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Sophomore College Planning Night

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1 Sophomore College Planning Night
Presented by Jeff Stahlman, College Counselor

2 Your Tenth Grade Advisor College Counselor – Mr. Stahlman
Guidance Office Your Tenth Grade Advisor Mr. Jacoby College Counselor – Mr. Stahlman Students and parents are welcome! Academic/College questions, assistance with other matters College Selection materials to look over

3 Guidance Office Website
OR go to St. Charles website under “About St. Charles” and click on “Guidance office” Many, many college links Updated calendar of events Timelines and visit information and much more!

4 Guidance Office Website



7 A Few of my Guiding Principles about College Selection
It’s about the “FIT” or “MATCH” – a school’s name is little solace if you are not happy there! FIT = GRADUATION Think about “going” to college at least as much as you think about “getting in” Find schools where you will thrive! “Old” days of going to college vs. now Communicate A voyage of Self-Discovery

8 The College Selection Puzzle
Size $ COST $ Reputation Social Life Distractions Study Programs Abroad Liberal vs. Conservative Major Diversity Campus Setting Selectivity Grad Rate % M/F Ratio Who Teaches Dorms % Returning Residential? Big Fish/Small Fish Athletics/Activities Greek? Geography

9 How Can I Learn About Colleges
Visit the Guidance Office Guidebooks (page 21) Websites (pp. 19,20) Visit Colleges! It’s not too early. NAVIANCE! National Conference College Fair at SC – 9/21 2:10pm College Fair –Columbus Suburban College Fair – September 25th at Otterbein University – 1-3:30pm

10 What Matters in Admissions?
Rank the following Factors #1- #11 Admission Test Scores Counselor Recommendation Interview Grades in College Prep Courses Extra-curricular Activities Essay Strength of Curriculum Demonstrated Interest Grades in All Courses AP scores Teacher Recommendation(s)

11 From NACAC Survey 2016 #1 – Grades in College Prep Courses
#2 – Strength of Curriculum #3 – Grades in All Courses #4 – Admission Tests #5 - Essay #6 – Counselor Rec. #7 - Demonstrated Interest #8 – Teacher Rec. #9 – AP Scores #10 – Extra-Curricular Activities #11 – Interview

12 College Testing Why? When? How Many Times?
PSAT: October 19 this year and October next year – National Merit Qualifier (11th Grade) ACT: Fall/Winter Junior Year SAT: Fall/Winter Junior Year Select your best test – retest late spring 11th and/or 12th SAT 2/Subject Tests: Spring Junior Year (if needed) How Many Times? Test Score Optional? (page 44) What if I have a Written Accommodation Plan?

13 ACT Exam 4 sections: English, Math, Reading, Science
Optional Writing section Score 1-36 Test is fast! St. Charles average: 28.9, national average: 21

14 The Revised SAT The SAT has changed:
Writing section will be optional! Scores will revert to the 1600 scale No penalty for wrong answers Focus on relevant words Scores have changed – now skew higher Focus on math that “matters most” – “heart of algebra”, data analysis, advanced math Science and social studies are included in critical reading section Khan Academy free online preparation

15 Subject Area Tests in specific subjects:
SAT Subject Tests Subject Area Tests in specific subjects: 3 Tests at one sitting – one hour per subject Few schools require or recommend, BUT these are generally more selective schools Check your schools carefully! Also in your handout on pages but keep checking for changes! If in doubt, take them Spring – May or June – are ideal test dates for SAT Subject Tests (SAT 2’s) after a subject area class

16 How Can I Get Involved? Why should I get involved?
2 types of involvement: 1) for you ) for others Find Clubs or Organizations at St. Charles Find Organizations in your community Look for ways to CONTRIBUTE to your community – Service Look for summer opportunities Consider Interning or Shadowing in an interesting career field Look for leadership opportunities Summer Research with St. Charles – Mr. Breckenridge Initiative!

17 A Word About Ultra Selective Colleges
“HOOKS” = Interest Factor RECRUITED athletes Authentic students Legacy Unusual / Interesting Famous Early Decision National Level of Achievement How will you contribute? “Lottery Admissions” THE GOOD NEWS! There are more than 3,000 colleges Quality does not equal selectivity! There will be many, many schools which are great matches for you! Acceptance Rates 2015 Stanford % Harvard 5.3% Columbia 6.1% Yale 6.5% Princeton 6.9% MIT 7.7% U Chicago 7.8% Brown 8.5% West Point 9% Penn 9.9% Claremont-McKenna 9.9% Duke 10% Dartmouth 10.3% Vanderbilt 11% Swarthmore 12% Johns Hopkins 12.8% Northwestern 13% Amherst % Rice 14% Cornell % Bowdoin % Georgetown U 16.7% Middlebury 17% Wash U – St. Louis 17.1%

18 What Does College Cost?

19 look for “Net Price Calculator” on each college website
A Word About Cost Begin to discuss and plan now! Will you qualify for financial aid? look for “Net Price Calculator” on each college website Will you qualify for scholarships? How do scholarships work? The more selective the school, generally the more financial aid and less merit-based money is provided What are your cost parameters as a family?

20 10th Grade Timeline Take PSAT – October 19
Do your best in the classroom Become involved in your school and community Begin to research colleges – websites, books, visits USE NAVIANCE Summers – what will you do? Discuss cost of college as a family and begin to formulate a finance plan.

21 11th Grade Timeline October: PSAT to determine NMSC
IF you are a college-bound D1 or D2 athlete, register with the NCAA! Late Fall/Early Winter: Begin College Testing – ACT/SAT Late Winter/Spring: Complete second ACT or SAT Spring: Complete SAT 2-Subject Test if needed ALL YEAR: Visit colleges Complete research Build College List – Safe/Possible/Reach

22 12th Grade Timeline Fall: Apply to colleges and finish testing
October 1-December 1: Apply for Financial Aid April 1st: Students will be notified of admission decisions no later than 4/1 May 1st: Students will decide which college to attend FALL of 2019 – Leave for College!!

23 Director of Undergraduate Admissions The Ohio State University
Mr. Keith Gehres Director of Undergraduate Admissions The Ohio State University

24 College Admission Trends
Ohio State – it has changed! Where have the boys gone? Decrease of students through 2020, in Midwest Demonstrated Interest!!!! ROI and Early Decision and Late Decision Rankings – look out for them! Athletics – admission tool (especially for strong students) Helicopter Parents/Snowglobe/ and whole lot of other names people are calling you! Student concern with process rather than “is this a good fit?”

25 True or False: Selective Colleges
If I have good grades and test scores I will get in anywhere If I have top grades and test scores I’ll get scholarship money anywhere If I haven’t heard of a college, it must not be good Selectivity = Quality College Rankings are the best measure of quality for a college You get the same college experience everywhere Colleges often recalculate my GPA Success in life depends on which college I select

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