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National PBIS Leadership Forum
October 27 & 28, 2016 B12- Aligning Multiple Initiatives in a Rural District Leader Presenters: Susan Barrett, Sheri Luecking Exemplars: Jennifer Garrison Key Words: Alignment, District
Maximizing Your Session Participation
When Working In Your Team Consider 4 questions: Where are we in our implementation? What do I hope to learn? What did I learn? What will I do with what I learned?
Where are you in the implementation process
Where are you in the implementation process? Adapted from Fixsen & Blase, 2005 We think we know what we need so we are planning to move forward (evidence-based) Exploration & Adoption Let’s make sure we’re ready to implement (capacity infrastructure) Installation Let’s give it a try & evaluate (demonstration) Initial Implementation That worked, let’s do it for real and implement all tiers across all schools (investment) Let’s make it our way of doing business & sustain implementation (institutionalized use) Full Implementation
Leadership Team Action Planning Worksheets: Steps
Self-Assessment: Accomplishments & Priorities Leadership Team Action Planning Worksheet Session Assignments & Notes: High Priorities Team Member Note-Taking Worksheet Action Planning: Enhancements & Improvements
Alignment Self Assessment Section 1:
Assessment of Current Initiatives
Step 1: Coordinate and lead alignment process with an executive level team
Cabinet Level: implementation science experience and provides authority to leadership for alignment Leadership Team: Charged with alignment installing process for alignment Implementers: people with knowledge of the intiatives direct experience with implentation of core features and practices
Step 2: Define the valued outcome(s) to be achieved
Are the highly valued outcome(s) for children and families defined for initiatives to be aligned? (i.e. social emotional behavior initiatives alignment)
Discussion Question: How will new policies and other organization factors impact efforts to align? (i.e. climate/culture/learning environment, mental health and its impact on cognitive and academic achievement)
Vermont Joint House/Senate Resolution ( J.R.H 6) 2013
Whereas, following the mass shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, we, as a nation, have had time to reflect collectively on who we are and how best to respond to the slaughter of the innocents, and Whereas, the General Assembly rejects the singular response of meeting force with force, and Whereas, alternatively, the General Assembly embraces a Vermont commitment that the mental, physical, and nutritional health of our students and their caregivers is addressed with the same level of attention and concern as is our students’ academic and cognitive achievement, and Whereas, Vermont schools must offer a learning environment that encourages all students to attain mastery of academic content, to practice generosity, to experience belonging, and to realize independence in their daily lives, now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives: That the tears of Sandy Hook and our nation will not fall on fallow ground but will give rise to a rededication to our goal of maintaining safe and healthy schools, and be it further Resolved: That the General Assembly declares Vermont to be a state in which equity, caring, and safety, both emotional and physical, are evident in all of our schools’ practices. We are seeing states like Vermont the commitment for mental physical and nutritional health addressed at the same level as our concern for academic an cognitive achievement
Valued Outcome: Tacoma Public Schools
Many have heard the statement: It takes a whole village to raise a child. But, it also takes a whole child to build a sustainable school and community. Whole children know how to read, write and solve math problems. Whole children are also socially strong, emotionally resilient, advocators, and self-determined. Whole children know how to build quality relationships with each other as critical thinkers and learners.
Step 3: Develop an inventory of the related initiatives currently being implemented across the district. Has a list of all related grants, initiatives, and practices across schools and community agencies been developed? Has the team determined whether each initiative is a framework (e.g. MTSS) or a practice (e.g. Second Step) Is the department or division that oversees the initiative (i.e. budget authority) been identified? Has the expected measurable outcome(s) for each initiative been identified? Has the research to determine the evidence for each initiative been reviewed/identified?
Sample Inventory
Step 4: Organize the list of initiatives that have similar outcomes.
Has the team determined if they are going to align initiatives with similar outcomes, align initiatives with different outcomes or align both? Has the team determined which initiatives are to be aligned at only the system level (initiatives with different outcomes)? Has the team determined which initiatives are to be aligned both at the system level and practice level (initiatives with similar outcomes)?
