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JOFEE Final Presentation

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1 JOFEE Final Presentation
Danielle Smith JOFEE Final Presentation

2 A poem about my year at camp :)
Beginning in March With some snow on the ground I moved into the woods With little around I chatted and hired Some new summer staff And when they arrived We all had a laugh The summer was wild In many good ways I learned how to delegate And say “it’s okay!” After the summer There was quite the switch I focused on marketing And my sales pitch I held a huge calendar With sixty events Running Jofee programs For ladies and gents I created new systems And organized Using the winter To rest tired eyes Then come the spring We kicked into high gear Several programs a week It’s been a full year! The cyclical nature Of camp is real neat Repeating my projects from last year’s a treat. Overall I’ve learned lots: How to manage a crowd, And how to stay calm When the kids were too loud I did lots of research About zips and high ropes Come fall, kids’ll swing Right over the goats! One goal was to learn The behind the scenes stuff About camp, education, Decisions that seem tough. I was also ready For more leadership roles And at Eden Village I filled many small holes I took initiative and stepped up all the time Using my strengths To help me to shine I learned what I’m great at And where I can grow The seeds I now hold I’m excited to sow!

3 Pics from SUMMER 2017!!

4 JOFEE at camp in Numbers
Number of JOFEE family programs I supported… 5 Maple Sugar Festival x 2 Sukkot Fest Lag B’Omer Fest Family Camp Number of campers at camp in 2016… 400 Number of people engaged in family programs at camp… 610 Farm School/ Homeschool Program 50 repeat students in the spring and fall

5 JOFEE off- camp in numbers
Number of JOFEE programs I lead outside of camp... 2 tincture making 3 yad whittling 14 eco drama 9 candle making 2 salve making 4 matzah making 3 kippah felting 34 Total Total number of kids I directly engaged in JOFEE Programs outside of camp...1,016

6 Story from the field I taught an eco drama program
That focused on ways To protect the planet With small acts each day Like conserving water, And picking up trash, And composting things Like leftover hash (browns) We had a long discussion About their lifestyles And kids were excited To bike and walk miles! After this program I got cards in the mail Saying how excited they are To compost their kale Some kids never knew That food turns back into soil And that plastic and polyester Come from crude oil They wrote thanking me For sharing these facts And they went home with a list Of all their new eco acts. A whole folder full Of these words so sweet Reminded me that what i’m doing Is pretty darn neat!

7 Jofee identity I am so grateful For this opportunity To be a fellow
Immersed in JOFEE I feel like a part Of a larger movement While spending the year On my self improvement I’ve gathered tools of the trade From trainings and friends Seeing the whole world Through a new lens New transferable skills Like google docs And holding a space For all sorts of deep talks Moving forward with knowledge About my top strengths Has already helped me To go to great lengths I am so looking forward To building community And holding Jewish events When I live in the city

8 Goals and Challenges From the very beginning It became clear
That I would learn and grow A whole lot this year Holding many projects All at the same time Was something I’d never done A growing edge of mine Now I juggle many things Moving in between A project here, a small task there It will all be seen One big goal of mine Before coming to camp Was to learn what it takes To run programs like a champ All of the coordination And details to carry My head is full and fluttering Like a small programs fairy. I have learned more about Holding multiple roles Overall meeting Most of my goals I grew as a leader And educator Becoming more confident As a program creator! Ensuring a balance Between the office and not Was a challenge for me That came up a lot Prioritizing programs and hands on learning Proved difficult for me Despite my deep yearning I was excited to teach And loved when I did Guiding my students And helping each kid I know more about The backend of ed And I’m grateful for that As I look further ahead

9 What’s next??? Now as camp is winding up I’m winding down
Preparing to move back To my home town I’ll use what I’ve learned From teaching in shul And shift my attention To kiddos in school Taking grad classes That start up in June This next big transition Is starting so soon! I’ll have teacher mentors And more pedagogy To continue to shape The teacher in me Living in Boston I’m pumped for it all If you’re in town Please give me a call!

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