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Warm Up 2/16 Think about the muckrakers and and the corruption/atrocities that were exposed. As a citizen, what issue is the most important to you? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 2/16 Think about the muckrakers and and the corruption/atrocities that were exposed. As a citizen, what issue is the most important to you? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 2/16 Think about the muckrakers and and the corruption/atrocities that were exposed. As a citizen, what issue is the most important to you? What should have priority in getting fixed?

2 Progressive Era Presidents
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt ( ) William Taft ( ) Woodrow Wilson ( )

3 Roosevelt The “Bully Pulpit” TR gave speeches throughout the US to stir up support from the people to force Congress to enact progressive reform legislation. -Promoted a New Nationalism- emphasized using strong presidential power to achieve Progressive goals

4 1902 Anthracite Coal Strike
Miners in Eastern Pennsylvania strike against their employer for higher wages, shorter hours First labor dispute in which U.S. intervened as a neutral arbitrator TR forced the mine owners to negotiate with the United Mine Workers Union Workers received a wage increase and reduction of work hours

5 Square Deal 3 C’s: Control Corporations Conservation
Sherman Anti-Trust Act-Restore competition, bust the “bad” trusts. Conservation Antiquities Land Act to create national parks and national forests Irrigation projects in southwest deserts National Forest Service established (1905) Consumer Protection (1906) Meat Inspection Act  meat sanitation standards (1906) Pure Food and Drug Act  required truthful labeling

6 Taft Major Accomplishments:
William Howard Taft - Hand-picked by TR to succeed him as president Major Accomplishments: More successful “trust-buster” than TR; bringing 70 cases in 4 years (Roosevelt had 40 in 7 years) 16th Amendment federal income tax – went into effect in 1913

7 Divide between Teddy/Taft
Taft never took advantage of the “bully pulpit” Payne-Aldrich Tariff; only moderated the rates of tariffs Forced TR’s Interior Secretary to resign Roosevelt (and Progressives) felt betrayed Teddy formed a third party to run in 1912 Progressive Party or Bull Moose Party

8 The Election of 1912

9 Wilson’s New Philosophy New Freedom
Tariff Reform- Lowered for first time since 1857 Business reform- Stop illegal business practices Banking reform- Federal Reserve - Opposed TR’s version of Progressivism (New Nationalism) which promoted a strong president and a regulation of “good” trusts

10 Wilson Accomplishments
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913-provide government regulation of the banking and currency systems Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914-strengthened trust-busting powers Federal Trade Commission (FTC)-oversee business activity and prevent illegal restrictions on competition

11 Wilson Accomplishments
17th Amendment (1913) provided for the direct election of U.S. Senators by the people 18th Amendment (1919) prohibited the manufacture, sale and distribution of alcohol 19th Amendment (1920) granted women the right to vote

12 Activity Comparing- Graphic Organizer
Use list of terms to appropriately label each trait with the Presidential candidate (There may be some similarities) This will be collected at the end of class.

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