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Pedagogy for Active Citizenship:

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1 Pedagogy for Active Citizenship:
Educating for the Common Good August 24, 2007: We Pray for Peace

2 The Deer’s Cry (Attributed to St Patrick) Shaun Davey CD: Pilgrim

3 I arise today

4 Through the strength of Heaven

5 Light of sun

6 Radiance of moon

7 Splendour of fire

8 Speed of lightning

9 Swiftness of wind

10 Depth of the sea

11 Stability of earth

12 Firmness of rock

13 I arise today

14 Through God's strength to pilot me

15 God's eye to look before me

16 God's wisdom to guide me

17 God's way to lie before me

18 God's shield to protect me

19 From all who shall wish me ill

20 Afar and anear

21 Alone and in a multitude

22 Against every cruel

23 Merciless power

24 That may oppose my body and soul

25 Christ with me, Christ before me,

26 Christ behind me, Christ in me,

27 Christ beneath me, Christ above me,

28 Christ on my right, Christ on my left,

29 Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,

30 Christ when I arise, Christ to shield me

31 Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,

32 Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me

33 I arise today.

34 Reader 1: God of compassion,
unite us in a common vision of goodness. Bring us together to help live out your dream for the earth: A place of peace and justice, Friendship and hope, Joy and welcome.

35 Reader 2: Jesus, our teacher,
You call us to be disciples To be instruments of your healing, reaching out to your beloved children; To be instruments of your hope, helping to make learning more effective; To be instruments of your harmony, bringing understanding where there is confusion. Sacred presence, flow through us. and may we bring your peace to a beautiful yet broken world.

36 Reader 1: Spirit of Wisdom,
help us to remember that we are made in God’s image and that we have the responsibility to cherish our lives as God’s gift to each of us. You have gifted us in our humanity; may we use these gifts to create schools where peace and justice reign. May we use our gifts today to make our schools places where wisdom and responsibility can be seen in our actions. Amen.

37 Reader 2: Creator God, You have blessed us with goodness and love. May our work this year be a worthy echo of your grace. May our reflections be guided by your wisdom; May our celebrations be touched by your joy. In this school year let us continue to grow in love for you and respect for one another. Let us learn to see with your eyes. Help us to see You : In stranger and friend; To see You, In young and old; In the happy and sad; In the hurt and the healing;

38 To see You, In the successful and the struggling; In the popular and the unpopular; In the wise and the foolish; In male and female; In listening and in speaking; In hearts and in minds; In all of us, all the time, everywhere.

39 Reader 1: Dare we utter the word peace? Or Pax? Or Shalom? Or Salaam? Or Pace? Or Paix? Dare we think of peace in the unreason of hatred? Dare we call ourselves peacemakers when we are better angermakers or fearmakers? Dare we wish for peace and remain silent? Dare we wish for peace? Dare we?

40 I Wish for Peace Michelle Tumes

41 I wish that I could say the world was one

42 and fighting was a fable And “agreed” would turn the tables

43 I wish for peace

44 I wish for peace

45 I wish that I could see a world that can be free with no more crying

46 Oh but some of us are trying

47 I wish for peace  

48 I wish for peace

49 Who will hold the children dear
If there’s a painful tear?

50 Who will chase the clouds away?

51 Why pretend that there’s no God? Why pretend that there’s no love
to wrap around you?

52 “I speak justice to confound you.”

53 I pray for peace

54 I pray for peace

55 I pray for peace

56 Reader 2: Albert Einstein wrote: “There is danger in the world,
not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” Reader 1: God of justice and compassion, When we see sorrow, let us comfort. When we see pain, let us heal. When we see conflict, let us work for peace. When we see neglect, let us act with compassion. Help us, dear God to live up to our responsibilities and to help You in the building of the Civilization of Love. Sign of Peace

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