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Welcome Local Area 10 WIOA Career Services
Request for Proposals Technical Assistance Meeting March 7, 2017
Career Services for Richland and Crawford counties:
General Information Career Services for Richland and Crawford counties: The OhioMeansJobs delivery system is the foundation of the workforce system. Pursuant to section 134 (c)(1) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), funds allocated to the local area for adults and dislocated workers shall be used to establish an OhioMeansJobs delivery system, to provide career services to adults and dislocated workers, to provide training services to adults and dislocated workers, to establish and develop relationships with large and small employers and their intermediaries, and to develop, convene , or implement industry and sector partnerships. Local workforce development boards (WDB) determine the most appropriate mix of these services, but both career and training services must be available for eligible adults and dislocated workers.
Career and training services, tailored to the individual needs of jobseekers, form the backbone of the OhioMeansJobs delivery system. While some jobseekers may only need self-service or other basic career services, others will need services that are more comprehensive and tailored to their individual career needs. The WIOA adult and dislocated worker programs are designed to provide services, employment, and training opportunities to those who can benefit from, and who are in need of, such services. A wide range of activities and services must be available to assist individuals in obtaining the skills and credentials necessary to secure and advance in employment.
WIOA Adult Eligibility
Individuals wishing to receive employment and training services funded through the adult and dislocated worker programs must meet all of the following requirements: 1. Be legally authorized to work in the United States; 2. Be 18 years of age or older; 3. Be properly registered for selective service (refer to WIOAPL No , Selective Service Registration , for details, including the list of exceptions to this requirement). There are no additional eligibility criteria for the adult program. However, priority for career and training services funded by and provided through the adult program shall be given to recipients of public assistance, other low-income individuals, and individuals who are basic skills deficient for receipt of those career services determined appropriate to obtain or retain employment.
WIOA Dislocated worker Eligibility
Additional Statutory Eligibility Requirements for Dislocated Workers In addition to the requirements listed above, an individual must also fall into one or more of the following eligibility categories as outlined in section 3(15)(A-E) of WIOA: Category A: Terminated or Laid Off, or Received a Notice of Termination or Layoff From Employment Has been terminated or laid off or has received a notice of termination or layoff from employment; AND Is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation; OR Has been employed for a duration sufficient to demonstrate attachment to the workforce, but is not eligible for unemployment compensation due to insufficient earnings or having performed services for an employer that were not covered under a state unemployment compensation law; AND Is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation.
Category C: Self-Employed Individual
Was self-employed (including employment as a farmer, a rancher, or a fisherman) but is unemployed as a result of natural disasters; or general economic conditions in the community where the individual resides. Category D: Displaced Homemaker Is a displaced homemaker. Category E: Military Spouse Is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty (as defined in section 101(d)(1) of title 10, United States Code), and who has experienced a loss of employment as a direct result of relocation to accommodate a permanent change in duty state of such member; OR Is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and who meets the criteria of a displaced homemaker who is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.
Basic Career Services Basic career services are available to the universal customer, who is anyone coming to an OhioMeansJobs center seeking assistance. These services are informational services and may require limited to no assistance for OhioMeansJobs center staff. Provision of these services does not require registration into the WIOA adult or dislocated worker programs. Those services available to the universal customer include: 1. Determinations of whether the individual is eligible to receive WIOA services; 2. Outreach, intake (which may include worker profiling), and orientation to the information and other services available through the workforce development delivery system; 3. Initial assessment of skill levels, including literacy, numeracy, and English language proficiency, as well as aptitudes, abilities (including skills gaps), and supportive service needs; 4. Labor exchange services, including: · Job search and placement assistance, and when needed by an individual, career counseling, including: · Provision of information on in-demand industry sectors and occupations; and · Provision of information on nontraditional employment
Basic Career Services Provision of workforce and labor market employment statistical information, which may be found on This service includes the provision of accurate information relating to local, regional, and national labor market areas, including: · Job vacancy listings in such labor market areas; · Information on job skills necessary to obtain the vacant jobs; and · Information relating to local occupations in demand and the earnings, skill requirements, and opportunities for advancement for such occupations; 6. Provision of performance information and program cost information on the eligible providers of training services by program and type of providers; 7. Provision of referrals to and coordination of activities with other programs and services, Including programs and services within the OhioMeansJobs delivery system and, in appropriate cases, other workforce development programs; 8. Provision of information regarding how the local is performing on the local performance accountability measures and any additional performance information with respect to the OhioMeansJobs delivery system in the local area; 9. Provision of information relating to the availability of supportive services or assistance, and appropriate referrals to those services and assistance
Basic Career Services 10. Provision of information and assistance regarding filing claims for unemployment compensation, by which the OhioMeansJobs center must provide meaningful assistance to individuals seeking assistance in filing a claim for unemployment compensation; 11. Assistance in establishing eligibility for programs of financial aid assistance for training and education programs not funded through WIOA; and 12. Group workshops (e.g., interviewing, job search, and resume writing).
