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Forge Valley School Extended Writing homework

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1 Forge Valley School Extended Writing homework
Date: May 2017 Year group: 9 Spanish Subject: GCSE preparation Title: GCSE speaking questions Name: Pre-assessment task Before you begin this homework, look back at your literacy matrix target from your last extended writing task/ piece of class work. What was your target for improvement? Write two bullet points: - how will you meet this target this time? - What resources will you need to help you? You must complete the question task and the written task. Question Task: Cut up your coloured card into 10 pieces. Use the card to make Question Cards for your GCSE speaking exam. Write the questions from the sheet on one side of the card, work out what they mean and write the English on the other side. Written Task: Aim for about 20 words per question Answer your questions in Spanish at the back of your book. Success Criteria Answer each question in Spanish Give full sentence answers including a verb Try to extend your answers by using JACOIN Try to use expressions with the INFINITIVE Answer according to the tense in the question Extension: Use other tenses as well in your answers (past, future). Use exclamations. Talk about other people. Top tips for Success: Use your blue vocabulary sheets for support (both sets) Use full sentences with a variety of openers Use variety of punctuation (e.g. ? ! , ; - ) Use as many parts of JACOIN as possible for good variety of language Use accurate spelling Extend: Vary your vocabulary by using your vocabulary book to include ideas from other topics. If confident, you could also include another tense. Due in: Friday 26th May 2017

2 Have you met your target? Write a sentence to explain why.
On the Literacy Matrix, highlight the skills that you think you have used and circle the level you think you have worked at. Teacher level: New target: Pupil feedback – Is there anything you found difficult or confusing about this homework? Please write your comments here. Parent/carer feedback – Please sign below to acknowledge that you have seen this homework and that your child has completed it to the best of their ability. ……………………………………………………………. Is there anything you wish to ask/comment on about this homework? Please write your comments here.

3 Questions ¿Crees que los jóvenes están obsesionados con sus móviles?
¿Qué aplicaciones usas para estar en contacto con tus amigos y con tu familia? ¿Qué piensas de las redes sociales? ¿Qué te gusta leer? ¿Por qué ? Describe a una persona de tu familia ¿Qué sueles hacer en tus ratos libres? ¿Eres teleadicto/a? ¿Por qué (no)? ¿Te gusta la música? ¿Por qué (no)? ¿Eres muy deportista? ¿Por qué / no? ¿Qué planes tienes para este fin de semana?

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