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Outlining Your Speech The Body.

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1 Outlining Your Speech The Body

2 Introduction An outline is a speaker’s map. It gives form and direction to your organization. Allows you to know where you are going, where you are, and where you have been. Keeps you on track.

3 Components of a Speaking Outline
Purpose Statement I. Main heading (Roman numeral) A. Supporting material (capital letter) 1. Detail (number)

4 Purpose Statement Closely related to thesis
Placed at top of paper without Roman numerals, letters, or numbers States BOTH selected topic and specific purpose in speaking

5 Purpose Statement EXAMPLES
“The purpose of this speech is to inform the audience about the pros and cons of midyear high school graduation for seniors.” “The purpose of this speech is to explain to the audience the steps that a person must go through to become certified in lifesaving.”

6 Purpose Statement EXAMPLES
“The purpose of this speech is to persuade the group that immediate action must be taken if we wish to save our local environment.”

7 Purpose Statement In your actual speech, you might not say your purpose statement exactly as you have written it. Reword ideas to formulate thesis. Primary reminder of what your speech is going to be about.

8 Purpose Statement Outlining follows process of subordination, or ranking in terms of importance. P.S. is most important. Everything else falls under its direction.

9 Main Headings After purpose, what will be your main headings?
Major divisions, areas, or arguments of your purpose statement. Represent main ideas you wish to analyze. Indicated by Roman numerals

10 Main Headings EXAMPLE Purpose Statement: Main Headings:
The purpose of this speech is to show my audience the serious harms related to smoking. Main Headings: I. Smoking can lead to significant health problems for the smoker. II. Smoking can even affect the health of others innocently in the vicinity of the smoker. III. Smoking can contribute to economic problems. Italicized items show clear division of exactly what is going to be addressed in speech.

11 Supporting Material Provide intensification and reinforcement for the main headings. Listed under main headings; each main heading has its own supporting statements. “Now I would like to get more specific” sections of the speech. Examples, personal stories, pertinent observations, etc.

12 Supporting Material Must be logically narrower and more specific than main heading. Also links back to support the purpose statement. Identified by capital letters Key word or phrase should be enough

13 Supporting Materials EXAMPLE
The purpose of this speech is to show my audience the serious harms related to smoking. I. Smoking can lead to significant health problems for the smoker. A. Lung disease often results. B. Thousands die each year. C. Members of my family are among the victims.

14 Details One step deeper, narrowing the outline
Provides information that breaks down the supporing material to pinpoint accuracy. Can include names, dates, events, numbers, or personal accounts to impress listeners and solidify your point.

15 Details EXAMPLE The purpose of this speech is to show my audience the serious harms related to smoking. I. Smoking can lead to significant health problems for the smoker. A. Lung disease often results. 1. Men are at 40 percent greater risk than women. 2. Smoking causes over 60 percent of all lung problems. B. Thousands die each year. 1. 390,000 die annually. 2. Over 100,000 are under the age of 50. 3. 20 percent are teenagers. C. Members of my family are among the victims.

16 Details Add illustrations and analogies for depth.
Illustration is an example that clarifies your point or adds a human note Analogy is a comparison that uses something familiar to explain or describe something less familiar.

17 Details EXAMPLE The purpose of this speech is to show my audience the serious harms related to smoking. I. Smoking can lead to significant health problems for the smoker. C. Members of my family are among the victims. (PERSONAL ILLUSTRATIONS): 1. My grandfather died from lung disease cause by smoking. 2. My father has to take oxygen twice a week.

18 Details EXAMPLES Analogy:
Given the dangers of smoking that we know today, beginning smoking now is like boarding the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.

19 Details It IS possible to go still further and subdivide the details of your outline, but this isn’t generally a good idea. Both you and your audience have to keep track of where you are in your speech. Make things meaningful, but keep organization simple and easy to follow.

20 Proper Outlining Form Notice how each part is indented differently.
Each part should contain at least two items. If you have an “A”, you should at least have a “B”. If you have a “1”, you should have a “2”.

21 Proper Outlining Form Outlining means order, order means effective organization, and effective organization means you’ll be in charge.

22 EXAMPLE Positive Role of Laughter
Read sample and write out the components of the Body portion of the outline I. A. 1. 2. B.

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