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Strategies to Increase Healthcare Worker Flu Vaccination

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1 Strategies to Increase Healthcare Worker Flu Vaccination
Ashley Fell | Epidemiologist, HAI Program | Feb 25th, 2016

2 Vaccination Rates for Acute Care Hospitals
Healthcare Personnel Flu Vaccination Rates (2014/2015) State Employees Licensed Independent Practitioners (LIPs) Students/Trainees /Volunteers Overall AL 80.5% 51.2% 89.1% 77.6% IN 89.3% 76.6% 88.8% 87.4% KY 87.2% 35.4% 74.2% 78.9% MS 84.4% 61.3% 80.9% 82.2% TN 88.3% 63.6% 87.6% 84.8% US 88.6% 65.1% 83.8% 84.5% Source:

3 Vaccination Rates for Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Healthcare Personnel Flu Vaccination Rates (2014/2015) State Overall AL 69.6% IN 86.7% KY 75.1% MS 79.3% TN 83.1% US Average 80%

4 Tennessee Hospitals 2014/2015 Flu Season
HHS 2020 Goal for Healthcare Worker Vaccination: 90% 36 TN hospitals (32%) met this goal for the 2014/2015 flu season Which strategies helped these facilities meet this goal??

5 Strategies to Increase Immunization
Leadership support* Mandatory immunization policies* Staff immunization strategies Mobile vaccination cart Key messages Immunization communication Immunization campaign ideas Staff ‘flu champions’

6 Seasonal Survey on Influenza Vaccination Programs for Healthcare Personnel

7 Leadership Support Visible vaccination of key personnel and/or leadership Hospitals that utilized visible vaccination of key personnel and/or leadership were over twice as likely to meet the HHS 2020 goal of 90% vaccination (RR=2.3)

8 Mandatory Vaccination Policies
Require vaccination for credentialing Hospitals that required vaccination for credentialing were twice as likely to meet the HHS 2020 goal of 90% vaccination (RR=2.1) Require vaccination as a condition of employment Hospitals that required vaccination as a condition of employment were over 2.5 times more likely to meet the HHS 2020 goal of 90% vaccination (RR=2.7)

9 Impact of Implementing Mandatory Vaccination
On average, TN hospitals that implemented new mandatory vaccination policies experienced a 21.5% increase in their vaccination rates for the flu season the policy was implemented. Requirement of employment – compared to 5.5% increase among hospitals that didn’t change their policy

10 What else are successful facilities doing?
Require healthcare workers who do not receive vaccination to wear a mask in patient care areas during the flu season Provide free vaccinations onsite at convenient times, locations for all shifts

11 What else are successful facilities doing?
Communication with Staff: Immunization kiosks Links to external website for more info Q & A sessions Internal newsletters s Info at departmental meetings Free materials available here:


13 CDC’s #VaxWithMe Campaign
CDC Social Media Campaign to Promote Flu Vaccination

14 NHSN Reporting Reminders
Healthcare worker flu vaccination summary data is due in NHSN by May 15th, 2016 Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities, please make sure you’ve joined the TDH Group in NHSN us at with any questions!

15 Resources Tennessee Department of Health
Healthcare-Associated Infections Program, National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) NHSN Website: NHSN helpdesk (Tip: include “healthcare worker flu vaccination” in the subject line) FAQs about Healthcare Personnel Flu Vaccination Reporting: vaccination-summary-reporting.html

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