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ESS Innovation Procurement Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "ESS Innovation Procurement Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESS Innovation Procurement Workshop
GSI Public Procurement Practise for FAIR Julia Shirotskiy

2 Overview Facts and Figures about GSI The FAIR Project
Challenges for Procurement Improvement Fields Lessons Learned Julia Shirotskiy

3 Facts and Figures about GSI
Foundation 1969 Associates Federal Republic of Germany (90%), State of Hesse (8%), State of Rhineland-Palatinate (1%), Free State of Thuringia (1%) Member Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers Mission Construction and operation of accelerator facilities and research with heavy ions Budget € 108 million Staff 1100 employees, including 600 scientists and engineers Visiting scientists 1000 scientists from universities and research institutes all over the world Julia Shirotskiy

4 The FAIR Project: Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Julia Shirotskiy

5 The FAIR Project: Goals
Expectation for brilliant beam properties with highest beam intensities brilliant beam quality highest beam energies highest beam power parallel operation Julia Shirotskiy

6 The FAIR Project: History and International Cooperation
1999 set up of the project at GSI 2007 green light from the German Government 2010 foundation of the FAIR GmbH by the international owners Current international partners: Finland, France, India, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden The Partner contribute their technical and scientific experience, financial and in-kind input FAIR will be a host laboratory for basic research for about 3000 scientists from about 50 countries Julia Shirotskiy

7 The FAIR Project: FAIR@GSI
Julia Shirotskiy

8 Challenges for Procurement: Project Requierments and Initial Situation
Project requirements Multiplication of the purchasing volume Procurement of high-tech research instruments to be designed, prototyped and tested by the supplier Initial situation organized in fife commodity teams without experience in big projects geared to satisfy the basic requests from technical departments realizing experiments, operating the accelerator and implementing some extensions of the accelerator Julia Shirotskiy

9 Purchasing Example: Superconducting Magnets
length of nearly 3 meters weight of more than 3 tons magnetic field of up to 1.9 Tesla maximum field intensity within half a second cooling down to 4 Kelvin (-269° C) with liquid helium 108 of such magnets will be required for the SIS100 synchrotron Julia Shirotskiy

10 Challenges for Procurement: Boundaries
Regulations on Contract Awards for Public Supplies and Services - Part A (VOL/A) Open award procedures as principle Time limits Formal requirements for tenders German public pay scale TVÖD Time limited and earmarked funds Julia Shirotskiy

11 Improvement Fields Purchasing team Purchasing organization
Processes within purchasing Overall procurement process and interfaces to Systems and Tools Julia Shirotskiy

12 Lessons Learned Procurement marketing
=> a structured process to contact, to lead and to enable the suppliers is needed Award procedures => open procedures have a high risks in the contracting process, so negotiation procedures have to be installed as regular process Julia Shirotskiy

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