Alignment of Initiatives with Similar Outcomes Need to be Aligned at
BOTH the System and Practice Level Evidence Based= Skill acquisition across domains Practice Practice Practice Stakeholder Based Leadership Training and Coaching with performance feedback Data to continuously monitor fidelity and impact Early screening with increase and adaptive supports layered and connected Selection of EBP is a Formal Process that is based on identified need MTSS =Core Features or Way of Work Adaptive to fit ALL Large Urban Districts and Small Rural
Step 5 Identify the systems, data, practice features for initiatives with similar outcomes.
Have the system features for each initiative been identified? Have the specific core practices of each initiative been identified? Have the fidelity measure(s) for each initiative been identified? Have the outcome measure(s) been identified? (e.g. decreasing problem behavior, decreasing risk ratios, increasing attendance and on time graduation)
Step 6: Identify the systems features for initiatives with different outcomes.
Have the system features for each initiative for been identified? (e.g. team-based leadership, coordination, evaluation of fidelity, professional development and coaching, continuous data-based progress monitoring)
Step 7: Analyze and make decisions for alignment of initiatives
Have commonalities and differences in system features of the related initiatives been examined for consistency and potential overlap? Has the team resolved conflicts and/or duplicity of system features (e.g. ensure all practices are monitored through a team) ? Has the team defined what is acceptable and determined which practices within each initiative can be aligned ? Has the team identified initiatives/practices without direct fidelity and outcomes and determined if measurement is possible and made decision to either address or to eliminate? Has the team determined which initiatives/practices should be eliminated (e.g. practices overlapping or contraindicated or modified? (e.g. outcome redefined to address student benefit) Has the team determined the value added and/or risks in decisions regarding what to align or eliminate?
Next Steps
Step 8: Design the plan for effective alignment including implementation, evaluation and professional development Has the team determined how the system features will be aligned to support efficiency and clarity at the building level (e.g. teaming structure, integrated data system, dosage of training and coaching)? Has the team determined how the practice features will be aligned at the school level? (e.g. integration of social skills taught across tiers based on building level data) Has the team determined common fidelity tool(s) to assess system features and core practices? Has the team determined outcome measure(s) to support effective alignment? Has the team determined when and how leadership teams and staff are trained and supported? (e.g. team training, coaching and capacity building)?
Using the Teaching Matrix to Align Practice Features at the School Level
SETTING All Settings Hallways Playgrounds Cafeteria Library/ Computer Lab Assembly Bus Respect Ourselves Be on task. Give your best effort. Be prepared. Walk. Have a plan. Eat all your food. Select healthy foods. Study, read, compute. Sit in one spot. Watch for your stop. Respect Others Be kind. Hands/feet to self. Help/share with others. Use normal voice volume. Walk to right. Play safe. Include others. Share equipment. Practice good table manners Whisper. Return books. Listen/watch. Use appropriate applause. Use a quiet voice. Stay in your seat. Respect Property Recycle. Clean up after self. Pick up litter. Maintain physical space. Use equipment properly. Put litter in garbage can. Replace trays & utensils. Clean up eating area. Push in chairs. Treat books carefully. Pick up. Treat chairs appropriately. Wipe your feet. Sit appropriately. 1. Expectations 2. NATURAL CONTEXT (Locations) Expectations Our school-wide Tier 1 social emotional behavior curriculum is selected by our Tier 1 leadership team and is used as our social core curriculum and adapted each year based on our school/community data indicating need for skills taught. We use our packaged evidence based social skills curriculum as our Tier 1 lessons and align to our simple behavioral/social expectations so all staff and students have a predictable environment and a consistent foundation that all instruction can be linked to for ensuring a consistent use of skills across all school settings. The Tier 1 Team selects and prioritizes (social/emotional/behavioral lessons, based on data, to be taught in all classrooms and all lessons have measurable skills linked to the basic expectations. 3. Rules or Specific Behaviors
Data Determines Skills Specific Behaviors + Social-Emotional Skills
Expectation Specific Behavior or Social Emotional Skill Be Safe Keep hands and feet to self I tell an adult when I am worried about a friend. Be Respectful Use the signal to ask a public or private question. Make sure everyone gets a turn. Be Responsible Turn in all work on time Check in with my feelings during the day Consider incorporating pro-social skills within the teaching matrix. Specific behaviors are important and necessary, but we are also addressing social competency with all our students. Because students spend more time in small cooperative, collaborative work groups, they rely on these prosocial skills for their academic work as well. You can increase content coverage when you precorrect and teach prosocial skills (Anita Archer principle). Mention behaviors of those being successful or the pro social skills needed by children – intent is to lead the child to be more independent and better quality of life
Specific Behaviors + Pro-Social Skills
Throw paper in the waste can Use the right side of the stairway Bring all materials to class Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself Choose kindness over being right; pick up trash even if it isn’t yours Encourage others; tell peer they did a good job Consider incorporating pro-social skills within the teaching matrix. Specific behaviors are important and necessary, but we are also addressing social competency with all our students. Because students spend more time in small cooperative, collaborative work groups, they rely on these prosocial skills for their academic work as well. You can increase content coverage when you pre-correct and teach prosocial skills (Anita Archer principle).
