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1 Archetypes

2 Definition 1. the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kindare copied or on which they are based; a model or first form;prototype. 2. (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea,pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

3 Carl Jung There are FOUR components to our WHOLE person: *Persona
*Anima/Animus *Shadow *Self

4 Persona Latin word “mask” -our protection -social masks
How do we act around others, how do we want people to perceive us

5 Anima/Animus Feminine and Masculine
*how do we relate to the fluidity of of both What are masculine/feminine characteristics that we relate to? “True self”

6 Shadow Dark side of psyche *can represent chaos wildness
*our perceived weaknesses -Our perceived weaknesses may not actually be a weakness, but it is how we may perceive our negative qualities

7 Self *all aspects of our person
-unification of our conscious and unconscious

8 The Twelve Archetypes 7. Rebel Innocent (Child) 8. Creator
9. Ruler 10. Magician 11. Sage 12. Fooler or Jester Innocent (Child) Regular Guy/Regular Girl (Orphan) Hero Caregiver Explorer Lover

9 The Innocent (Child) “Life need not be hard”
Goal: to be happy, be safe Fear: abandonment, being punished for something wrong Strengths: trust and optimism Danger: may be blind to obvious weaknesses or deny them Shadow Side: Capacity for denial; you may be hurt but will repress that knowledge

10 Primrose Everdeen

11 Regular Guy/Regular Gal (Orphan) “Everyone matters just as they are”
Goal: Reclaim safety, connecting with others Fear: To be left out, exploitation Strengths: interdependence and pragmatic realism that is learned early on Danger: Tendency to be the victim or victimize, cynicism Shadow Side: The victim→ blames incompetence on others and expects special treatment. May attack or fall apart

12 Emma Swan Dr. John Watson

13 Hero “I’m here to save the day; Where there’s a will there’s a way”
Goal: To win; expert mastery Fear: Weakness, being vulnerable Strengths: Courage, discipline Danger: Can see others as enemies or obstacles in their way Shadow Side: The villain→ uses their talents for personal gain over people. Whenever we feel the need to compromise our principles to win

14 Harry Potter Katniss Everdeen

15 Caregiver “Love your neighbor as yourself”
Goal: To protect and help others Fear: Ingratitude and selfishness Strengths: Compassion, nurturing, generosity Danger: Martyrdom, being exploited by others Shadow Side: Suffering martyr, manipulative behaviors→ can never say no; co- dependence on others

16 Mrs. Weasley

17 Explorer “Discover the unknown, don’t tie me down!”
Goal: Searching for a better life, finding your true self through exploring Fear: Conformity, being trapped Strengths: Ambition, true identity Danger: Aimless wandering, inability to commit, isolation and loneliness Shadow Side: Perfectionist→ self-improvement at all times but cannot commit to one particular task; always striving to “measure up”

18 Other Ron Dora the Explorer

19 Lover “You’re the only one, ROMANCE”
Goal: Intimacy, bliss Fear: Being alone, loss of love, being unwanted Strengths: Passion, commitment, enthusiasm Danger: Objectifying others, trying to please others at risk of losing identity Shadow Side: The Sirens→ luring others away from their own quest; seducers “serial monogamists”

20 Gigi Phillips

21 Rebel “Rules are made to be broken”
Goal: Overturn what isn’t working, weeds the garden that helps it to grow→ death drive Fear: To be powerless, annihilation Strengths: Radical freedom, humility, capacity to let go Dangers: Self harm, carelessness for their own safety, out of control anger Shadow Side: Self-destructive behavior

22 John Bender

23 Creator: “If you can think it, it can be done”
Goals: Realize a vision, seek to prove reality outside their minds Fears: Inauthenticity, everything is an illusion Strengths:Vision, skill, imagination Weaknesses: perfectionism, self-indulgence Shadow Side: Obsessive, workaholic

24 They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. -Andy Warhol

25 Ruler: “Power isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”
Goals: order, create order and structure Fears: Chaos, losing power Strengths: leadership, responsibility Weaknesses: entitlement, controlling behaviors Shadow Side: the tyrant→ “off with his head”

26 Queen of Hearts

27 Magician “I make things happen”
Goals: to transform or change something Fears: Negative consequences; evil sorcery Strengths: Personal power, healing, finding solutions Weaknesses: manipulation of others Shadow Side: Evil Sorcerer→ belittling others or ourselves resulting in diminished self-esteem. Part of ourselves capable of making others ill

28 Rumplestiltskin

29 Sage: “The truth shall set you free”
Goals: to find truth Fears: deception, being fooled Strengths: wisdom, knowledge, skepticism of trickery Weaknesses: overly critical, inaction Shadow Side: Unfeeling judge→ heartless, pompous, dogmatic

30 Dumbledore Yoda Mr. Miyagi

31 Jester “You Only live once”
Goals: To live in the moment, enjoyment Fears: Being bored, not “feeling alive” Strengths: Freedom, humor, joy Weaknesses: irresponsibility con-artist, wasting time Shadow Side: glutton or sloth, only defined by urges with no self-control

32 Patrick Star Buddy the Elf

33 Archetypes in Scripture
Now it’s your turn to discover what archetypes you could argue for the following Biblical persons: Joseph Mary John the Baptist King Herod Jesus Peter Judas Iscariot Pharisees

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