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“Come With Us” There is a long journey to be taken. Numbers 10:29-32

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Presentation on theme: "“Come With Us” There is a long journey to be taken. Numbers 10:29-32"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Come With Us” There is a long journey to be taken. Numbers 10:29-32
The Promised Land of Canaan (Gen. 12:4-7; 15:18-21; Ex. 3:7-8) The Israelites’ journey The Christian’s journey The Promised Land of Heaven We are sojourners and pilgrims (1 Pet. 1:3-4; 2:11). Our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20).

2 “Come With Us” There is a long journey to be taken.
Numbers 10:29-32 There is a long journey to be taken. The invitation for others to come along. Moses’ invitation to Hobab (Num. 10:29). Christians inviting the lost (Mk. 16:15-16).

3 “Come With Us” There is a long journey to be taken.
Numbers 10:29-32 There is a long journey to be taken. The invitation for others to come along. Reasons why you should come with us. Why Hobab was encouraged to go… Because of the ultimate destination (Num. 10:29). Because of the mutual benefits (Num. 10:31-32). Because of God’s promises (Num. 10:29).

4 “Come With Us” There is a long journey to be taken.
Numbers 10:29-32 There is a long journey to be taken. The invitation for others to come along. Reasons why you should come with us. Why YOU are encouraged to go… Because of the ultimate destination – heaven! Because of the mutual benefits. Because of God’s promises.

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