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Positive Outcomes Of College/Industry Partnerships

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2 Positive Outcomes Of College/Industry Partnerships

3 Acknowledgements The students and instructors of Nebraska Indian Community College (NICC) acknowledge the support and encouragement of the staff of Lakota Foods. Without their willingness to supply products and vital company information this marketing plan would not have been possible.

4 NICC Mission The Nebraska Indian Community College provides quality higher education and lifelong educational opportunities for Umonhon (Omaha), Isanti (Santee Sioux) and other learners.

5 Vision Components NICC is envisioned as a comprehensive Tribal College. The college is distinctive in serving diverse people. The identity of the college is framed by a substantive commitment to multicultural learning.

6 Project Demographics Instructors: Don Torgerson, MA, Don Bad Moccasin
Long distant learning (VTC) Nine students Major Course Objective: Develop a Marketing Plan

7 Class Marketing Objectives
Course Objectives Implement marketing concepts and strategies into tribal agri-business Allow students a hands-on experience Enhance creative and critical thinking skills Applied marketing skills Develop a code of ethics applicable in the business environment

8 Lakota Popcorn Lower Brule Sioux Tribe High quality
Affordable products Native American traditions and values

9 Hypothesis Lakota Popcorn suffers from the lack of name recognition and product distribution

10 NICC Marketing Plan/Lakota Popcorn
Mission Statement: Lakota Popcorn produces high quality, affordable products for consumers in order to generate revenue to support economic and employment opportunities for the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe. We use our products to raise cultural awareness of Native American Traditions and Values.

11 Target Markets Casinos High distribution centers Gift Shops Theaters
HyVee (Iowa Based Grocery Store) WalMart (Tri-State) Gift Shops Theaters

12 Consumer Survey Informal survey On and off campus 148 people surveyed
Findings and Conclusion Handout

13 Survey Questions Do you eat popcorn? Do you eat microwave popcorn?
Do you eat butter microwave popcorn? Do you eat low-fat/sodium? Do you eat natural popcorn? Gender? Number of children eating popcorn?

14 Data Analysis

15 SWOT Analysis Strengths Capacity to produce more products
Ownership of production Vertical integration implemented Centrally located Adequate capital Support of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe

16 SWOT Analysis Weaknesses Lack of brand recognition
Lack of marketing direction Lack of marketing goals Lack of an established distribution and retail system

17 SWOT Analysis Opportunities Expansion of natural health foods
Enlarging environmental friendly packaging Raise cultural awareness of Native American Traditions and Values

18 SWOT Analysis Threats Variation in weather patterns
Strong competitions among the popcorn producers Established competitors in the snack food industry Cost of transportation Consumer fickleness

19 Resources You May or May Not be Sleeping With
Industry partnerships rarely involve faculty type partners Look outside the box for ways to utilize skilled, interested stakeholders Pursue contacts for classroom visits and regular consultations, as well as co-teaching, lectures, etc Ardis Bad Moccasin

20 May or May Not (cont.) Scan your environment for people who can motivate and possibly employ your students Provide support for your faculty to grow and develop Ardis Bad Moccasin

21 Assessment Data Attendance/Retention 15 registered
9 stopped coming by week 4 The marketing module began in the 4th week Remaining 6 students maintained an average of 85% or above attendance 6 successfully completed the class Work in progress

22 Observations High interest in the project
The application of learned skills and knowledge Enhancement of group dynamics

23 Enhancing Group Dynamic Skills

24 Student Response/Learned Outcomes
Hands on experience Piqued interest Opportunity to apply learned concepts and skills Ethical Practices: Personal/Business Amy Murphy

25 Challenges Faced in Developing a Educational/ Partnership
Connecting class objectives with the business environment Conveying the purpose of the project in a precise format Gaining mutual trust Gathering data Don Bad Moccasin

26 Future Opportunities Expand partnerships in agri-business/ business
Explore Career Opportunities and Choices Student applying new found skills and knowledge Developing closer working partnerships Don Bad Moccasin

27 Thank you! Questions?

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