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Yr 10 ARMY Platoon Harbour Drills

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1 Yr 10 ARMY Platoon Harbour Drills

2 Practice, Practice, Practice
Yr 10 Army platoon harbour drills are not to be a lecture but a practical lesson. (walk through talk through) Remember EDIP Explain Demonstrate correctly Imitation by the Cadets Practice, Practice, Practice These slide are to help your knowledge to then teach the practically side of Platoon harbour drills on Friday.

3 AIM: To make everyone in RHS ARMY Section aware of how we will conduct a triangular platoon harbour so we all do the same thing on field day.

4 Triangular Harbour

5 Phases to establishing a harbour 1. Selection 2. Occupation 3. Clearance Patrols 4. Sentries 5. Work Routine NB: The ground and tactical situation dictate.

6 1. SELECTION Can be done by map, air photo, aerial recce or on the ground. Final location must be confirmed by recce. Mission: harbour located so that best assists with Msn. Location. Factors to consider. Must have radio communication. (No coms no boms) Easily defendable. Good cover from view (ground and air) & preferably fire. Away from human habitation and activity. Reasonable route in and out. Access for re-supply. Roads/Tracks/ HLS. Access to a source of water.

7 1.SELECTION Avoid An obvious position.
A known or suspected enemy position or old- enemy position. Ridge lines or crests which may be used as routes. Roads, tracks, En routes. Wetlands, pet bogs. Steep slopes. Small valleys. Live stock.

8 Stop short of intended location. Break track if necessary.
2. OCCUPATION Intended platoon harbour Stop short of intended location. Break track if necessary. Snap Ambush. HQ Wood Snap ambush Break tack Track Direction of travel 100M Scale

9 OCCUPATION 1. Snap Ambush

10 Triangle or Liner shape
Snap Ambush Triangle or Liner shape Pl HQ 1 Sect

11 Snap Ambush 2 Sect Pl HQ 1 Sect

12 Snap Ambush 3 Sect 2 Sect Pl HQ 1 Sect

13 2. OCCUPATION Recce. Recce party: Pl Comd, Sig, Runner, 3 Sect Comd, 3 LSW’s. Pl Sgt remains in command of main body in ambush sight. Pl comd designates HQ, 6, 10 & 2 o’clock positions. Sig moves to Pl HQ establishes communication. LSW gunners sighted at 6, 10 & 2 positions. 10 2 HQ 6 Recce party Wood Snap ambush Break tack Track Direction of travel 100M Scale


15 2. OCCUPATION Rejoining of the Pl
1 sect comd & runner go back to the platoon and lead the main body in single file to the 6 o’clock position where they are met by their sect comd. Each section commander individually positions their Cadets on the ground along the line their section occupies in the harbour and gives them arcs of fire. 2 Section 10 2 HQ 3 Section 1 Section 6

16 2. Occupation 10 O’clock 2 O’clock Pl HQ 1 Sect 6 O’clock

17 2. Occupation 2 Sect 10 O’clock 2 O’clock Pl HQ 1 Sect 6 O’clock

18 2. Occupation 2 Sect 10 O’clock 2 O’clock Pl HQ 3 Sect 1 Sect

19 2. OCCUPATION Stand too Individuals remove their burgan and take up a fire position behind the burgan covering their arcs of fire. Pl comd checks positions and inter locking arcs of fire with sect comd’s.

20 3. Clearance Patrols Clearance Patrols out
On the signal from the Pl comd each section sends out a ptl. Sect 2ic plus one or two leave via neighbouring sect LSW position and return in via their own LSW position. Ptl’s go out as far as sight, sound or smell of the harbour. Looking for: Enemy or recent enemy activity. Possible enemy approach routes. Unexpected obstacles- mine fields, wire fences, ditches. Streams and dominating ground. Possible ERV locations. How the harbour looks. Once clearance patrols are back in they must report back to Pl commander what they have done and seen.

21 3. Clearance Patrols 2 Section 2 10 HQ 1 Section 3 Section 6

22 4. SENTRIES Sentries are posted:
Beyond the limit of sight, sound or smell from the harbour. One per section out from the apex’s should suffice. Early warning of any enemy approaching or passing. Communication back to the harbour by coms cord and/or radio is essential. Sentries should not open fire except in self defence. Sentries are only posted beyond the limits of the harbour area during day light. (Single) Apex of gun positions by night. (Double) Staggered stag list.

23 4. Sentries by Day 2 Section 2 10 HQ 1 Section 3 Section 6

24 4. Sentries by Night 2 Section 10 HQ 1 Section 3 Section 6

25 Sentries protection & security

26 5. WORK ROUTINE Sentries out provides protection for the rest of the platoon to strengthen the harbour. Stand-to positions and shell scrapes out side of perimeter cord. Track plan. Perimeter cord. Ankle to Knee height day. Waist height night. Laying of coms cord or field telephones from sentry positions to section comd to Pl comd. Sheet shelters. Put up at last light and down before first light. During poor weather conditions or at Pl comd’s discretion. Latrine location and digging. Confirmatory orders. Future operations ERV location, withdrawal procedure and route out. Sentry rosters, resupply, personal admin.

27 Coms cord Track plan Bashas up

28 HQ

5 Phases to establishing a harbour 1. Selection 2. Occupation 3. Clearance Patrols 4. Sentries 5. Work Routine NB: The ground and tactical situation dictate.

30 ? The five stages are?

5 Phases to establishing a harbour 1. Selection 2. Occupation 3. Clearance Patrols 4. Sentries 5. Work Routine NB: The ground and tactical situation dictate.

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