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Database Management Systems

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1 Database Management Systems
Chapter 7 Calculations and Data Manipulation

2 Database Programming Variables Computations Standard Functions Debug
Output Input Conditions Loops Arrays Data on Forms Properties Events DoCmd: Internal Commands Data Transfer Across Forms Data Lookup Programming SQL Database access programming Functions & statements grouped by task

3 Computing Totals Should you save totals in the database or just use queries and reports to obtain the values as needed? Queries and reports are the preferred method. Easier to create. Always have current values. But sometimes totals are stored to improve performance. If data rarely changes, faster to compute it once (e.g., sales tax). Calculations can lead to difficult queries. Also, totals are sometimes stored to prevent them from being changed automatically.

4 Programming Environment
DBMS Tables Create code (1) In forms and reports (2) Within the query system (3) Hosted in external programs Queries (2) If ( . . ) Then SELECT . . . Else . . . UPDATE . . . End If External Program Forms & Reports (3) C++ if (. . .) { // embed SQL SELECT … } (1) If (Click) Then MsgBox . . . End If

5 Windows Environment Before Windows With Windows Monolithic Code
Programming Appendix Windows Environment Before Windows Your code did all of the work. Programmer In complete control. Code ran from top to bottom. With Windows Structure and interface are defined by Windows standards. Event-driven. Code is in small pieces that are called as needed, when some event occurs. Monolithic Code Windows Form On_Click On_Change MsgBox . . . UPDATE . . . Start here Do this routine If (. . .) Then print . . . End If Wait for input More routines End here Event/Trigger

6 Data on Forms Simple assignment Naming conventions Full names
[control] = value value = [control] Naming conventions Is it a variable or a control? Full names Forms![myform]![ctlTax] Null values: IsNull([control]) Form Code 32.50 ctlTax Sub ComputeTax Total = … taxRate = ... [ctlTax] = taxRate*Total End Sub After Update

7 Control Properties and Methods
Set properties with code Examples Visible/Invisible Locked/Unlocked Combo box RowSource Methods SetFocus Undo Requery Code examples [control].Visible = False [control].Locked = False [control].SetFocus [combo].RowSource= “SELECT ... FROM . . .” Employee Sub Employee_AfterUpdate() If (Employee = “manager”) Then [cmdSalary].Visible = True [cmdSchedule].Visible = True Else [cmdSalary].Visible = False [cmdSchedule].Visible = False End If End Sub

8 Transfer Data Across Forms
Full names: Forms! [formname1]! [control1] Forms must be open Form1.Visible = True Subforms: Forms! [formname1]! [subform].Form! [control1]

9 Common Properties Forms Controls Controls Record Source Caption
Default View Menu/Scroll Bars Navigation/Selection Size/Center Pop Up/Modal/Border Controls Name Control Source Format/Decimal/Default Controls Input Mask Validation Rule/Text Status Bar Auto Tab/Enter Visible Enabled/Locked Tab Stop/Index Size, Position Back/Fore Color/Effects Border Font

10 Common Events Forms Controls Current Before/After Insert
Before/After Update Delete Before/After Del Confirm Open/Close Load/Unload Activate/Deactivate Got/Lost Focus Click/Double Click Error/Timer Controls Before/After Update Change Enter/Exit Got/Lost Focus Click Double Click Mouse Key Down/Up/Press

11 DoCmd: Internal Commands
See help system Common uses FindNext FindRecord GoToControl GoToPage GoToRecord Hourglass Maximize/Minimize OpenForm OpenQuery OpenReport Print Quit RunApp (Shell) RunSQL SetWarnings TransferDatabase TransferSpreadsheet

12 Programming: SQL Select Into Insert Into Update Delete
New table Insert Into Append rows Update Change data Delete Delete rows Operate on sets of data Use String for Where Use DoCmd RunSQL

13 ADO Update Changes set of values--based on Where Syntax Examples
Update table SET col1=val1, col2=val3 Where condition Examples Dim cnn as ADODB.Connection Dim cmd as ADODB.Command Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection Set cmd = CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”) cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn cmd.CommandType = adCmdText strSQL = “Update Order Set EstShipDate=OrderDate+3” cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute

14 SQL Example: Employee Titles
EID Name Phone Title 2298 Adams 2253 Manager 9983 Cuervo 9973 Supervisor 2736 Dubai 3385 Worker Employee Table Change titles Create a form Old title (combo) New title Command button SQL Manager Go Team Leader UPDATE Employee SET Title = " Team Leader " WHERE Title = " Manager ”;