Individualized Career SErvices
Per section 134 (c)(2)(A)(xii) of WIOA, some career services are available to adults and dislocated workers if determined to be appropriate in order obtain or retain employment. These career services involve staff making a determination on needs of an individual and arranging those services to be provided to the participant. Individualized career services require enrollment in the WIOA program and include short-term pre-vocational services. These career services include:
Individualized Career services
1. Comprehensive and specialized assessments of the skill levels and service needs of adults and dislocated workers, which may include: · Diagnostic testing and use of other assessment tools; and · In-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers and appropriate employment goals. 2. Development of an individual employment plan (IEP) to identify all of the following: · Employment goals; · Appropriate achievement objectives; · Appropriate combination of services for the participant to achieve the employment goals, including providing information on eligible training providers and career pathways to attain career objectives. IEPs are one of the most effective ways to serve individuals with barriers to employment and to coordinate the various services, including training services they may need to overcome these barriers. Therefore , all participants who receive an individualized career service or a training service pursuant to WIOA PL No , Training Services for Adults and Dislocated Workers , must receive an IEP.
Individualized Career services
3. Group counseling; 4. Individual counseling; 5. Career planning; 6. Short-term prevocational services to prepare individuals for unsubsidized employment or Training, which include: · Development of learning skills; · Communication skills; · Interviewing skills; · Punctuality; · Personal maintenance skills; · Professional conduct
Individualized Career services
7. Internships and work experiences that are linked to careers; 8. Workforce preparation activities; 9. Financial literacy services; 10. Out-of-area job search assistance and relocation assistance; 11. English language acquisition and integrated education and training programs; and 12. Provision of job club activities.
Business Services OJT is a type of training that is provided by an employer to a participant. During the training, the participant is engaged in productive work in a job for which he or she is paid, and the training provides knowledge or skills necessary to the full and adequate performance of the job. Employers must commit to hire and retain the participant at the end of a successful training period. OJT activities support the development of a workforce with skills that meet the needs of employers and provide additional training options for workers and employers. OJT provides an incentive to employers to hire individuals and invest in their skill development, and trainees can earn a wage as they learn. It is a critical tool that helps job seekers enter successful employment. Detailed procedural guidelines are found in the On-the-Job Training Guidance Manual. This manual is updated as needed to reflect any necessary changes in implementation OJTs. Copies are available online at .
Business Services Work-based training is employer-driven with the goal of unsubsidized employment after participation. Generally, work-based training involves a commitment by an employer or employers to fully employ successful participants after they have completed the program. It can be an effective training strategy that can provide additional opportunities for participants and employers in both finding high quality work and in developing a high quality workforce. Work-based models can be effectively used to target different job seekers and employer needs. Incumbent worker training (IWT) is one type of work-based training model and is designed to either assist workers in obtaining the skills necessary to retain employment or to avert layoffs and must increase both a participant's and a company's competitiveness. Local workforce development areas may use up to 20 percent of their local adult and dislocated worker formula funds for incumbent worker training. The training should, wherever possible, allow the participant to gain industry-recognized training experience.
