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Basic Network Creation Games
MohammadTaghi HajiAghayi AT&T Labs & U. of Maryland Joint work with Noga Alon, Erik Demaine, and Tom Leighton
Motivations for Network Creation Games
Distributed way to create a network Undirected graph. Nodes Selfish agents Agents’ cost: Creation cost (network design) Usage cost (network routing) Combine two costs by defining the cost of an edge to be α and agents minimize their sum Several studies so far: FLMPS03, CP05, AEEMR06,DHMZ07,HM07,A08,DHMZ09,etc
Basic Network Creation Games
The simplest and the heart of all such games while avoiding α Motivations: Cash-oblivious model No cost transformation but every edge cost is the same Thus each edge only perform edge swap, replacing an existing edge with another incident edge We focus on structures of equilibria Diameter Price of anarchy (PoA) Agents try to minimize sum or maximum distance to all other vertices
Formal Definitions Sum equilibrium: for every edge vw and every node w’, swapping edge vw with vw’ does not decrease the total sum distances from v to all others Max equilibrium: for every edge vw and every node w’, swapping edge vw with vw’ does not decrease the max distances from v to all others
Our Results For sum equilibrium: For max equilibrium:
Upper bound 2 O(√ log n) for diameter (and thus PoA) and lower bound 3 for general graphs Give an evidence (and a conjecture) for a polylog upper bound for diameter (and PoA) Tight bound 2 for trees For max equilibrium: Lower bound √n for diameter in general graphs even for insertion-stable equilibria Tight bound 3 for trees
Sum Equilibrium on Trees: Diameter 2
Swap for v is a net win unless sb+sw<=sa Swap for w is a net win unless sv+sa<=sb Summing up: sb+sw+sv+sa<=sa+sb Contradiction since sw+sv>=2 by definition
Max Equilibrium on Trees: Diameter 3
None of three swaps around a with edge av is helpful for the local diameter of a Proof of upper bound is different from Sum
A Diameter-3 Sum Equilibrium Graph
The proof is involved and uses some lemmas and case analysis We do not know any example of diameter 4 or higher!
A Diameter- √n Max Equilibrium Graph
The proof is cute and more involved The graph is indeed insertion-stable as well
Sum Equilibrium: Diameter 2 O(√ log n)
First we need the following lemma whose proof is a little bit involved: Lm: In any sum equilibrium, the addition of any edge uv decreases the sum of distance from u by at most 5n lg n Bk(u) denote the number of vertices within distance at most k from u and Bk= minu Bk(u) We prove either B4k>n/2 or B4k >=(k/20lg n)Bk Assume there is a u with B4k(u)<= n/2. Certainly B3k(u)<= n/2.
Diameter 2O(√ logn) (Cont.)
3k u ti t1 3k t2 v ≤3k+1 >2k w Distance of any v outside of B3k(u) from one vertex of T is at most dist(u,v)- k By Pigeonhole principle, there are at least n/(2|T|) vertices Ai whose distances from the same vertex t in T is at most dist(u,v)- k Adding an edge from u to t improves the sum of distances from u by at least (k-1) n/(2|T|) <= 5nlg n (by the Lm) which implies |T|>= k/(20lg n) The balls of radius k centered at the vertices of T are all pairwise disjoint, all lie within distance 4k from u and each of them has at least Bk vertices. Thus B4k >=(k/20lg n)Bk
Evidence for polylog diameter
An n-vertex graph is ε-distance uniform if there is a value r such that from every vertex v the number of vertices w at distance exactly r from v >= (1- ε)n We can connect high-diameter sum equilibria graphs to high-diameter distance uniformity. More formally: Thm: Any sum equil. graph G with at least 24 vertices and diameter d> 2lg n induces an ε-distance–uniform graph G’ with n vertices and diameter (εd/lg n ) Conj: Distance-uniform graphs have diameter O(lg n) If Conj above is correct, Thm gives O(lg2n) diameter We know Conj is true e.g., for Cayley graphs
Main Open Problem Can we prove a polylog upper bound (even O(log n) or smaller) for diameter of sum equilibria esp. by proving the conjecture? Consider convergences of (basic) network creation games
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