15 SQL Example: New Titles
UPDATE Employee SET Title = "Team Leader" WHERE Title = "Manager"; Manager Go Team Leader Sub cmdGo_Click Build Update command in a String, using values from OldTitle and NewTitle. Execute the command. End Sub

16 Build the SQL Update Command: 97
Sub cmdGo_AfterUpdate Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "UPDATE Employee SET Title = ” & txtNewTitle _ & " WHERE Title = ” & cboOldTitle End Sub strSQL: UPDATE Employee SET Title = Team Leader WHERE Title = Manager Problem: You need quotation marks around the titles.

17 SQL Update Example SQL Sample
UPDATE Employee SET Title = "“Team Leader " WHERE Title = "Manager"; Sub cmdGo_AfterUpdate Dim strSQL As String, qt as String Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection, cmd As ADODB.Command q = “’” ‘ single quotation mark strSQL = "UPDATE Employee SET Title = " & q & [txtNewTitle] & q _ & " WHERE Title = " & q & [cboOldTitle] & q & " ; " Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection Set cmd = CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”) cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn cmd.CommandType = adCmdText cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute End Sub

18 SQL UPDATE (Oracle and SQL Server)
UPDATE Employee SET Title = "Team Leader " WHERE Title = "Manager"; Oracle PROCEDURE ChangeTitle(oldTitle IN VARCHAR2(50), newTitle IN VARCHAR2(50)) IS UPDATE Employee SET Title = newTitle WHERE Title = oldTitle; END ChangeTitle; SQL Server CREATE PROCEDURE VARCHAR(50)) AS UPDATE Employee SET Title WHERE Title GO END

19 Debug your Query

20 Insert Into (1) Adds rows to a table Syntax
Insert Into table (col1, col2, …) Values (value1, value2, … CID Last First Phone 938 Sosa Javier 8474 Masi Jorge LastName FirstName Masi Jorge strSQL = "Insert Into [Customer] (Last, First) " strSQL = strSQL & " Values ( " & q & [ctlLast] & q strSQL = strSQL & " , " & q & [ctlFirst] & q & “ )" cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute

21 Insert Into (2) Copies data rows to a second table Syntax
INSERT INTO {new table, columns} SELECT {any SQL} Example, move all customers who have not placed orders recently. Let users define “recently” by picking the number of days. SQL INSERT INTO OldCustomer SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID NOT IN (SELECT CustomerID FROM Order WHERE (Odate > Date() - x);

22 Code Example for Insert
CustomerID Name Phone 7763 Juarez 9987 3635 Kramer 2285 4456 Ciaro 8474 CustomerID Name Phone 7763 Juarez 9987 Customers who have not placed an order within some time frame. O# C# Odate Dim strSQL strSQL = “INSERT INTO OldCustomer” strSQL = strSQL & “ SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE” strSQL = strSQL & “ CustomerID NOT IN” strSQL = strSQL & “ (SELECT CustomerID FROM Order” strSQL = strSQL & “ WHERE (Odate > Date() - “ strSQL = strSQL & [txtDays] cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute Time frame (txtDays) is given by user.

23 Delete Delete a set of rows that match a condition
Syntax: Delete From table Where condition Cascade on Delete! Example: Move old customer data strWhere = “CustomerID NOT IN (SELECT CustomerID FROM Order” strWhere = strWhere & “ WHERE (ODate > Date() – “ & [txtDays] & “)” strSQL = “INSERT INTO OldCustomer” strSQL = strSQL & “ SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE “ & strWhere cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute strSQL = “DELETE FROM Customer WHERE “ & strWhere

24 Data Lookup Commands: D...
Syntax D... (expr, domain, criteria) “Column” “Table” “Where Clause” Functions DAvg, DCount, DFirst, DLast, DMin, DMax, DStDev, DStDevP, DSum, DVar, DVarP Dlookup Usually better to use SQL. Or to write DAO code. Column Table V = DSum(“BalanceDue”, “Customer”, “City=‘Chicago’”) Where Clause

25 Row-Level Object Programming
Purpose Track through table or query one row at a time. Data cursor/pointer to active row. Why? Performance. SQL cannot do everything. Complex calculations. Compare multiple rows. Year Sales ,321 ,998 ,004 ,736 ,321 ,998 ,004 ,736 MoveNext MovePrevious MoveFirst MoveLast Move Test for Beginning and End of File

