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Spreadsheet Manager Training Module

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1 Spreadsheet Manager Training Module
DSS Training Material Spreadsheet Manager Training Module Spreadsheet Manager Module NBI Secretariat

2 What you learn in this module?
This module Introduces you to Spreadsheet concepts and uses. Spreadsheet Manager basics. Spreadsheet formatting and visualization Handling changes and metadata Advanced spreadsheet tasks

3 Spreadsheet Concepts and Uses

4 Spreadsheet concepts and uses
What is a spreadsheet? A spreadsheet, also known as a worksheet, contains rows and columns and is used to record, compare, and process numerical, logical or text data.

5 Spreadsheet concepts and uses
What are the uses of spreadsheet? Examples are: Accounting, budgeting, sales forecasting and financial analysis Teachers can use them to store and average grades Other individuals can use them to track a personal budget or store sports team statistics. Scientists mostly use spreadsheets for math calculations and some basic database functions and for creating charts of - for example - time series data.

6 The Spreadsheet Manager Components
The Spreadsheet Explorer The Spreadsheet window area. Tools Explorer window The Properties Window.

7 The Spreadsheet Manager functions
The DSS Spreadsheet manager function categories Database and list management. Date and Time. Financial. Information Logical Lookup and reference Math and trigonometry

8 The Spreadsheet Manager functions (2)
The DSS Spreadsheet manager function categories Statistical Text Analysis toolpak Range GIS Time Series Indicator DSS Scripts DSS Related

9 Review Questions Question 1: What is a spreadsheet?
Question 2: Give two examples of the spreadsheet uses. Question 3: List 4 built-in function categories of the spreadsheet manager focusing on DSS added functionality Question 4: The financial function category has functions related to the DSS objects (i.e. Time series data). (True/False)

10 Spreadsheet Manager Basics

11 Spreadsheet Manager basics
Spreadsheet window can be used for: Data entry Formatting Visualization.

12 The Spreadsheet Toolbar
The spreadsheet view toolbar allows you to do the following tasks:

13 The Spreadsheet Toolbar (cont.)
The spreadsheet view toolbar allows you to do the following tasks:

14 The Spreadsheet Context Menus
The cell context menu Editing operations such as cut, copy, paste and paste special the content of a cell. ???  Cell manipulation operations such as adding, deleting, formatting and clear formatting of a cell or a number of cells. Insert a comment into the selected cell Various navigation operations such as 'GoTo' (a cell or a reference), 'Find and Replace' text or a formula and explore the properties of a range or the whole worksheet Insert a hyperlink into the selected cell.

15 The Spreadsheet Context Menus
The chart context menu Editing operations such as cut, copy or paste the selected chart. Set the order of the select chart (back or front of the cells) Various navigation operations such as 'GoTo' (a cell or a reference) and explore the properties of the selected chart or the whole worksheet Insert a hyperlink into the selected cell or chart

16 Exercises and Review Questions
Exercise 1: Activating the Spreadsheet Manager Exercise 2: Adding and renaming a 'user defined' groups Exercise 3: Adding a new Spreadsheet Exercise 4: Opening and adding data into and saving a spreadsheet Exercise 5: Adding a new sheet into a spreadsheet Question 1: Describe the components of the spreadsheet view. Question 2: You can insert a chart using the toolbar within the spreadsheet view. (True\False) Question 3: The chart context menu is used to deal with cell operations. (True/False)

17 Spreadsheet Data Formatting and Visualization

18 Spreadsheet Data formatting and visualization
Data can be formatted using the 'Range' explorer to deal with various formatting requirements such as number format, cell content alignment, fonts, borders and interior conditional formatting.

19 Spreadsheet Data formatting and visualization
Visualizing data in a chart can also be achieved using the following chart types: Basic (Column, line , pie, bar or area) charts Scatter Stock Bubble Radar

20 Exercises and Review Questions
Exercise 1: Formatting spreadsheet cells Exercise 2: Visualizing data in a chart Exercise 3: Customizing a chart Question 1: List three formatting options that are available in the 'Range' Explorer. Question 2: List three formatting options that are available in the 'Chart' Explorer. Question 3:3D charts are not available in the Spreadsheet manager. (True/False)

21 Handling Changes and Metadata

22 Handling changes and metadata
Displayed in the Properties window. All operations are logged from recent to old. Metadata can be imported and edited.

23 Exercises and Review Questions
Exercise 1: Handling Spreadsheet data change Log Exercise 2: Handling Metadata Question 1: Explain how spreadsheet metadata schema is imported and updated in the DSS. Question 2: The DSS keeps track of all the operations made on a spreadsheet. (True/False) Question 3: When a spreadsheet metadata schema is imported into the DSS, can this schema be made available for time series data? (True/False)

24 Advanced Spreadsheet Tasks

25 Advanced Spreadsheet tasks
More advanced tasks can be undertaken in the Spreadsheet Manager such as : Using built-in functions These can be used in a similar way to MS Excel using the function tool bar menu. More functions can be inserted from a list Functions can be added by typing an '=' sign followed by the function name.

26 Advanced Spreadsheet tasks
More advanced tasks can be undertaken in the Spreadsheet Manager such as : Importing and exporting data Data can be imported into a spreadsheet either directly from the DSS database or from an excel file. Data can also be exported into an Excel format. This is all done seamlessly within the DSS user interface.

27 Advanced Spreadsheet tasks
More advanced tasks can be undertaken in the Spreadsheet Manager such as : Using scripts in a spreadsheet If you are familiar with 'macros' in Microsoft Excel, their equivalent in the DSS is called 'Scripts'. They both help in automating common repetitive tasks. Scripts can be called in similar way to functions by typing the '=' sign followed by the script name A script can be also associated with a button and is called when this button is clicked

28 Exercises and Review Questions
Exercise 1: Using built-in functions in a spreadsheet Exercise 2: Importing time series data Exercise 3: Importing a spreadsheet Exercise 4: Exporting spreadsheet data to the database Exercise 5: Using a script as a spreadsheet function Exercise 6: Using a script with a button Question 1: List the related DSS function categories? Question2: A script cannot be used as a function in a spreadsheet. (True\False)?

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