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Midyear Progress of AWP Presentation

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1 Midyear Progress of AWP Presentation
20 – 21 September 2015 Ambassador Hotel Mohamed Mahad Dam Executive Director

2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Planned Activities and Achievements
2. Enabling Factors for the Achievements 3. Lessons learned 4. Challenges 5. Priorities for the remaining period 2

3 Planned Activities Key Achievements
Activity 1. 1 Scale up and extend FGM abandonment University Clubs for youth engagement on zero tolerance to all types FGM to the Universities in Borama, Gabiley, Berbera and Burao Created 6 more anti-FGM clubs in Somaliland Universities and colleges and produced 36 activists who are members of FGM clubs and actively carryout activities in the universities in four regions. Activity Sensitization meetings for the university clubs on FGM/GBV and child marriage In three big meetings, 210 university students openly discussed all issues surrounding FGM and committed to campaign for zero tolerance against all forms of FGM in Somaliland. This was a great achievement as Somali students do not often discuss sensitive issues including human reproductive organs and GBV and child marriage. Activity 1.3 Expanding HIV/AIDS school clubs into new schools (integration with GBV/FGM ) Created 3 clubs in Somaliland high schools and integrated HIV and AIDS and GBV. Produced 21 more activists/peer educators who are also members of school clubs and carryout activities in their respective schools.

4 Planned Activities Key Achievements
Activity 2.1 Commemoration International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, 6th February 2015 Commemorated for International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM on 6th February Submitted messages against all forms of FGM directly more than 100 participants and thousands through the mass media. All provided messages on this day on Y-PEER Facebook Page which gathers 10,000 young people. Activity 2.2 Engage local Musicians, poets and dramatists to develop and enforce messages on FGM abandonment Engaged 30 artists, musicians, poets and dramatists to the campaign against FGM. They developed and enforced messages on FGM abandonment. 2.4 Commemoration of International Youth Day Somaliland Y-PEER commemorated the International Youth Day 2015 in a very large event which saw the participation of more than 100 youth leaders. Somaliland Y-PEER launched youth civic engagement and leadership initiatives on this occasion. Activity 2.7 Development, printing and distribution of GBV Somali comic booklet Produced and disseminated 350 copies of GBV booklets and 200 brochures among youth in Somaliland. The booklet provides brief but important messages on all issues surrounding GBV. Activity 2.8 Production of Radio spots on FGM and HIV/AIDS Produced two radio spots on all issues surrounding GBV and aired on radio Hargeisa 50 non-consecutive days.

5 Enabling Factors to the Achievements
Y-PEER has a close working relationship to Ministry of Education which provided us the permission to work with Schools. Y-PEER has engaged 2-3 previously trained University students in each University to act like conversation and questions starters. These student become as the ice-breakers to ask sensitive questions and the new student followed to do the same. Y-PEER has a communications guideline which explains the process of message development and event organizing. Such guideline contributed the success of the book development and also commemoration events.

6 Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Approved FGM policy is required as the Government cannot now take an action against TBA performing the FGM on girls. Many young people are asking about this law and making it in effect with the endorsement from the religious leaders will provide a strong position for the advocates of zero tolerance to FGM in the country. Engaging young people and male advocates strongly addresses believes on FGM that we need to change including practicing “sunna type” Using a social media is an effective way of mobilising young people to discuss sensitive issues that they can't openly talk while they are with other people. Y-PEER creates discussions in its Facebook page and young people receive messages and information through this page. Low awareness on reproductive health issues among young people in Somaliland as per the pre-test interviews of Somaliland Y-PEER trainings.

7 Challenges and way forward:
No approved FGM policy in Somaliland. This limits the authorities of law enforcement against FGM practitioners. Silence of the popular religious scholars. This issue is perceived as a donor driven initiative. We need the Ministry of Religion to go further and engage more Islamic scholars. Sunna type: This is serious issue as FGM practionners do whatever they like and claim that they applied only sunna type. Resistance for some religious leaders on the total abandonment of FGM. Some of them prefer our messages to encourage “sunni type” which is not acceptable. Y-PEER insists in total abandonment of all forms of FGM. In addition, some leaders of rural communities believe in sunna type of FGM and suggest their community to apply accordingly. Limited resources to reach all young people across the country. Latest population estimate survey shows that 67% of the population of Somalis are between the age of Yet, we reach out far less number. We suggest that we expand the Y-PEER programs reaching out young people. Limited methods that are easily accessible available for reproductive health except oral contraceptives commercially sold in the country.

8 Way forward: Increasing and expanding of youth to youth initiatives against all forms of FGM Identification of the Islamic scholars and encouraging them to stand clear position against all forms of FGM in Somaliland. This means, getting religious leaders in all regions and towns to officially declare that they abandoned FGM practices in their respective localities. Getting approved FGM policy that is in effect. This means, advocating for the approval of FGM policy. Incorporating efforts against FGM in the upcoming National Development Plan as the old one comes to an end in 2016.

9 Priorities for the remaining period
1.3 Expanding HIV/AIDS school clubs new schools(integration with GBV/FGM) Particularly schools activities, morning updates Conduct training for 333 school and university authorities and pupils (both males and females) on basic concepts of GBV and setting up the anti GBV clubs in schools and universities 3.0 Support school debates, symposiums, quizzes and sports on the role of the school as and universities on GBV prevention and promote protection campaign for women, girls and boys. Increase the number of youth and adolescents getting HIV and GBV information through y-peer Facebook page by 20% (12,000)

10 Achievements photos University Sensitization meetings
FGM University clubs Formation and Training University Sensitization meetings

11 Achievements photos

12 Commemoration of International FGM day
Achievements photos Commemoration of International FGM day

13 Achievements photos

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