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Presentation on theme: "SYLLABUS ENGLISH LANGUAGE II"— Presentation transcript:


2 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS First Year – Second semester Course: Elective 2+1

3 COURSE OBJECTIVE This course is designed to further improve students’ English skills, writing, speaking, listening, and reading, to levels that approach English language knowledge.

4 The course will delve into areas of English language, pre-intermediate level, but will also cement the students’ knowledge on topics covered in the course book.

5 Each lecture will be followed by different activities and practice exercises. The course offers great knowledge on their future job.

6 Course Objectives Develop student’s reading, speaking, writing and listening skills. Presentation and understanding of key concepts, including grammar as an important part of the language. Training students on various topics, culture and authentic texts which have the purpose of increasing the level of reading and comprehension, oral and written communication through various activities such as presentations, essays, listening, discussion, etc.

7 PROGRAM Topic and Literature Week I Introduction
Presentation af students and Profesor. Introductin and Syllabus

8 Week II Questions words Wh- Questions Getting to Know “Blind Date” A magazine article Best friends Describing Friends

9 Week III Present Simple and Present Continuous The way we live Making conversation “Tales of two cities” Listening aktivity A 24/7 society Describing your own room

10 Week IV Past Simple and Past Continuous What happened next
Week IV Past Simple and Past Continuous What happened next? Time Expresions “The name Bond James Bond” an exract from the man with the golden gun Telling stories

11 Week V Quantity and Articles The market place Prices Markets around the world I bought it on ebay Discussion

12 Week VI Future forms: will and going to What do you want to do
Week VI Future forms: will and going to What do you want to do? How are you feeling “Brat Camp” Talking about problems and advice

13 Week VII Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Places and things A city break book online “London the world in one City” The best thing in life are free Compering things

14 Week VIII Mid-term I – written test

15 Week IX Present Perfect Tense For and Since Fame “Davina Moody” drama Queen- magazine article Leaving home An interview with the Band

16 Week X Do’s and dont’s/ modal verbs At the Doctor’s “Jobs for the boys and Girls” Leaving home A fother and a doughter Game “Guess the job” Letters and s

17 Week XI Time Clauses-Conditionals Going places Directions “A discovery and an invention that changed the world” Going nowhere- a radio program Discussion – Tourist destinations

18 Week XII Passives Things that changed the world Telephoning Supervolcano “ The largest volcano in the Yellowstone National Park

19 Week XIII What if? Second Conditional A crossroad in life Discussion Dilemmas Conditionals

20 Week XIV Trying your best Present Perfect Continuous Hot verbs bring , take, come snd go “In her father’s footsteps- an article about a famous explorer and his daughter.

21 Week XV Exercises Exersises from the Grammar Spektrum
Week XV Exercises Exersises from the Grammar Spektrum. Preparing for Final Examination

22 WEEK XV Midterm II

23 Literature John and Liz Soars The third Edition Pre-Intermediate Student’s book and workbook

24 After completing the course the student will be able to: to acquire elementary knowledge of English language skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading, and which are very important for learning a foreign language

25 Methodology Students will receive at least two 80 minute lectures on English language, and will be given homework related to main English grammar, vocabulary and communication. Students have to practice workbook exercises or more examples by giving different printed materials.

26 Assessment Assessment of students' knowledge is throughout the semester, including participation in lectures and exercises. The rating system is as follows: Participation: 10% Activity: 10 % Mid-term I Exam: 25 % Mid-term Ii Exam: 25 % Final Exam: 30 %

27 ACADEMIC POLICIES Attendance is a prerequisite for students who wish to gain proper knowledge of this subject. Students who attend regularly the course will be able to participate actively in class, giving their concrete contribution during interactive lectures and during exercise. Therefore, their contribution of their participation and learning and homework will be evaluated throughout the semester-percentage according to defined criteria.

28 Wish you successful studies Thank you PhD. Laura Naka


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