26 Application Data Object (ADO) Programming
ADODB.Connection ADODB.Command ADODB.Recordset Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection Set rst = CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset”) strSQL = “my query” rst.Open strSQL, cnn

27 ADODB Recordset Initialization
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL = "SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Customer" rst.Open strSQL, cnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly Do Until rst.EOF ‘ Do something with the data rst.MoveNext Loop rst.Close Access 2000

28 Problems with Multiple Users
Original Data Modified Data Name Sales Alice 444,321 Carl 254,998 Donna 652,004 Ed 411,736 Name Sales Alice 444,321 Neal 333,229 Carl 254,998 Donna 652,004 Ed 411,736 New row is added--while code is running. rst.Open “Data”, cnn, , , adCmdTableDirect Value1 = rst(“Sales”) ‘ Alice (444,321) rst.MoveNext ‘ Carl rst.MovePrevious ‘ ??? Which row

29 Table Locator Commands
Move Commands .MoveNext .MovePrevious .MoveFirst .MoveLast .Move nRows Location tests BOF EOF Bookmarks Dim MyMark As String MyMark = rst.Bookmark (Save position) .Move . . . (Move somewhere else) rst.Bookmark = MyMark (Return to mark) Name Sales Alice 444,321 Neal 333,229 Carl 254,998 Donna 652,004 Ed 411,736 Save position bmk = rst.Bookmark rst.MoveNext rst.Bookmark = bmk

30 DAO: Recordset Find Commands
.FindFirst “condition” .FindLast “condition” .FindNext “condition” .FindPrevious “condition” Inefficient: Sequential search Use SQL instead rs.NoMatch rs.Seek Indexed One item rst.Index = “PrimaryKey” rst.Seek keyvalue, adSeekFirstEQ If (Not rst.EOF) Then ‘ Make changes End If

31 ADO: Recordset Find & Seek Commands
rst.Find “condition” Inefficient: Sequential search Use SQL instead rst.EOF ‘ True if not found rst.Seek value, adSeekFirstEQ rst.Open “Table”,cnn, adOpenDynamic ,adLockReadOnly, _ adCmdTableDirect rst.Index = “PrimaryKey” rst.Seek keyvalue, adSeekFirstEQ If (not rst.EOF) Then ‘ Make changes End If

32 Sample ADO Code Compute total of BalanceDue. Normally use SQL instead.
Dim dblSum as Double Dim cnn as ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection Set rst = CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset”) rst.Open “SELECT * FROM Customer”, cnn, _ adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly dblSum = 0.0 Do Until (rst.EOF) dblSum = dblSum + rst(“BalanceDue”) rst.MoveNext Loop MsgBox “Total Due = “ & dblSum rst.Close cnn.Close Compute total of BalanceDue. Normally use SQL instead.

33 Sample ADO Code to Change Data
Dim cnn as ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rst.Open strSQL, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Do Until (rst.EOF) rst(“BalanceDue”) = rst(“BalanceDue”)*(1 + [PctIncrease] ) rst.Update rst.MoveNext Loop rst.Close Add a 10% charge to the BalanceDue for every customer. The 10% value is entered on the form by the user. What happens if the row is already locked? Normally use SQL instead.

34 Error Handling Errors are events Simple code: Event Options
Display error and exit MsgBox Err.Description, , “Title” Resume Exit_Label Event Options On Error Goto [label] On Error Goto 0 On Error Resume Next Resume Options Resume Resume Next Resume label On Error Goto ErrSub1 Program code ExitSub1: Exit Sub ErrSub1: MsgBox Err.Description,,”Errors” Resume ExitSub1 Error occurs

35 Alternate Error Handling
Sub mySubroutine On Error Resume Next err.Clear ‘ clears error object rst.Open strSQL, cnn If (err.Number <> 0) Then … Handle the error End If Exit Sub Error occurs, skip to next line. Test for error, handle it.

