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Case Study: Real Life Unified Architecture Value

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1 Case Study: Real Life Unified Architecture Value
George Tzavelas – INTEC SA, Greece

2 Agenda Introduction Case Study: Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring Challenges Solution

3 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
The Project European Union funded pilot project Economic Drives Measurement and Reduction of utilities bills Electrical Power (building) Water Natural Gas Street Lighting Problems to Solve Customers Municipality School Black Box, reliable solution, 24x7 Continuous Operation Product Support Low Cost, Fast implimenttaion

4 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Solution Matrikon Modbus UA Gateway Device Schneider Electric Powermeter with Modbus RS485 Water: simple pulse meter Natural Gas: measuring hours of NG boiler Temperature: Sensor Microsoft Azure (cloud) Matrikon UA Proxy Matrikon OPC Client for ODBC MySQL database with calculations Customer Portal Final destination of data

5 Data Collection :Modbus Challenges
No Timestamps Available Difficult to Interpret Not Secure Simple Data Many Variations of the Protocol

6 Alternatives 1) Industrial PC 2) Media Convertor (Modbus to Ethernet)
+ Secure - Cost -Maintenance (Windows Patches etc) 2) Media Convertor (Modbus to Ethernet) + Cost - Security - May need more than one per location

7 Solution: UA Modbus Gateway
Hardware Gateway Connections to Modbus Devices Secure down to device layer Microsoft Windows not required Uses TCP and Serial communications Remote Locations Space limitations Environmental factors Power limitation (solar) Configure remotely

8 UA Modbus Gateway Benefits
Replace PC’s with embedded devices, no more maintaining Windows Reduced Cost of Ownership Can be installed in existing hardware cabinets without needing to install new PC Low Space Profile Enables secure data down to the device level Enables Secure Data Transfer No need to get IT to purchase /maintain Engineering can maintain ownership No Need for IT PLC data is available to view on tablets and other mobile devices because of the UA capabilities. View Data on Mobile Devices

9 Factors Driving Value right down to the device SECURE DATA
No additional hardware required. No Windows patches REMOTE CONFIGURATION and maintenance through simple utilities able run in remote facilities with solar panels. LOW POWER USAGE (the size of 2 decks of cards) SMALL PROFILE SIZE RESTART REMOTELY

10 Architecture

11 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Equipment / Software used Matrikon Modbus UA Gateway Device Schneider Electric Powermeter with Modbus RS485

12 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Equipment / Software used Water Meter - Signal Concentrator

13 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Equipment / Software used Temperature Sensor Natural Gas Burner switch

14 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Equipment / Software used GSM Modem - Electrical Panel

15 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Equipment / Software used Electrical Panel - Power meter

16 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Equipment / Software used Panel - Matrikon UA Gateway

17 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Software used (Azure) Matrikon UA Proxy Matrikon OPC Client for ODBC

18 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Equipment / Software used Matrikon Modbus UA Gateway Device Configuration

19 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring

20 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Configuration of Matrikon Products Matrikon Modbus UA Gateway Device Configuration console program 3 files required: ports.csv, defines communication with device(s), ex., COM1,S,RS485_2WIRE E 1 NONE,MODBUS,RTU COM2,S,RS485_2WIRE N 1 NONE,MODBUS,RTU

21 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Configuration of Matrikon Products Matrikon Modbus UA Gateway Device tags.csv, defines the values read from device(s) into tags, and User permissions, Read, Write, View Access ex., COM1,COM1.AI.VOLTAGE_A-B,1,3,1054,,ALL,ALL,ALL acl.csv, defines users / passwords with access to the device, Username, token type (P)assword or (C)ertificate (only P is supported), Plaintext token i.e. password, ex., operator,P,operator, Matrikon UA Proxy Connection: opc.tcp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:4840 User permissions: ALL – all users, including anonymous. ANON – The anonymous user. ALL_NON_ANON – all users, not including anonymous users. The administrative user with the initial configuration password always has read/write and view access to all tags. A blank entry in one of the permissions fields indicates no access of that type except by the administrative user. Plaintext token: For password tokens, this is the password of the user, in plain text. When read by the server, the password will be hashed, and the file on the device will be re-written to store the hash.

22 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Challenges to solve Connectivity with devices Modbus RS485 Modbus Register type + access Connectivity with Microsoft Azure Machine (cloud) Municipality-enabled Internet access (ADSL / VDSL) GSM communication Static IP required from Provider Port Forwarding (ports ) Firewall Ports open from Municipality / Provider

23 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Challenges to solve Security Internet-based access is always a risk Minimize risk by accessing only 2 ports: 4840 and 22 Port 4840: for OPC UA data access Port 22: for Matrikon UA Gateway device initial configuration Connectivity from MySQL to customer database Suitable SQL scripts Calculations

24 Cloud-Based Utilities Monitoring
Results / Benefits Fast implementation Data available on line for evaluation Possibility for calculations of expected benefits from utilities consumption Project is ongoing, Customer still needs to identify areas of improvements to realize benefits Lessons Learned Cloud technology usage is not difficult and is Scalable Matrikon software can work on the cloud Access to cloud server from anywhere Zero maintenance requirements

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