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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy General Numbers Penalties Topic 4 Topic 5 $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Final Jeopardy General Numbers Penalties Topic 4 Topic 5 $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy General Numbers Penalties Topic 4 Topic 5 $100
$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 The name of the country with the highest incarceration rate in the world. What is the United States? Does the 1 stand for General? If so, change to something like “General, $100” and continue in this vein throughout. Consider changing to “This country has the highest….” to keep all answers complete sentences for consistency with “Penalty” cards. If you don’t want to change to complete sentences for blue and green cards, please consider removing periods from answers that are not complete sentences. Global.

3 1 - $200 The single greatest force driving racial inequalities in the US. What is the War on Drugs? Note to Amie- I find this question a little confusing or too broad. Maybe something like “Reason why over half of all persons in state prisons are there” or something like that? From RR: See previous comment about title. Consider changing to “This is the single…” or “This policy is the single…”

4 1 - $300 The place where most suicides occur in prisons and jails.
What is solitary confinement? Consider changing to “This place is where…”

5 1 - $400 The fact that so many Black people have second-class citizenship because of incarceration has been compared to a period before the Civil Rights movement when Black people were legally excluded from housing, employment, education, voting. What is the name of that period? Add “and” before “voting” Change to “…has been compared to this period before the Civil Rights…” Delete “What is the name of that period?” What is Jim Crow?

6 1 - $500 Where the vast majority of HIV-infected prisoners become infected. What is the community? or What is the outside community? Change to “This is where…”

7 2 - $100 The number of people currently imprisoned in US jails and prisons. What is 2.3 million? See previous comment and consider changing title for this grouping to “Numbers, $100” etc. Change to: “This is the number…”

8 2 - $200 The odds of a Black man going to prison in his lifetime in the US. What is 1 in 3? Change to “These are the odds….”

9 2 - $300 The approximate number of children with a parent incarcerated in the US. What is 1.7 million? Change to “This is the…” Remove the extra space after 1.7

10 2 - $400 The approximate number of people who are released to the community from jails and prisons each year. What is 11 million? Change to: “This is the…”

11 2 - $500 The approximate number of deportations of undocumented persons each year from the US. What is 400,000? Change to “This is the…”

12 3 - $100 This right, considered by many to be the cornerstone of democracy, has been taken from persons on probation or parole in over 35 states. What is the right to vote? Consider changing to “Penalties, $100” etc.

13 3 - $200 In 1998, this educational benefit was lost to those convicted of selling or possessing illegal drugs. What is a student loan?

14 3 - $300 This policy bans anyone with a drug-related or violent offense from living in federally assisted housing. What it the Federal “one-strike” housing policy?

15 3 - $400 The Federal government passed a lifetime ban on this public benefit for people with felony drug convictions. What is TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)? or What are food stamps?

16 3 - $500 This Federal legislation encourages “fast-track adoptions.”
What is the Adoption and Safe Families Act?

17 4 - $100 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here Change to “Topic 4, $100” etc. Add period after “here” X 2 These comments apply to all Topic 4 slides.

18 4 - $200 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here

19 4 - $300 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here

20 4 - $400 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here

21 4 - $500 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here

22 5 - $100 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here Change to “Topic 5, $100” etc. Add periods after “here” X 2 These comments apply to all Topic 5 slides

23 5 - $200 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here

24 5 - $300 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here

25 5 - $400 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here

26 5 - $500 Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here

27 Final Jeopardy Type answer to appear here
Type question to appear with a mouse-click here Add periods after “here” X 2

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