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R.W. Arritt for the NARCCAP Team December 2006

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1 R.W. Arritt for the NARCCAP Team December 2006
North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Phase I Preliminary Results R.W. Arritt for the NARCCAP Team December 2006

2 Some preliminary results
RCMs currently are completing the reanalysis-driven runs. Results are shown here for from three RCMs. Configuration: common North America domain (some differences due to horizontal coordinates) horizontal grid spacing 50 km boundary data from NCEP/DOE Reanalysis 2 boundaries, SST and sea ice updated every 6 hours

3 Analysis Regions Northern Plains: flat terrain, early summer precip maximum Pacific Northwest: mountainous terrain, winter precip maximum

4 Precipitation,

5 Mean annual cycle of precipitation

6 January 1981 monthly mean 500 mb height
January 1980 – ENSO neutral reanalysis

7 July 1982 monthly mean 500 mb height
reanalysis reanalysis

8 Summary NARCCAP goals are:
to explore propagation of uncertainties as AOGCM results are downscaled using regional models, and to provide multiple realizations of future climates for impacts analysis. Preliminary results from a limited set of initial RCM output suggest: precipitation in northern Great Plains is reasonably predicted in the RCMs maritime influence in Pacific Northwest may extend too far inland (but need to look at other precip obs)

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