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Managing Health Information: We’re In It Together

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Health Information: We’re In It Together"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Health Information: We’re In It Together
Nordic Baltic EAHIL Workshop June 25-28, 2003 Oslo, Norway Eve-Marie Lacroix National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

2 Global Internet – Local Reach
Internet – Global look E-Health today Collaboration Go Local – Health Information MEDLINEplus PubMed Links PubMedCentral

3 Internet Growth Trends
1977: 111 hosts on Internet 1981: 213 hosts 1983: 562 hosts 1984: 1,000 hosts 1986: 5,000 hosts 1987: 10,000 hosts 1989: 100,000 hosts 1992: 1,000,000 hosts 2001: 150 – 175,000,000 hosts 2002: over 200,000,000 hosts By 2020, about 80% of the planet will be on the Internet Source: Internet Society

4 Global Internet-Language
Global 2003

5 US Internet Use 178 million current Internet users
122 million active Internet users The active user: Visits 98 domains per month Spends 25 hours per month on the Net Source: Nielsen/NetRatings May 2003

6 Broadband Source: Neilson/Ratings May 2003

7 Active eHealth Consumers Online
Millions of U.S. Adults (18+) Q M Online = Monthly or More Q M 65% of The Online Segment MID-YEAR Source: Cybercitizen Health v2.0 Manhattan Research, LLC 2002

8 Health-Related Activities Online (Past Three Months)
Significant Growth in the Connectivity Continuum Source: Cybercitizen Health v2.0 Manhattan Research, LLC 2002

9 Looking Forward Larry Ellison, CEO
“It’s just the dawn of the Information Age. You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Larry Ellison, CEO Oracle Corp. July 19, 2002

10 The Potential Internet – unrealized potential
Access to health information Reach every person in the world Internet – tremendous challenges Many interfaces,developers,sponsors Quality, currency, appropriateness Language

11 Working Together Librarians – medical, public, all
Physicians & Health Care Providers Publishers Patients, general public Educators Engineers, technologists

12 “Go Local” Linking MEDLINEplus and Local Resources


14 MEDLINEplus Go Local Model

15 NC Health Info Funded by NLM Partnership at University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill Health Sciences Library School of Information and Library Science Launch at NC site in December

16 Pittsboro Memorial Library

17 Linking to local health resources on the web
Community resources Health classes, support groups, home health care providers, hospices Healthcare providers Dentists, counselors, breastfeeding consultants, massage therapists NOT: medical or disease information Provided by MEDLINEplus

18 NC Health Info Partners
Public libraries and librarians Health educators - county public health departments AHEC libraries and librarians State health professional associations (physicians, dentists, nurses, etc)

19 Health information & local resources
Example - Breast Cancer MEDLINEplus NIH Info News Overviews Treatment Coping Research MEDLINE search etc. NC Health Info Health screening services Cancer care facilities Support groups Exercise and yoga classes Providers of wigs and prostheses Oncologists etc.





24 MEDLINEplus en español

25 MEDLINEplus en español
Over 550 health topics 4,000 encyclopedia articles 150 interactive tutorials Coming: drugs, news > 3 million page views in May by 350, unique visitors 120 countries – Mexico, Spain, Latin America, Switzerland, Portugal, Finland…

26 MEDLINEplus Survey – February 2003
Intercept/Survey Process: 1) MEDLINEplus visitors were randomly intercepted on the site and asked to take part in the survey. Visitors had the option to take the survey in either English or Spanish. 2) Visitors who agreed to take part in the survey were temporarily redirected to take the survey in a separate browser window. 3) After completing the survey, visitors continued searching.

27 Country of Residence * - - No respondents * Less than .5%

28 Key findings Most find MEDLINEplus from a search engine or web page – 68% Most use MEDLINEplus from home – 60% Most users are female – 70% Over 95% said they are “likely to return” – 98% for the English site.

29 Health Information Prescription
Partners: American College of Physicians American Society of Internal Medicine Foundation Medical Libraries

30 Prescription Pad

31 Linkout - Libraries

32 HINARI - LinkOut


34 WISER Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders
Hot zone HAZMAT Specialists Incident Command Local Incident Server (Laptop) Warm zone First Responders LAN Connected Disconnected WAN LOCAL INCIDENT AREA Wireless PDA to local server PDA to PDA HSDB Local Fire and Rescue Unit WISER system concept

35 PubMed on TAP For more info:

36 Click for even larger text
Click for audio of text Click for even larger text

37 Additional topics Hearing - NIDCD Balance disorders - NIDCD
Arthritis - NIAID Breast cancer - NCI Colorectal cancer - NCI Lung cancer - NCI Prostate Cancer - NCI

38 PubMed Central

39 PubMedCentral Backfiles
Publishers & Associations Scan and uncorrected OCR High volume scanning of guillotined volumes, not NLM’s archival copy Quality review and link images to PubMed

40 PMC Journals Journals published by the American Society for Microbiology Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences British Medical Association ( ) Canadian Medical Association Journal ( ) Bulletin of the Medical Library Association ( ) Annals of Internal Medicine - ACP

41 Internet:

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