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Apuntes de octubre Los adverbios

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1 Apuntes 30-31 de octubre Los adverbios
Adverbs are words that modify verbs. Adverbs can also modify adjectives and other adverbs. The following words are common adverbs that you have seen and used. aquí hoy nunca ayer mal siempre bien muy temprano

2 Most adverbs end in –mente, equivalent to the English suffix –ly.
positivamente positively realmente really normalmente normally

3 To form adverbs, add –mente to the feminine form of the adjective.
If the adjective has the same form for masculine and feminine, add –mente to that form. adjective feminine form suffix adverb perfecto perfecta -mente perfectamente verdadero verdadera -mente verdaderamente fácil fácil -mente fácilmente

4 When a sentence contains more than one adverb, -mente
is attached only to the last adverb. El hombre nos habló clara y lentamente. The man spoke to us clearly and slowly.

5 Rápido can function as both an adjective and an adverb.
Tomamos un tren rápido. We’re taking a fast train. El tren va rápido. The train goes fast. You can also use the adverb rápidamente. El tren va rápidamente a Madrid. The train goes quickly to Madrid.

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