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Science Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Review

2 What do you call the different ways that the moon looks like throughout the month?

3 Phases of the moon

4 What is a ball of hot gas that gives of light and other forms of energy?

5 A star

6 What phase of the moon is when when the moon's near side appears totally dark?

7 New moon

8 To move in a path around another object is this called __________.

9 Revolve or orbit

10 What do you call an imaginary line that circles the Earth halfway between the north and south poles.

11 Equator

12 What do you call an imaginary line through the center of an object?

13 Axis

14 What is a constellation?

15 A group of stars that forms a pattern shaped like an animal person, or object?

16 Which phase of the moon is when you see a thin part of the moon's right side?

17 Waxing Crescent

18 The phase of the moon when all of the moon's near side is sunlit is called _____.

19 A Full Moon

20 Why does the sun look larger than any of the other stars that you can see?

21 Because it's the closest star to the Earth.

22 True or False? Rotate means to turn on an axis

23 True

24 Why do we have four different seasons?

25 Because the Earth is tilted on its axis AND revolves around the sun.

26 True of False Scientist recognize 88 Constellations.

27 True

28 Why does the sun appear to move across the sky?

29 Because the Earth is rotating

30 How long does it take for the Earth to rotate?

31 24 hours, or 1 day.

32 How many phases of the moon have we have learned about?

33 8

34 Describe the Waning Crescent moon phase.

35 A thin part of the left side of the moon is lit.

36 Describe the difference between the new moon and a full moon?

37 The new moon's near side is completely dark
The full moon's near side is completely sun lit.

38 What is a quarter moon? What are their names?

39 When half of the near side of the moon is sun lit.
First Quarter and Last Quarter

40 How many complete rotations does the Earth make in one week?

41 7 rotations

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