36 Concurrent Access Concurrent Access Force sequential Two processes
Multiple users or processes changing the same data at the same time. Final data will be wrong! Force sequential Locking Delayed, batch updates Two processes Receive payment ($200) Place new order ($150) Initial balance $800 Result should be $ = $750 Interference result is either $600 or $950 Customers Receive Payment Place New Order ID Balance Jones $800 $600 $950 1) Read balance 800 2) Subtract pmt -200 4) Save new bal. 600 3) Read balance 800 5) Add order 150 6) Write balance 950

37 Deadlock Deadlock Many solutions Data A Data B 1) Lock Data A
3) Wait for Data B Deadlock Two (or more) processes have placed locks on data and are waiting for the other’s data. Many solutions Random wait time Global lock manager Two-phase commit - messages Data A Data B 2) Lock Data B 4) Wait for Data A

38 Lock Manager

39 Concurrent Access Customer Balance Adams 152.35 Brown 315.81
Jones Using & locked Running the program to add interest charges generates an error message. Do until rst.EOF rst(“Balance”) = rst(“Balance”)*(1.0+rate) rst.Update rst.MoveNext Loop

40 Errors and Locks "Error (RS)” ) = vbRetry ) Then On Error Goto ErrSub1
rst(“Balance”) = rst”(Balance”)*1.10 rst.Update ExitSub1: Exit Sub ErrSub1: If ( MsgBox (Err.Description, vbRetryCancel, _ "Error (RS)” ) = vbRetry ) Then Resume Else Resume ExitSub1 End If If the table is locked, Edit will cause an error. Let the user retry the edit or exit. To do it automatically, wait for a random number of seconds.

41 Optimistic Locks Assume that collisions are rare
Improved performance, fewer resources Allow all code to read any data (no locks) When code tries to write a new value Check to see if the existing value is different from the one you were given earlier If it is different, someone changed the database before you finished, so it is a collision--raise an error Reread the value and try again

42 Optimistic Locks for Simple Update
(1) Read the balance (2) Add the new order value (3) Write the new balance (4) Check for errors (5) If there are errors, go back to step (1).

43 Post’s Picky Programming
Use a naming convention. Use proper indentation. Comment your work. Avoid spaces in variable names. Use Option Explicit. Recompile constantly. Use as many parentheses as possible. Split complex conditions. Make it easy for the user. Use the status bar and tool tips. All code must be subject to error trapping. Use Retry with rst.Edit sections. Use subroutines and functions to simplify. Keep backup copies. Never use a raw number--use Const. Remember that databases can be moved. Test applications on different hardware. Test all calculations by hand.

44 Comments Weak comments Useful comments
dblSum = 0# ' Initialize the accumulator Do While Not rst.EOF ' Loop through the table dblSum = dblSum + rst(“Balance”) ' Accumulate the balance rst.MoveNext ' Move to the next row Loop ' End the loop ' Need to compute total balance from sales ' Will use a loop instead of SQL ' Because some conditions will be added later dblSum = 0# Do While Not rst.EOF ' Add condition when user provides it, for example ' If this customer has more than three sales past due, ' only count the three most recent (write off the older ones) dblSum = dblSum + rst(“Balance”) rst.MoveNext Loop Useful comments

45 Sally’s Pet Store Main Switchboard Employee logs in.
Buttons are presented based on the management level of the employee. Accounting Marketing Employees Purchasing forms are accessible by this employee. Not available to this employee.

46 Sally’s Pet Store: Switchboard Logic
Event: EmployeeID AfterUpdate On Error Goto ErrEIDAU Declare variables. Lookup assigned ManagementLevel of employee. Get Management levels for each section. Make two sections of buttons invisible. If (MgtLevel > Level1) Then Make first section of buttons visible. If (MgtLevel > Level2) Then make second section of buttons visible. End If ExitEIDAU: Exit Sub ErrEIDAU: MsgBox Resume ExitEIDAU

47 Sally’s Pet Store: Switchboard Code
Private Sub EmployeeID_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrEIDAU Dim varLevel, varMGTLEVEL1, varMGTLEVEL2 If Not IsNull(EmployeeID) Then varLevel = DLookup("EmployeeLevel", "Employee", _ "EmployeeID=" & [EmployeeID]) If Not IsNull(varLevel) Then varMGTLEVEL1 = DLookup("Value", "Preferences", _ "KeyID=" & qt & "MGTLEVEL1" & qt) varMGTLEVEL2 = DLookup("Value", "Preferences", _ "KeyID=" & qt & "MGTLEVEL2" & qt) End If cmdAnimalPurchase.Visible = False cmdMerchandisePurchase.Visible = False cmdInventory.Visible = False cmdAccounting.Visible = False cmdMarketing.Visible = False cmdEmployees.Visible = False

