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Revolution? (9) What is your idea of a revolution? Give your own definition as well as some examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Revolution? (9) What is your idea of a revolution? Give your own definition as well as some examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolution? (9) What is your idea of a revolution? Give your own definition as well as some examples.

2 Copernicus – thought of heliocentric theory (the planets revolved around sun).

3 Galileo – invented the telescope, drew sketches to prove heliocentric theory.


5 Church officials did not accept the discoveries made by Galileo and others…. Galileo was renounced and forced to spend his life under house arrest. Others were forced out. This is the emergence of the tension between science and religion.

6 Issac Newton – proposed laws of motion and universal gravitation.

7 Most people still accepted God as the creator of the universe… however, now they perceived the world as a big clock: it was wound by the divine clockmaker, but now moved according to natural law.

8 Rene Descartes French Mathematician and philosopher.
“I think, therefore I am.” He felt that no assumptions should be accepted without question. His philosophy was based on reason and logic.

9 Chemists *Conservation of Matter: matter can change form, but cannot be created or destroyed (ie water, steam, ice) *Impact of temperature and pressure on gas

10 What is the Scientific Method?
BEFORE ….. People explained the world in terms of religious thought, magic, or the ideas of ancient writers.

11 NOW…. People developed a curiosity to learn during the Renaissance, and felt more free to question old beliefs. They conducted experiments and drew conclusions about what they observed.

12 MAJOR advances in…. Astronomy Physics Chemistry Calculus, algebra, geometry Anatomy

13 No school for you on Wednesday and Thursday, for the PSAE testing.

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