 845(955) #9

9 Grammar About 1/3 of answers are “no error” (Choice E)
Subject verb agreement Sing sub – sing verb Plur sub – plur verb Tense (present – present) (past – past)

10 Grammar (cont.) Case Nominative vs. Objective Neither nor, either or
Usually singular Trust your ear! If it sounds wrong, it usually is!

11 Essay Short intro – thesis statement
Prepare “stock” paragraphs ahead of time 1 literature example 1 history example Short conclusion - clincher 5 min plan – 20 min write time

12 Math Section Know directions ahead of time Limit time per question
Order of difficulty Easy – Medium – Difficult Work out problems in your book

13 Math Section (cont.) Eliminate wrong answers
Make educated guess when you eliminate at least one choice Leave blank when you have no idea No points lost for grid-ins

14 Math Section (cont.) Replace variables with numbers
Practice with the calculator you will use on the test Lines, graphs, coordinates drawn to scale (unless otherwise shown)

15 Math Section (cont.) Don’t panic with special symbols
Take solution one step at a time Check answer makes sense Know conversion grid Use plug-in strategy

16 Math Section (cont.) Know special triangles
1-1-radical 2 3-4-5 Know decimal, percent, ratio, fractions – all related!

17 Math Section (cont.) Interior angles of triangle=180
Interior angles of other figures = 360 Know rise over run (y over x) Know basic math vocabulary

18 Best Books Princeton Review (SAT) The Underground Guide to the SAT
601 Words (Barron’s) Tooth and Nail

19 What to bring? Admission ticket, photo ID 4 sharpened #2 pencils
A quality eraser, a sweater A calculator, a water bottle A healthy snack (no candy!) A good night’s sleep

20 FIN

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