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PhD Oral Exam Presentation

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1 PhD Oral Exam Presentation
4/17/2018 5:18 PM Cloud Forensics Haitham Ennajah PhD Oral Exam Presentation

2 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah
Outline of the Talk Overview of Digital Forensics Challenges and Procedures in Digital Forensics Challenges and Difficulties in Cloud Forensics Techniques and Tools for Cloud Forensics Potential Research Topics in Cloud Forensics 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

3 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah
4/17/2018 5:18 PM Motivation Cloud computing changes IT infrastructure and promises simplicity, scalability, and cost reduction. Wide spread use of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS  Crimes and abuses increase in cloud. To prosecute crimes in cloud, requires preserving the evidences properly. 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

4 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah
Digital Forensics Forensic science: the application of science to the law Digital forensics, also known as computer and network forensics “Digital Forensics is the application of science to the identification, examination, collection, and analysis of data while preserving the information and maintaining a strict chain of custody for the data.” NIST 2006 –Guide to Integrating Forensic Techniques into Incident Response, Special Publication   12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

5 Traditional Computer Forensics
Deal with acquiring evidences from a PC, laptop, handheld device. A process of analyzing digital data while preserving its integrity to be admissible in the court of law. Collection and preservation of seized media at the crime scene Validation, analysis, interpretation, documentation and courtroom presentation of the examination results. 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

6 Challenges with Digital Evidences
Digital evidence is any information of probative value which is stored or transmitted in a digital form, [SWGDE99] Its challenges: The quantity of potential evidence Easy contamination The number of suspects Authenticity and integrity Reliability Completeness Convincement (to Juries) Admissibility 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

7 Digital Forensics Procedure
Citation 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

8 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah
Cloud Forensics (CF) A cross discipline of cloud computing and digital forensics 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

9 Security Issues in Cloud Computing
The loss of governance Lock-in Data Protection Insecure or incomplete data deletion 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

10 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah
4/17/2018 5:18 PM Ensure Cloud Security Service Level Agreement (SLA) Multi-Location Issues? <expand this> 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

11 Cloud Forensics Challenges
E-discovery dilemma: How to protect co-located data? Data from different sources can occupy the same sections within the storage media Criminals use anonymous communication system such as Tor and Anonymizer Which are originally designed for protecting network users from identity theft and profiling. 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

12 Hacking Tor/Anonymizer
<Include diagram of these two systems and provide brief discussion how to hack Tor/Anonymizer to discover the real identity of the criminals> 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

13 Technical Challenges in CF
Potential loss of data during an image process for different reasons such as shut down virtualized server, cause parallel or unrelated services to be interrupted. Lack of access to network routers, load balancers and other networking components Challenges in accessibility of logs and in log analysis of cloud applications Consolidation and consistency of logs Malicious insider Data deletion 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

14 Technical Dimension of CF
Encompasses the procedures and tools that are needed to perform the forensic process in cloud Forensic data collection. Elastic, static and live forensics. Evidence segregation. Investigations in virtualized environments. Pro-active preparations. 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

15 Challenges during Investigation
4/17/2018 5:18 PM Challenges during Investigation Discovery of Computational Structure. Attribution of Data. Semantic Integrity. Stability of Evidence. Presentation and Visualization of Evidence. Cross-Jurisdictional Aspects. There are so many challenges in these presentation. Can they be classified more clearly? 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

16 Tools for Cloud Forensics
4/17/2018 5:18 PM Tools for Cloud Forensics E-Discovery by Access Data. E-Discovery by Encase. OWADE - Offline Windows Analysis and Data Extraction from Stanford <Compare/Evaluate their features in table form> 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

17 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah
Chain of Dependencies Cloud providers and most cloud applications often have dependencies on other cloud providers Investigation may depend on one of the links in the chain, and level of complexity of the dependencies Facilitate communication/collaboration by organization policies and SLAs 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

18 Mobile Cloud Forensics [Zhu 2011]
Current forensic tools and methodologies when used on some smartphones, could not extract data from cloud storage based applications such as Dropbox have difficulties extracting cloud based s such as G-mail. Cloud based s can only be extracted if the phone is jail-broken or has a root access right. Cloud service provider can collect the s, but the integrity of the data would not be 100% 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

19 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah
CF Opportunities Cost Effectiveness. Data Abundance. Overall Robustness. Scalability and Flexibility. Policies and Standards. Forensics as a Service 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

20 Proposed Research Directions
List things you propose to do. Ask for feedbacks. 12/19/2013 Cloud Forensics/Haitham Ennajah

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