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United States Naval Reserve

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1 United States Naval Reserve
Let The Journey Begin!

2 What is The Naval Reserve?
The Naval Reserve consists of highly trained men and women dedicated to serve in a support role to the active duty Navy. These sailors use their skills during times of war or national emergency to defend Freedom and Peace throughout the world.

3 How much time is required?
Reservist drill One Weekend (16 hours) a month. Saturday: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sunday: Two Weeks (12-16 days) Active duty per year

4 What are your Participation Obligations?
You must participate with the Naval Reserve for two years. You must complete any participation obligation acquired by participation in a financial incentive program. You are protected against being removed from your residency training program.

5 How much will you get paid?
$350 - $500 per weekend to start, dependend upon education and experience. Full pay and benefits while participating on your two week active duty training period.

6 Financial Incentive Programs
* STIPEND * Loan Repayment

7 STIPEND Program Draw monthly drill pay ~$350.00/month to start
Receive additional $ subsidy each month Agree to participate with the Naval Reserve two years for each year that you participate in the STIPEND program.

8 Loan Repayment Program
$50,000 total incentive award - $20,000 each year, first two years - $10,000 final year Payable upon completion of a satisfactory reserve year Medical School loan payments are authorized for this program.

9 Medical Program Opportunities?
PRIMUS (Physicians and Residents in Medical Universities and Schools) REFLEX (Naval Reserve Medical Reserve Flexible Drilling Option)

10 PRIMUS Reserve participation credit awarded for Residency training, hour for hour. Only (4) days of participation at a Reserve Facility required each year. Two week Annual Training requirement waived. Each year creditable toward a 20-year Reserve Retirement. No follow-on commitment to participate after your Residency is completed. Eligible participants include Residents participating and Professors training in critical shortage specialties.

11 REFLEX Allows Medical Program reservists the option to provide support in non-conventional capacities in lieu of the standard drill weekend. Examples include: * Continuing Medical Education * Contributory Support at military or federal treatment facilities Performance of military physicals in a civilian medical practice Rescheduled drill periods to non-drill days.

12 Why consider the Naval Reserve?
* Service to your country. * Opportunity to serve your community and the world. * Unique professional training. * Travel * Leadership training and experience. * Camaraderie

13 Recent Training Opportunities
Overseas - Naples, Italy - Rota, Spain - Bahrain, UAE - Cuba - Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia CONUS Guam - South Carolina Key West - Jacksonville, FL California - Alaska Chicago - Washington * Military Exercises * Hospital Ship Training Opportunities * Active Duty Recall (Voluntary)

14 United States Naval Reserve
Find out what it will take to Let Your Journey Begin!

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