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Classifing living Things

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1 Classifing living Things
WEEKLY TOPIC: Classifing living Things Warm Up What is the importance of a dichotomous key? Today You Need Out: Agenda Book Unicellular Organisms guided notes Weekly Vocabulary: Week’s Agenda: Review of what is a living organism is Introduction to unicellular organisms Homework: Cell project

2 What is an living organism review

3 Living things 1. living things are made of cells
2. living things grow and develop 3. living things reproduce 4. Living things use energy 5. Living things respond to their environment

4 Living things Cells are basic building blocks of life
Autotrophs are organisms that make their own energy Heterotrophs are organisms that rely on other living things to gain energy

5 Living things Taxonomy branch of science which classifies organisms by appearance and behavior Dichotomous key is a tool that allows us to determine the identity of organisms

6 King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti


8 What is a protist? . Protist—an organism from the Kingdom Protista
Very diverse group of single-celled organisms. Eukaryotic (They have nuclei.) `

9 Common Protist Draw the table. Use a full page. 5 columns, 5 rows.
Name Sketch Movement Food source (Energy) Special Features Euglena Amoeba Paramecium Volvox



12 Euglena Found in calm fresh and saltwater
Autotroph – gets energy via photosynthesis Heterotroph —also gets nourishment heterotrophic like animals Has features of both plants and animals Kingdom Protista Reproduces asexual

13 Euglena Moves by a flagellum eye spot Contains chloroplasts
Common in fresh water No cell wall so it can change shape.`

14 AMOEBA Found in freshwater and saltwater around a lot of dead and decaying material. Hunter Can be parasite in humans


16 Amoeba Moves by cytoplasmic streaming
Surrounds food and engulfs it using pseudopods. The food is then stored and digested in vacuoles.`

17 Amoeba Changes shape drastically Heterotrophic
Eats bacteria, algae, and other protists Reproduces asexually Movement- The cell shapes itself into pseudopods (false feet) amoeba video

18 Amoeba Reproduction- - asexual

19 PARAMECIUM Found in freshwater. This is a single-celled organism.
Cilia sweep food into food passageway. V

20 Paramecium Shape of a pill capsule Heterotrophic Relatively large
Common in pond scum and freshwater Has two nuclei (macro and micro)`Sexual reproduction

21 Paramecium Uses cilia to sweep food into the oral groove
Feeds on micro-organisms like bacteria, algae, and yeasts Is covered in cilia so it spirals through water`

22 VOLVOX Found in ponds ditches and puddles.
Composed of a colony of more than 50,000 tiny cells Often called algae. `

23 Volvox continued… photosynthesis and flagella help bring in nutrients.
Eyespots sense light. `

24 Volvox continued… Movement- Many flagella help move the colony.
Reproduction- asexual and sexual

25 Volvox A spherical colony of up to 50,000 cells Contains chloroplasts
Moves and acts as one multicellular organism but one cell can survive independent of the colony`

26 Volvox Type of green algae
freshwater – ponds, ditches, puddles, lagoons Colonies use flagella to swim Cells have eyespots Makes food by photosynthesis

27 Volvox Videos Watch them revolve.

28 Protists Groups and Features Draw Table below on Page ?
Common Protists Protists Groups and Features Draw Table below on Page ? Protist Sketch Movement Food source (Energy) Special Features Euglena Amoeba Paramecium Volvox

29 Protists Groups and Features
Common Protists Protists Groups and Features Protist Sketch Movement Food source (Energy) Specialized Features Euglena Unicellular Flagellum Feeds on other organisms; Also makes its own food by photosynthesis Eyespot Amoeba Pseudopods Feeds on other organisms Paramecium Cilia Oral groove and contractile vacuole Volvox Lives in colonies Flagella Makes its own food by photosynthesis

30 Volvox

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