48 Sally’s Pet Store: Switchboard Code
If (varLevel > Val(varMGTLEVEL1)) Then cmdAnimalPurchase.Visible = True cmdMerchandisePurchase.Visible = True cmdInventory.Visible = True If (varLevel > Val(varMGTLEVEL2)) Then cmdAccounting.Visible = True cmdMarketing.Visible = True cmdEmployees.Visible = True End If ExitEIDAU: Exit Sub ErrEIDAU: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Unexpected Error (EIDAU)" Resume ExitEIDAU End Sub

49 Sally’s Pet Store: Employees
Enter a ZIP code and the form tries to find a matching city. Choose a city and the ZIP code is entered automatically. Spin buttons can be used to set employee level.

50 Sally’s Pet Store: Employee Spin Button
Private Sub SpinLevel_SpinDown() If IsNull(EmployeeLevel) Then EmployeeLevel = 0 Else If (EmployeeLevel > 0) Then EmployeeLevel = EmployeeLevel - 1 End If End Sub Private Sub SpinLevel_SpinUp() EmployeeLevel = 1 If (EmployeeLevel < 255) Then EmployeeLevel = EmployeeLevel + 1

51 Sally’s Pet Store: City
Private Sub CityID_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrCIDAU If IsNull([ZipCode]) Then [ZipCode] = DLookup("ZipCode", "City", "CityID=" & [CityID]) End If ExitCIDAU: Exit Sub ErrCIDAU: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Unexpected Error (CIDAU)" Resume ExitCIDAU End Sub ‘ Requires a large city table. ‘ Do not replace an existing ZipCode entry.

52 Sally’s Pet Store: ZipCode
Private Sub Zipcode_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrZCAU Dim strZipShort As Variant, newCityID As Variant strZipShort = Get5DigitZipCode(ZipCode) newCityID = DLookup("CityID", "City", _ "ZipCode=" & qt & strZipShort & qt) If Not IsNull(newCityID) Then [CityID] = newCityID End If ExitZCAU: Exit Sub ErrZCAU: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Unexpected Error (ZCAU)" Resume ExitZCAU End Sub ‘ City table only uses 5 digit codes. ‘ But we need to store 9 digits in ZipCode.

53 Appendix: SQL Server: Data Types
Primary Data Types DECIMAL(precision, scale) precision: Number of digits scale: Round-off point DECIMAL(7,4): INTEGER BIT Yes/No CHAR Fixed length string VARCHAR Variable length string IMAGE Binary data DATETIME

54 Appendix: SQL Server Structure

55 Appendix: Variables CREATE PROCEDURE integer) AS BEGIN DECLARE myVar decimal IF > 10) END

56 Appendix: Transact-SQL Operators
Operation Power(x, n) Exponentiation *, / Multiply, Divide +, -, + Add, Subtract, Concatenate =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, IS NULL, LIKE, BETWEEN, IN Comparison NOT, AND, OR Logical operators

57 Appendix: Transact-SQL CASE
CASE Account WHEN ‘P’ THEN -- do personal accounts WHEN ‘C’ THEN -- do corporate accounts WHEN ‘S’ THEN -- do small business ELSE -- handle error END IF (condition) BEGIN -- statements END ELSE -- other statements

58 Appendix: Transact-SQL Loops
integer = 0 WHILE < 10) BEGIN IF (error condition) BREAK @I + 1 END

59 Appendix: Procedures or Subroutines
CREATE Procedure datetime) AS -- local variables are defined here BEGIN -- first copy the data to a backup table INSERT INTO OldAccounts SELECT * FROM Account WHERE AccountID NOT IN (SELECT AccountID FROM Order WHERE ODate GO -- Copy additional tables … -- Delete from Account automatically cascades to others DELETE FROM Account WHERE AccountID NOT IN END

60 Appendix: SQL Cursors datetime, @varTotal money DECLARE c1 CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY SELECT Name, Salary, DateHired FROM Employee OPEN c1 FETCH NEXT FROM @Hired = 0 WHILE BEGIN END CLOSE c1 DEALLOCATE c1 GO -- Now do something

61 Appendix: Error Handling
CREATE PROCEDURE myProc ( ) AS DECLARE -- declare all local variables BEGIN -- SQL statement GO IF <> 0) -- Transact-SQL code to handle the error END

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