INCORPORATE Coping Strategies for Managing Stress
Teaching Matrix INCORPORATE Coping Strategies for Managing Stress All Settings Halls Playgrounds Lunch Library/ Computer Lab Assembly Bus Respectful Be on task. Give your best effort. Be prepared. Walk. Have a plan. Study, read, compute. Sit in one spot. Watch for your stop. Achieving & Organized Be kind. Hands/feet to self. Help/share with others. Use normal voice volume. Walk to right. Share equipment. Include others. Whisper. Return books. Listen/watch. Use appropriate applause. Use a quiet voice. Stay in your seat. Responsible Recycle. Clean up after self. Pick up litter. Maintain physical space. Use equipment properly. Put litter in garbage can. Push in chairs. Treat books carefully. Pick up. Treat chairs carefully. Wipe your feet. 1. Expectations 2. NATURAL CONTEXT (Locations) Invite those sitting alone to join in Have a lunch plan and choose quiet or social lunch area Invite friends to join me Expectations Replacement behaviors- very important that we anchor in our teaching matrix as this is our core social emotional curriculum- the common language and script we use to teach, acknowledge, pre-correct – all staff are using same approach for teaching and supporting throughout the year across the school day. We get what we pay attention to and this helps provide the common language/consistent approach- our values for our school When dealing with stress and anxiety became major priority in school, it would be a matter of teaching skills to students so they developed strategies and skills and incorporated into their social curriculum – the matrix is the delivery mechanism to get skills out ALL !!! 3. Rules or Specific Behaviors Use my breathing technique Listen to my signals
Example from VA middle school- feedback from students leveraged this enhancement
Teaching Matrix INCORPORATE BULLY PREVENTION / INTERVENTION All Settings Halls Playgrounds If you see Disrespect Library/ Computer Lab Assembly Bus Respectful Be on task. Give your best effort. Be prepared. Walk. Have a plan. Study, read, compute. Sit in one spot. Watch for your stop. Achieving & Organized Be kind. Hands/feet to self. Help/share with others. Use normal voice volume. Walk to right. Share equipment. Include others. Whisper. Return books. Listen/watch. Use appropriate applause. Use a quiet voice. Stay in your seat. Responsible Recycle. Clean up after self. Pick up litter. Maintain physical space. Use equipment properly. Put litter in garbage can. Push in chairs. Treat books carefully. Pick up. Treat chairs carefully. Wipe your feet. 1. Expectations 2. NATURAL CONTEXT (Locations) STOP: Interrupt & model respect, rather than watch or join in WALK: Invite people who are being disrepected to to join you and move away. Invite those who are alone to join in. Expectations Replacement behaviors- very important that we anchor in our teaching matrix as this is our core social emotional curriculum- the common language and script we use to teach, acknowledge, pre-correct – all staff are using same approach for teaching and supporting throughout the year across the school day. We get what we pay attention to and this helps provide the common language/consistent approach- our values for our school When bully prevention became major priority in school system, they did not stop PBIS and replace, they understood, it would be a matter of teaching skills to students so they developed stop , walk and talk and incorporated into their social curriculum – the matrix is the delivery mechanism to get skills out ALL !!! 3. Rules or Specific Behaviors Stop: Interrupt, Say “that’s not ok.” Walk: Walk away Don’t be an audience Talk: REPORT to an adult
Daily Progress Report (DPR)
“Social & Academic Instructional Groups” (sample coping skills group) Daily Progress Report (DPR) NAME:______________________ DATE:__________________ EXPECTATIONS 1st block 2nd block 3rd block 4th block 5th block 6th block 7th block Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Total Points Teacher Initials Label feeling Use deep breathing Use calm words with peers Let teacher know feeling temperature if above yellow Higher tiered interventions are linked back to the core behavioral expectations to allow for transference and generalization. For example, a Tier 2 group teaching coping skills can link the skills taught (i.e. asking for help or making a plan) back to the Tier 1 Foundational skill of “responsibility” so classroom teachers