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Chapter 23 World War.

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1 Chapter 23 World War

2 Origins of War Extreme nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and alliances all contributed to the First World War.

3 Nationalism is a strong patriotic belief in one’s country.
Imperialism is the economic expansion of territory.

4 Alliances were agreements made between countries to help one another out in case of war.
Militarism, the aggressive preparation for war, was growing most aggressively along with nations’ armies.

5 Each country thought they were better prepared…

6 The Black Hand was the name of the group that conspired to assassinate Archduke Francis Ferdinand.
The assassination of Ferdinand set off a chain of events that started the war.

7 Artist rendering of the assassination

8 Russia mobilized its army to defend Serbia from Austria
Russia mobilized its army to defend Serbia from Austria. In 1914, mobilization of a nation’s army was considered an act of war. Germany and other countries had an alliance with Austria-Hungary and came to their aid.


10 Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire became known as the Central Powers.
France, Great Britain, and Russia were called the Allied Powers.


12 World War I was a total war, meaning that it involved a complete mobilization of resources and people.

13 New weapons like gas poison & machine guns
were used during WWI.

14 The Schlieffen Plan was Germany’s plan for a two-front war with Russia and France, which had formed a military alliance. The Schlieffen plan failed and turned into bloody stalemate along the western front.


16 The Western Front was characterized by trench warfare that kept both sides in virtually the same positions for four years. By attacking Austria in May 1915, Italy betrayed Germany and Austria. Initially the Americans were neutral.

17 Admiral Holtzendorff promised Emperor William II “not one American will land on the continent” because he wanted to convince the emperor to resume unrestricted submarine warfare.

18 Unrestricted submarine warfare consisted of U-boats attacking civilian merchant ships, naval vessels, and military boats without warning.

19 The Germans’ use of unrestricted submarine warfare ultimately caused the United States to join the Allies in fighting World War I.

20 The German advance toward Paris was halted at the Battle of Marne because of the new arrival of American troops.

21 The Aisne/Marne Cemetery
It contains the graves of 2,289 American Dead, most of whom fought in the vicinity and in the Marne valley in the summer of 1918.

22 Russian Revolution Czar Nicholas Romanov II led Russia.
Under the leadership of V. I. Lenin, the Bolsheviks became a party dedicated to violent revolution. During the war, the Bolsheviks overthrew Romanov.

23                                                                                                                                                                                            In an attempt to end Russia’s involvement in the war, Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany, which gave up much Russian territory.

24 Pre-World War I Russia Treaty Line

25 Lenin The new power called the Soviets were councils composed of representatives from the workers and soldiers. The Red secret police, known as the Cheka, began a Red Terror campaign to destroy all those who opposed the new regime so that the Soviets stayed in power. Trotzky Stalin

26 The new country was named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or U
The new country was named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or U.S.S.R. or Soviet Union. This is also known as the Communist Revolution


28 After the War France’s aggressive punishing approach to peace was guided in large part by the desire for national security against future German attacks. Appeasement vs. Dissolving of Germany Treaty of Versailles

29 George, Orlando, Clemenceau,Wilson
American President Woodrow Wilson became the spokesperson for a new world order based on democracy and international cooperation. George, Orlando, Clemenceau,Wilson

30 Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” were his basis for a peace settlement that he believed justified the enormous military struggle of World War I.

31 His proposals included:
reaching peace agreements openly rather than through secret diplomacy reducing armaments to a “point consistent with domestic safety” and ensuring the right of self-determination.

32 The idea of this general association eventually became the League of Nations, which was a predecessor to the current United Nations.

33 It was not well received by the American isolationist Congress.
The U.S. never joined the League and eventually it failed.

34 After the war, except for Turkey, the Ottoman Empire was divided among western nations.



37 Britain ruled Iraq and Palestine as mandates on behalf of the League of Nations, but did not own the territory. A mandate is a territory given over to an Allied power to temporarily rule after WWI. France ruled Syria, Jordan and Lebanon as mandates, too.


39 Germany was especially unhappy with Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles because it declared that Germany and Austria were responsible for starting the war.


41 The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty signed with Germany that many Germans felt was a harsh peace. This led to German resentment, anger & revenge which helped lead to World War Two.

42 Before & After Map

43                                                                                                                                        Denotes new country

44 Women in War World War I created new roles for women.
Because so many men left to fight at the front, women were called on to take over jobs that had not been available to them before, such as truck drivers and factory workers in heavy industry.

45 The most obvious gain was the right to vote, which was given to women in Germany, Austria, and the United States immediately after the war.

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