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Henry and Mudge Unit 1: Lesson 1 By Cynthia Rylant.

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Presentation on theme: "Henry and Mudge Unit 1: Lesson 1 By Cynthia Rylant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henry and Mudge Unit 1: Lesson 1 By Cynthia Rylant

2 Skills Henry and Mudge Comprehension Questions Author and Illustrator
Vocabulary Spelling Phonics Henry and Mudge All in the Family Sequence of Events ABC order Word Choice Reading Response Journal Subject and Predicate Review


4 Henry and Mudge

5 Vocabulary curly straight floppy drooled row weighed collars stood

6 Glossary curly- not straight straight- line floppy- hangs and moves
drooled- liquid that falls from the mouth row- lines of objects weighed- how heavy collars- material around the neck stood- stand

7 Comprehension Questions
Find the text evidence! What page are you on? What is the perfect pet like? What does Henry ask his parents for? What is wrong with where Henry lives? How does Henry pick his pet? How many collars does Mudge need? Why? What is Mudge like at the end of the story? What was your favorite part of the story? Tell someone what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

8 Reading Response Journal
T- turn it around A- answer the question G- give details Make sure your use TAG! What is the perfect pet like? Tell me what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of Henry and Mudge. Find four facts from All in the Family

9 Spelling 1. sad flat 2. dig if 3. jam fix 4. glad rip 5. list kit 6. win mask

10 Spelling Practice Step Spelling Type Spelling White board Spelling
Rainbow Spelling Hilite Spelling ABC Spelling

11 Spelling Review Tic Tac Spelling Mix Up Spelling Circles Team Race Baseball Shaving Cream Terminator SpellingCity Four boxes Sparkle

12 Review

13 Swat straight curly floppy collar drooled stood weighed row
Listen for the clue, and then swat the correct vocabulary word. straight curly floppy collar drooled stood weighed row

14 Phonics short a and i sounds
a- hat, map, flat, jam, bag, sad, tag… i- dig, hill, if, fix, swim, win, list, wish …

15 Phonics Find wish son turn mail sad light win fix mad flat kite if team tale make rip kit flap map list sew jam burn see

16 Phonics Sort Thumbs up when you finish!

17 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ABC Order 1. Look at the first letter 2. Are there any that start with the letter A? B? C? 3. If there are two words that start with the same letter, then look at the second letter cat cow A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


19 Sequence Words How many words can you list?
first finally after second last then later after that before next

20 Put in Order What are the steps to make a snowman? Make a PBJ Sandwich
get two pieces of bread What are the steps to make a snowman? * Group order events put bread together and enjoy spread the peanut butter and jelly

21 Author’s Word Choice

22 predicates subjects

23 Subjects The Who or What

24 Predicates What the subject does ACTION

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