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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution
What do you know about the Scientific Revolution?

2 Key Advancements Accurate measurements for ships
New instruments were created Telescope Microscope Challenged conception of universe Printing press Rediscovery of mathematics Galileo's Telescope ->

3 Early Thinkers Early thinkers were known as “natural philosophers”
Later thinkers relied on their scientific knowledge Renaissance thinkers recovered works from Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Plato Aristotle: Greek Philosopher and Scientist. Wrote books on everything. Was the authority on everything

4 Ptolemy 100 AD-170 AD (approx) From Egypt
Combined his own ideas with the Church’s and Aristotle’s Created the Ptolemaic system Series of Concentric Circles (series of circles in one another) Earth does not move “Prime Mover” 10th circle, moved by itself and moved all other spheres Humans were at the center of universe, God was was at one end “The Travelers” Planets travel in epicycles (small circles) as they orbit Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Thought solar system was “Geocentric” (Earth Centered)

5 Heliocentric Vs Geocentric Models

6 Nicholas Copernicus Native of Poland Born 1473; Died 1543
1543 “On the Revolutions on the Heavenly Spheres” Originally a mathematician Thought Ptolemaic system was too complicated Believed solar system was Heliocentric (Sun Centered) Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon revolved around the Earth Earth also rotates on an axis and journeyed around the sun every year

7 Reaction To Copernicus
Rejected Went against the Church and Ptolemy Called for earth to be rotating on an axis If Ptolemy was wrong, then what else did we get wrong?

8 Gif of how planets orbited

9 Tycho Brahe 1546-1601 Born in Denmark Believed in Heliocentric system
Originally studied law Worked for the king Documented the stars Challenged Ptolemy's theory with his star charts Observatory at Uraniborg Tried to create a new model that did not fit Geo and Heliocentric models (Tychonic Model) Bladder Explosion

10 Johannes Kepler 1571- 1630 German mathematician Moved to Uraniborg
Assistant to Brahe Often fought with one another Supported Copernicus’s Heliocentric theory Used Brahe’s data to create “Laws of Planetary Motion”

11 Kepler Continued Used Brahe’s data to create “Laws of Planetary Motion” 1st law: showed orbits were not circular, but were elliptical (egg shaped) 2nd Law: Orbital speed changes with distance from the sun 3rd Law: Length of time for planet to orbit sun increases with the radius of planets orbit This 1st law contradicted circular orbit theories Epitome of Copernican Astronomy was used after his death to spread his ideas

12 Galileo Galilei 1564-1642 Taught Mathematics First to use a telescope
1610 Published “Starry Messenger” First thing published when looking through telescope Discovered Mountains on the moon,Jupiter's moons, and sunspots Said stars were material substance and not heavenly borders

13 Church's reaction 1616 Church announced him as a heretic
Told not to “hold, teach, or defend copernican theory” Listened for 7 years 1632 summoned to Rome for trial Forced to defend himself-he was 68 and dying Found guilty of heresy and disobedience Put on a form of house arrest in 1633 By 1630’s and 40’s Copernican theory was accepted despite recanting of statements

14 Church's reaction “The view that the Sun stands motionless at the center of the universe is foolish, philosophically false, and utterly heretical, because contrary to the holy scripture” His findings were finally allowed to be published in their entirety in 1758 In 1835 the Church stopped its opposition of Heliocentrism

15 Isaac Newton 1642 Born in England Cambridge University
“Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” known as Principia 1st book of Principia he explains Universal Law of Gravitation Explains why planets don’t wander off/ travel in straight lines 3 Laws of Motion A body at rest stays at rest Acceleration is caused by force For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

16 Advances in Medicine Robert Boyle Chemist Worked on gases
Created Boyle's Law Volume of gas varies with pressure exerted on it (More pressure; less volume)

17 Andreas Vesalius Anatomist On the Fabric on the Human Body
Accurate measurements of organs

18 William Harvey On the Motion of the Heart and Blood
Showed the heart is starting point for circulation Only 1 type of blood in the body Showed how blood circulates

19 Reasoning Rene Descartes Wrote on Doubt and uncertainty
Stressed the importance of the mind “I think therefore I am” Father of Realism Realism: System of thought based on the belief that reason is chief source of knowledge

20 Scientific Method A systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing data Francis Bacon Inductive reasoning Emphasis on experimentation Considered father of scientific method

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