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Professor Adam Bridgeman Director, Educational Innovation

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1 Innovation in Science Teaching and Learning: leading uptake beyond individual innovators
Professor Adam Bridgeman Director, Educational Innovation Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education) Portfolio Australian National Learning and Teaching Fellow

2 Engaging Deans and Heads of School
Increasingly large faculties Deans can influence Heads: Culture KPIs Heads have influence over: Workload Promotions Performance planning Tactics: Engage regularly with faculty and school managers Provide resources, such as faculty grants and incentives Provide targeted data, such as comparisons of school performance on surveys, retention and attrition rates

3 Supporting a culture of innovation
Reward existing and encouraging new innovators Access to funds, workload relief and educational designers Recognition, such as promotion and awards Connect and mentor across faculties / institutions Sharing innovation ”Hands on” workshops Design workshops Peer observation Expecting innovation Build innovation into workloads and performance planning HEA Fellowships Promotion criteria

4 Supporting a culture of innovation
David Matthews, Times Higher Education 2017

5 Supporting a culture of innovation
"faculty members’ No. 1 challenge was to make sure that they were 'not an embarrassment to [themselves] in front of … students.’” "many academics clung to a 'very strong' idea of what constituted good teaching that they had often inherited from their former professors or even parents, even if other evidence was available” Actively support staff: Expect dip into student evaluations Time with good educational designers Work with students as partners

6 Take advantage of central and strategic projects
Move to new LMS Move to online masters Changes in new teaching space designs Changes in semester dates and lengths Opportunities to transform rather than review or refresh

7 Recognising and celebrating teaching excellence
HEA fellowship: The only internationally recognised framework for professional recognition of teaching excellence Available to all from 2018 Promotion to all levels for education-focussed staff Extended VC Awards covering innovation and professional staff Flexible -> likely to be blended or oniine – so need to think about integrity Flexible -> badging? transferrability via blockchain??

8 Week 4 // Open Door – semester 1 2017
Open classes ( ) and attendees ( )

9 Thank you @AdamBridgeman @SydneyEduInnov

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