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Summer Term First Half Year 4

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1 Summer Term First Half Year 4
Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 1 18th-22nd April PQs ¿Tienes hermanos? ¿Cómo se llama/n? Numbers up to 100. Animals from different habitats: un oso polar, conejo, caballo, delfín, tigre. To recognise 7 types of animals. To identify numbers and answer accurately the question about how many brothers or sisters do you have. Song. Do the number of actions said. Magic bag whole class: said the number picked. Magic bag. Pass the magic bag around and when the music stop said the number of brother or sisters said. Animals and their habitats. Styles of voices. Listen and pretend. Do what I say not what I do. Phonics: ñ, co, j. Magic bag. Mini cards Video Flashcards 2 25th- 29th April PQs revisit: ¿De dónde eres? Soy de Inglaterra, soy inglés/a, escoces/a, frances/sa, irlandés/a, español/a. Animals & habitats. Una tortuga, vaca, serpiente, una jirafa, araña, rana. La selva, el bosque, el Ártico, el mar, el desierto, la granja, mi casa. To name 7 types of habitats. To identify and draw the animal and habitats indicated. PQs ¿De dónde eres? Opposites. Splat Pair work: guessing Animals & their habitats. Which one. Listen and do the action. Do what I say not what I do. Pictionary. Femenine and masculine adjectives. Phonics: ce, i, e, ñ, co. Fly swatters. Soft ball Señorita Eva Toro

2 Summer Term First Half Year 4
Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 3 2nd-6th May Weather extension. Seasons: invierno, verano, otoño, primavera. Animals and habitats. Plurals. To name the four seasons. To review 7 types of weather and identify the season for each. To name 9 types of animals. To count a set of animals in tens. Revisit the song and 7 types of weather. Identify the 4 seasons. Song. Listen and draw. Animals & habitats. 4 corners. Bingo. Missing one; odd one Listen and watch a video and count all together the number of animals in each set. Point out the plurals. 4 9th-13th May Weather: llueve, nieva, hay tormenta, graniza. Animals Written words To name 9 types of weather. To copy and write from memory animal Weather. Four corners. Splat. Upsidown bingo. Linked weather with habitats to describe them. Animals and their habitats. Slowly reveal. Bingo: writen word. Drawing on our backs pair work. Family fortune. Señorita Eva Toro

3 Summer Term First Half Year 4
Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 5 16th-20th May Weather & days of the week. “En primavera…, en verano…, en otoño…, en invierno… . Animals and their habitats Story “Querido zoo”. To describe the weather forecast in Spain for a week. To read sentences about dates and weather prevision. To listen to a story and join in wirth promts sentences. To look at the Spanish weather forecast in different parts of Spain. Animals and their habitats. Magic bag. Colour description and numbers of parts of the body. “Vive en la selva, es de color naranja y tiene 4 patas y dos orejas. Soft toys. 6 23th-27th May Animals and their habitats: worksheet. Querido zoo performance. To identify 9 animals and write in sentences where do they live. To listen to a performance and join in with promt sentences. Worksheet. Re-read the story and perform it. Story resources. Power point. Señorita Eva Toro

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