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The cultural traveller

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Presentation on theme: "The cultural traveller"— Presentation transcript:

1 The cultural traveller

2 Who is the cultural traveller?
1 / STRATEGY 2 / the cultural traveller 3 / SHARE of the cultural traveller 4 / Profile of the cultural traveller


4 Who is the cultural traveller?
1 / STRATEGY 2 / the cultural traveller Definition Target groups & niches Available profiles 3 / SHARE of the cultural traveller 4 / PROFILE of the cultural traveller

5 2 / the Cultural Traveller definition
“The international operations of VISITFLANDERS are focused on the cultural traveller.” (Marketing Strategy ) We define the cultural traveller as an overnight visitor for whom the opportunity to experience culture is a decisive factor in his destination choice.

6 2 / the Cultural Traveller definition
Cultural travellers are heterogeneous and can be motivated by different types of cultural experiences: Heritage experience (cultural, natural, religious,…) art experience (museum, gallery, festivals,…) Local culture experience (food, cycling culture, other traditions, language,…)

7 2 / the Cultural Traveller target groups & niches
Based on our tourism assets and large projects during , we subdivided the segment into specific target groups: Heritage & Art Lover motivated by visiting heritage sites, patrimony, museums, … Food Lovers food is one of top three deciding factors when travelling Cycling Lover cycling is an important activity during holidays Art Fanatic a niche strongly motivated by arts & exhibitions FOOD Fanatic a niche undertaking gastronomic holidays Cycling Fanatic a niche of amateur cyclists undertaking cycling holidays

8 2 / the Cultural Traveller target groups & niches
Leisure vs Business Experiencing Culture 3 types of Cultural Travellers Niche groups

9 2 / the Cultural Traveller Available profiles
Based on current research we created profiles of the target groups Heritage & Art Lover, Art Fanatic, Food Fanatic and Cycling Fanatic Currently Food Lovers and Cycling Lovers can not be clearly defined. This will be subject to further research insights.

10 Analysis from 2 points of view:
2 / the Cultural Traveller Available profiles Analysis from 2 points of view: Potential of the market: What is the share of the cultural traveller in the source market? Based on VisitFlanders’ Flemish Masters online research (2016) on 17,000 respondents from the following markets: Data available on: the Netherlands, France, Germany, the U.K., Spain, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, the U.S., Japan, Brazil, Russia India and Japan NOTE: overall figures on international travellers do not include the BRIC-countries ACTUAL visitors from the market: What is the current share of cultural travellers from the market in Flanders? Based on VisitFlanders’ The Holidaymaker in Flanders – Art Cities research (2011). Data available on: the Netherlands, France, Germany, the U.K., Spain, Italy, Scandinavia, the U.S. and Japan.

11 2 / The cultural traveller Available profiles
Leisure vs Business Experiencing Culture 3 types of Cultural Travellers Niche groups

12 Who is the cultural traveller?
1 / STRATEGY 2 / the cultural traveller 3 / SHARE of the cultural traveller The Cultural Traveller Heritage & Art Lover Art Fanatic Food Fanatic 4 / PROFILE of the cultural traveller

13 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller The Cultural Traveller
Motivation? Experiencing culture is the decisive factor in the choice of destination. Share of the market? Potential: of international travellers are Cultural Travellers* actual: of the visitors in the Art Cities are Cultural Travellers 53% 55% * Excluding BRIC-countries

14 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller potential vs. actual by market
* * potential actual Most markets show higher ‘actual’ than ‘potential’ shares – this seems logical given the cultural nature of our destination * No share for actual market

15 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller potential BRIC markets
Cultural traveller shares for BRIC markets vary between 56% and 69%. (these markets are not included in the total share of the cultural travellers in the rest of this document)

16 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller actual share per Art City

17 Who is the cultural traveller?
2 / Profile of the cultural traveller Cultural Traveller Heritage & Art Lover Art Fanatic Food Fanatic

18 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller the Heritage & Art Lover
Motivation? Culture and historic heritage are the most important factors in the destination choice. Share of the market? Potential: of all international travellers are Heritage & Art Lovers* actual: of the visitors in the Art Cities are Heritage & Art Lovers 50% 53% * Excluding BRIC-countries

19 are Heritage & Art Lovers.
2/ share of the Cultural Traveller Heritage & Art Lover: potential vs actual by market * * potential actual The high shares of The Heritage & Art Lovers show that the majority of Cultural Travellers are Heritage & Art Lovers. * No share for actual market

20 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller
Heritage & Art Lover: potential BRIC markets potential For China Heritage & Art Lover shares differ a lot from the total cultural traveller share. This is due to a high Food Fanatic share. among Chinese travellers. Other BRIC markets’ shares are close to the main cultural travel shares for those markets.

