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Unit One Here we go….

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1 Unit One Here we go…

2 Chemistry The relationship between the properties and structure of matter. Always evolving…it is what chemists do!

3 Chemistry Define serendipity. Alexander Fleming Penicillin, vulcanized rubber Any study of science starts with the scientific method. It is a systematic gathering of information.

4 Chemistry Demonstration # 1. The rising column.

5 Chemistry Demonstration # 2. Are my eyes deceiving me?

6 Summer’s OVER…… Convert: 150 meter to millimeters 97.4 grams to kilograms kilograms to milligrams

7 Qualitative vs. Quantitative
Qualitative- describes a property without using numbers. Quantitative- describes a property with numbers.

8 Qualitative vs. Quantitative
Give an example of a qualitative measurement of size, color, brightness, length. Give an example of a quantitative measurement of size, color, brightness, length.

9 Accuracy vs. Precision Accuracy – how close a measurement is to the true value. Precision – how close a set of measurements are to each other

10 Accuracy vs. Precision

11 Who is Accurate? Who is Precise?

12 Accuracy vs. Precision To estimate the accuracy of a measurement, it has to be compared to the correct value. Usually done as a percentage.

13 Accuracy vs. Precision % Error = accepted - experimental  X 100 accepted value

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