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LEAD Meeting September 2016

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1 LEAD Meeting September 2016

2 Attitude of Prayer Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.

3 l.ENCOURAGE.a.d In three minutes or less, share how you have seen God at work in your life or ministry this summer.

4 LEARN.e.a.d Engaging LEAD Engaging Emerging LEADers

5 Free Methodist Church of the Sierra Pacific
Multiply Spirit-led believers who lovingly belong and undeniably bless their world. LEADer schedule

Head Hands Heart Page 8 of OBO Manual

7 Culture of Call All Minister Some Deacons Few Elders

8 WORD WORSHIP ORDER Minister Members Local Serve Leads Deacon Serves
Licensed Vocation Regional Multiplies CMC Conference Elder Itinerate WORD WORSHIP ORDER

Bachelors with some Graduate theological work is the standard. MEGs may recognize (and work toward development of) educational equivalencies. Legal citizenship or residency status is preferred – not required – for ordination. We have come to both the conviction as well as the understanding that it is our duty to disciple all Christians under our care, identify those called to ministry, recognize those who are ordained in the FMC in other countries who seek transfer into the FMCUSA and process candidates without discrimination based upon citizenship status. Vocational ministry does not necessitate full time paid staff ministry. The future of church in the USA will rely more heavily upon ‘tent-makers.’ We must encourage and respect this – “credits” for “full time” ministry must weigh the balance of future-church leadership development.

10 Local Ministerial Candidate
Local Church Local Church MEG / MDC Pastor Guides! Church Membership Prayer Team Assembled Board Approval Registration with MDC Formation Plan with Pastor/Mentor History & Polity Divorce Counsel Transcripts Provided Strengthfinder LMC Theological Exam References Provided Spouse Questionnaire Photo Collage of Family/Events Work Samples Request for OBO Assessment MEG: Mentor / Guide Pastors MEG: Provide History/Polity MDC: Provides online tracking MDC: Receives Portfolio Items MEG: Assist with Portfolio MEG: OBO Pre-Assessment MEG: Sets up Initial MEG Interview

11 MEG composition CHAIR Assessors Developers Guides Counselors MAC
OBO Assessments Report Findings to MEG to Candidate to Mentor/Pastor Assist Pastors with LMC Plan Develop Growth Plan for CMCs Review & Modify Plan Guide Pastors with LMCs Guide CMCs Quarterly Review Connect with Pastor/Candidate Counselors MAC CHAIR Assist with Divorce Clearance Aid with Conflict Resolution Intervene When Necessary Assess Health of Appointments Recommend Appointments

12 Development Processes
SPC History & Polity (Free Methodist Experience) SPC Wesleyan Theology (Wesleyan Theopraxis) LEAD embedded Head/Heart/Hand Best Practice Coaching Core Development Continuing Education support Encouraging Free Methodist-based higher education

13 l.e.ACCOUNTABLE.d Hear and obey God.
Maintain healthy relationships and self. Share good news outside of pulpit. Mentor believers and leaders. Belong Bless Believe

14 Nuts & Bolts
Hispanic Leaders Connection – Sept 25/26 SCAMP Camp – 9/19-22 Pastor’s retreat – 10/9-11 National Prayer Summit – 10/6-8 OCT LEAD – 10/4-6 (Central, North, Bay) MEG – Just BLESS Tithe

15 Prayers of Blessing

16 L.E.A.D. September 2016

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