21 Who is the cultural traveller?
2 / Profile of the cultural traveller Cultural Traveller Heritage & Art Lover Art Fanatic Food Fanatic

22 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller the Art Fanatic
Motivation? Art Fanatics seek a deeper immersion in art during their travels. Art, Exhibitions, (cultural) festivals and events are important factors in their destination choice. Share of the market? Potential: of all international travellers are Art Fanatics, or 16% of all Heritage & Art Lovers* actual: no share available 8% * Excluding BRIC-countries

23 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller Art Fanatic: potential by market
Potential art fanatic Some markets show Art Fanatic shares of about 10% and more. Italy hosts the most Art Fanatics (16%).

24 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller Art Fanatic: potential BRIC markets
Potential art fanatic Art Fanatic shares for Brazil, Russia and India are slightly higher than in some other markets.

25 Who is the cultural traveller?
2 / Profile of the cultural traveller Cultural Traveller Heritage & Art Lover Art Fanatic Food Fanatic

26 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller the Food Fanatic
Motivation? Food Fanatics are motivated by gastronomy. They have taken at least one gastronomical trip during the past 3 years and food is a very important factor in their destination choice. Share of the market? Potential: of all international travellers are Food Fanatics* actual: of the current visitors in the Art Cities are Food Fanatics 6% 6% * Excluding BRIC-countries

27 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller
Food Fanatic: potential vs. actual by market potential actual - Neighbouring markets show the highest ‘actual’ shares - France, ^Spain, US and especially Japan have high potential shares for gastronomy.

28 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller
Food Fanatic: potential BRIC markets Potential Food Fanatic One in three Chinese travellers are Food Fanatics (travellers who have taken a gastronomic trip during the past three years and for whom food is the most important factor in their destination choice).

29 2/ share of the Cultural Traveller Lover & Cycling Lover?
At the moment, Cycling Lovers and Food Lovers are not included in the total share of the cultural traveller. Upcoming research (2017) will provide us with further insights to determine the share of these target groups. Current research provides us with the following information related to these 2 groups: Cycling Lovers: of international travellers have taken a cycling trip during the past 3 years. Cycling Fanatics are a niche group within Cycling Lovers. Food Lovers: For 40% of international travellers, food is one of the top three deciding factors in destination choice. Food Fanatics are a niche within Food Lovers. 6% 40%

30 2/ Profile of the Cultural Traveller
Profile Food Lover & Cycling Lover? Leisure vs Business Experiencing Culture 3 types of Cultural Travellers Niche groups

31 Who is the cultural traveller?
1 / STRATEGY 2 / the cultural traveller 3 / SHARE of the cultural traveller 4 / PROFILE of the cultural traveller

32 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Heritage & Art Lover
TRAVEL TYPES (holidays in the last 3 years) potential

33 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Food Fanatic
potential actual AVERAGE AGE 47 44 48 46

34 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Food Fanatic
TRAVEL TYPES (holidays in the last 3 years) potential

35 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Heritage & Art Lover
MOTIVATION FOR TRAVELLING ABROAD (People had to choose their top 3 of motivations) potential

36 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Food Fanatic
MOTIVATION FOR TRAVELLING ABROAD (People had to choose their top 3 of motivations) potential

37 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Heritage & Art Lover

38 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Food Fanatic

39 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Heritage & Art Lover
Bestedingen per persoon en per nacht in de kunststeden (euro) ACTUAL ACTUAL

40 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller the Food Fanatic
Bestedingen per persoon en per nacht in de kunststeden (euro) ACTUAL

41 3/ profile of the Cultural Traveller
HERHAALBEZOEKERS IN DE KUNSTSTEDEN Bestedingen per persoon en per nacht in de kunststeden (euro) ACTUAL

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