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Published byBasil Bradley Modified over 6 years ago
Operatiivse okeanograafia korraldus (konsortsiumid, initsiatiivid jne)
GEO ja GEOSS GOOS Copernicus Copernicus Marine Service (endine MyOcean) EuroGOOS BOOS
Akronüümid ja nimetused
GEO ja GEOSS Group on Earth Observations, koostöö: Global Earth Observation System of Systems GOOS Global Ocean Observing System Copernicus European system for monitoring the Earth Copernicus Marine Service Marine Environment Monitoring Service EuroGOOS European Global Ocean Observing System BOOS Baltic Operational Observing System
Tegevus, eesmärgid GEO ja GEOSS
Sound and timely environmental information with the supply of data and information about the Earth Copernicus Set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: earth observation satellites and in situ sensors such as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors. It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services related to environmental and security issues. GOOS Permanent global system for observations, modelling and analysis of marine and ocean variables to support operational ocean services worldwide Copernicus Marine Service CMEMS provides regular and systematic core reference information on the state of the physical oceans and regional seas. The observations and forecasts produced by the service support all marine applications. EuroGOOS Pan-European ocean observing network operating within the context of the Global Ocean Observing System BOOS Provide integrated marine services to the marine users and policy maker in the Baltic Sea
Organisatsioon GEO ja GEOSS
Valitsuste ja organisatsioonide vabatahtlik partnerlus, 102 riiki, 107 organisatsiooni, loodud 2005.a. tippkohtumise tulemusena Copernicus Euroopa Liidu algatus, tema ja ESA poolt finantseeritud. Varem GMES. Pre-operatiivne faas algas 2008 GOOS IOC (UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) kureerib. Algus 1991, hoo andis 1992.a. Rio tippkohtumine Copernicus Marine Service MyOcean , CMEMS alates Euroopa Komisjoni algatus ja tema poolt finantseeritud EuroGOOS Euroopa operatiivse okeanograafia instituutide vabatahtlik koostöövõrgustik alates Praegu 41 instituuti 19 riigist. Alates 2014 instituutide MTÜ. BOOS Läänemere operatiivse okeanograafia instituutide vabatahtlik koostöövõrgustik alates partnerit ja 3 koostööpartnerit.
Temaatilised allstruktuurid
GEO ja GEOSS Blue Planet – ookeanid, GEO BON – biodiversiteet, GEOGLAM – põllumajandus, GSNL – maaohtude seirekohad, GEONETCast – GEO infoteenused Copernicus Land Monitoring, Marine Environment Monitoring, Atmosphere Monitoring, Emergency Management, Climate Change, Security GOOS Argo Profiling Floats, Hydrography, Drifting Buoys, Continuous Plankton Recorder, Global Sea Level Observing System, Ocean Tracking Network Copernicus Marine Service Areas: Maritime Safety, Coastal and Marine Environment, Marine Resources, and Weather, Seasonal Forecasting and Climate activities // Observations, Modelling EuroGOOS SAWG: Science Advisory Working Group, TPWG: Technology Plan Working Group, DataMEQ WG: Data Management, Exchange and Quality Working Group, PWG: Product Working Group, COSMO WG: Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas Modelling Working Group BOOS WG: In-situ, data handling, modelling, remote sensing, system design & products
Regionaalsed allstruktuurid
GEO ja GEOSS AfriGEOSS – Aafrika, AmeriGEOSS – Ladina-Ameerika, GFOI – metsaseire arengumaades Copernicus - GOOS EuroGOOS, Mediterranean Ocean Network GOOS, Black Sea GOOS, NEAR (North-East Asian Regional)-GOOS, PI-GOOS, Indian Ocean GOOS, IOCARIBE-GOOS, GOOS for Africa, USA IOOS, Southeast Asian GOOS (SEA-GOOS), OCEATLAN, GRASP, IMOS Australian Integrated Marine Observing System Copernicus Marine Service Global Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, European North-West Shelf Seas, Iberia-Biscay-Ireland Regional Seas, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea EuroGOOS Arctic ROOS; Baltic BOOS; North-West Shelf NOOS; Ireland-Biscay-Iberia IBI-ROOS; Mediterranean MONGOOS. BOOS
Mille jaoks agriculture forestry and fisheries biodiversity and environmental protection climate and energy civil protection and humanitarian aid public health tourism transport and safety urban and regional planning
Operatiivse okeanograafia korraldus
(kokkuvõte) GEO ja GEOSS Globaalne, Maa, kaugeire GOOS Globaalne, ookean, in-situ Copernicus Globaalne/Euroopa, Maa, kaugseire Copernicus Marine Service Globaalne/Euroopa, ookean, prognoosid EuroGOOS Euroopa, ookean/meri, in-situ ja prognoosid BOOS Läänemeri, in-situ ja prognoosid
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