can give prompts and feedback to students in the Tier 2 group when showing new skills in the classroom. This scaling up allows for consistency transference and generalization of higher tiered interventions to natural settings (i.e. the classroom) Decisions are made by the teams (at all tiers) as to how fidelity and outcomes of all Tier 1 activities/efforts and Tier 2/3 interventions will be will be assessed. Staff are given initial and follow-up professional development (PD), including coaching, and are provided with feedback about fidelity of implementation as well a outcomes. The amount of PD/coaching/feedback is commensurate with level of complexity of interventions so that the PD for higher tiered interventions allows for more PD for fluency building and accuracy. 27
Evaluation Plan
Example Aligned Professional Development Plan
INTEGRATING INITIATIVES Dr. Jennifer Garrison, Superintendent
Who are we? Sandoval Community Unit School District 501
Located in Marion County Small, rural district with high poverty and mobility rate Two buildings Sandoval Elementary- PreK-6 grade Sandoval Junior-Senior High School- 7th-12th grade Awarded a School Climate Transformation Grant and our second School Improvement Grant
How do we get there? Establish a District Leadership Team
Identify all data, initiatives and performance indicators Analyze how we are meeting these initiatives and indicators Determine methods for integrating initiatives to meet expectations Prioritize and develop action steps with timelines Evaluate plan implementation Establish DLT: Talk about key players to involve (District and building leaders, coaches or experts on content areas for all initiatives, teacher and family representatives)
Our Problem Limited human capacity to implement education reform in Illinois Initiative fatigue Too many meetings and not enough time Each school improvement initiative has workshops, trainings, ways to do things, etc. More emphasis on behavior side of triangle than academic
Discussion Questions What are the benefits we see in aligning initiatives? What are the risks of not aligning? What have we found to be helpful in aligning key state/district initiatives? What has impeded the process?
Proposed Solution Focus on continuous improvement and educating the whole child Blend or braid academic AND behavior Think of it as ONE TRIANGLE with 3 TIERS of COLLABORATIVE ACADEMIC AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ALL, SOME, or EACH
How we got started Formed District Leadership Team Superintendent
Building Principals Grant Administrators Special Education Cooperative District Teacher Leaders ALL external partners
Discussion Questions How are current initiatives helping us accomplish our goals/outcomes for children and families? List activities related to all grants, initiatives, plus state and federal mandates (IL example would be the Performance Evaluation Reform Act). We focused on our structure (system) first.
MTSS Structure Sandoval CUSD 501 Sandoval CUSD 501
District Leadership Team (DLT) Sandoval Grade School Building Leadership Team (BLT) Sandoval JH/HS Building Leadership Team (BLT) Acknowledgement Communication Data Tier 2/3 Communication & Acknowledgement Data Tier 2/3 Intervention Support Team Intervention Support Team
Discussion Questions How are current initiatives helping us accomplish our goals/outcomes for children and families? Determine if it is a framework or set of practices Example= MTSB is a framework and Restorative Practices is a set of practices that fit within.
Discussion Questions What are common practices across initiatives?
Data driven decision making focused on student outcomes Fidelity of Implementation Train the Trainer model to build capacity
Process DLT and BLT meet monthly
Planned for a year at the district level and rolled out at the beginning of the school year at the building level Keep the vision at the forefront! Includes having open conversations about what is needed and what we can manage as a district. Sometimes this challenges peoples’ thinking. Ongoing process- District Improvement Plan and MTSS Manual are living documents.
Sandoval District Improvement Plan
Real world example Let’s look at Goal 3 on Positive School Climate and Culture What do you see? What are your questions? Remember- this is a living document.
Wrap Up Celebrations Challenges Contact
Susan Barrett: Sherry Luecking: Jennifer Garrison:
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