Outcome and Performance Expectations
WIOA Performance Measures: Placement in Employment/Education/Training Retention in Employment/Education/Training Median Earnings Credential Attainment Rate (degree/certificate) Measurable Skills Gain Employer Measure (to be determined)
RFP Schedule Date: February 23, 2017 Date RFP Released
Date: March 7, 2017 Technical Assistance Conference @ Richland JFS Date: April 12, 2017 Deadline for Written Questions Date: April 19, 2017 Deadline for Submitting Letter of Intent Date: May 3, 2017 Deadline for Submitting Proposals (by 4:00 PM) Date: May 8-12, 2017 Proposal Review Date: no later than May 18, 2017 Notification of Award(s) Date: May 18 – June 2, 2017 Protest Period Date: June 5-9, 2017 Contract Negotiations Date: July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 Funding Period
Written Questions All questions must be submitted in writing via the website at Questions must be submitted no later than April 12, Written responses will be posted at by April 25, 2017. Capacity effectiveness, co-participants o.k., legal status, audit
Proposal Qualifications
Governmental Entities Private-for-Profit Agencies Non-Profit Agencies Corporations Local Educational Agencies - demonstrate history of working with youth - demonstrate fiscal independence - demonstrate willingness to collaborate - demonstrate willingness to collaborate with OMJ Centers
Submission of Proposals
Proposals must be submitted to: Richland County Board of Commissioners 50 Park Avenue East Mansfield, Ohio Submit one (1) unbound original and five (5) unbound copies and one USB copy Hand-delivered proposals must be received (date stamped) by 4:00 PM on May 3, 2017 Mailed proposals must be sent via certified or registered mail and post-marked no later than May 3, 2017
Evaluation Criteria Minimum Standards Review
The proposal was submitted before the closing time and date. The applicant organization/agency is not on the Federal Debarment list. All required program elements are present for youth being served. The applicant organization/agency is fiscally solvent The applicant organization/agency is not solely dependent on WIOA or TANF funding for ongoing operations. The individual signing the proposal and assurances has the authority to do so. The applicant organization/agency agrees to meet all federal, state and local compliance requirements.
Evaluation Criteria Initial Checklist Review
Proposal was received at the Richland County Board of Commissioners on May 3, 2017 or post-marked no later than May 3, 2017 Letter of Intent was received by April 19, 2017 All assurances were signed and submitted with the proposal Organizational Cover Sheet was signed by an authorized representative and submitted with the proposal Budget Worksheet was submitted with the proposal Narrative was submitted with the proposal *Proposals that pass the initial review (minimum standards and checklist review) will be considered valid and will move on to the final review. Those that do not, will be filed as rejected.
Evaluation Criteria Final Review
All valid proposals will be reviewed, evaluated and rated by a review committee Valid proposals will be evaluated using criteria outlined in the RFP (additional information may be requested) Valid proposals will be rated using the WIOA Youth RFP Evaluation rating sheet
Evaluation Criteria Organizational Qualifications and Experience
20 Points Program Elements/Implementation Plan 30 Points Program Outcomes & Deliverables Financial Accountability
Format Specifications/Checklist
1. Received on time 2. Letter of Intent (submitted by April 19, 2017) 3. Assurances-signed/submitted ( 4. Organization Cover Sheet —signed/ submitted 5. Budget —completed/submitted 6. Narrative
Contract Award Target date — June 5, 2017
Contract negotiations — June 5 - 9, 2017
Reporting Requirements
Invoices due by 5th working day of month Participant Roster (monthly) Bi-monthly progress reports (goals) Monthly expense report, final expense report, final accrual worksheet Local performance objectives reports (quarterly)
Contacts Program: Teresa Alt 419-774-5442
Fiscal: Carmen Torrence Marci Kopp
Resources National Association of Workforce Boards
Websites National Association of Workforce Boards U.S Dept. of Labor Employment & Training Administration
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