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Dutch John Development Project

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1 Dutch John Development Project

2 Dutch John Townsite Map of Dutch John Townsite
Dutch John is not an incorporated town. The townsite includes the entire area within the boundary, although sometimes it is referred to only as the currently developed area. Map Link (this is a large file 6+MB)

3 Brief History Dutch John Privatized from Bureau of Reclamation and Forest Service Initial General Plan prepared as part of the process Existing homes sold to Dutch John residents/workers Most Undeveloped lots in the townsite sold by auction

4 Expectations: Achieved and not Achieved
Dutch John would be a boom town Dutch John would become self-sufficient and incorporate Workers would be able to purchase homes and realize appreciation Residents would have more individual control of their housing situation

5 Why were these Expectations Not Achieved?
Many Reasons – including: Location, Location, Location – No rail few roads and hard on vehicles w/switchbacks Seasonality of the area Small population and business base County disposition policy inhibits sale Little additional housing created Infrastructure not up to state code

6 What has been done? Early Planning Efforts
Dutch John Advisory Committee formed in 2003 Grant applied for Water and Sewer project Engineering being completed by Uintah Engineering-one month to water bid Sewer now under construction Hills Bro. Airport being resurfaced

7 What has been done (cont’d)
Economic Development Action Plan in 2004 General Plan updated Lots of Planning little action New Attorneys tasked with looking at County Disposition Ordinance RFP developed and put out to public

8 Why the RFP? Transition money from privatization ends in 2014.
Current tax revenues generated within Dutch John townsite are only: $45-50,000 Not expected to equal in 2014, but needs to get much closer. County staff & officials are not developers County staff & officials are not engineers

9 Desired Outcomes Move County owned land into private ownership - #1
Do it in a way that makes sense for future growth and development Planning needs to be completed and ordinances developed to match the plan Funding needs to be found to make this all possible.

10 RFP Project Scope of Work
• Manage the infrastructure development projects currently under way. (See attached.) (Liaison & suggestions for future needs) Find additional funding for future projects and development activities, including but not limited to researching, applying for, and administering grants received. Actively seek out and assist interested developers through the necessary processes to complete the desired development. Work with the DJAC and Daggett County government, including elected officials, staff and others to simplify the development process as much as possible. Develop recommendations to ensure proper land use development including the completion of a Master Plan for the Dutch John area. Compare to previous slide emphasize Manage is to liaison. Are you here hoping we will be letting out new contract for county engineer? Don’t plan on it.

11 What will we be looking for?
Proposals should go start to finish with the goal in mind of seeing the development happen. Timeline and cost per year. Our year runs January 1 to December 31. Remember #1 goal!! Minimize rehashing of planning already done-Dutch John is tired of planning Budget is set in advance!

12 More What we are looking for
Experience and ability to fast track the project How is your experience going to help? How are you going to keep the project on track? How do you plan to prepare data and other material to be given to the County? How do anticipate or expect the county and its volunteers to participate?

13 Cautions This is not Salt Lake, Provo or Vernal!
This is a recreation area and not an industrial area Current population is between County population is less than 1000 Some residents don’t want any change Daggett County has limited people resources

14 Resources Screen Shot of Develop Dutch John website
Screenshot of the Frequently Asked Questions webpage Screen Shot of General Plan Maps For Further Questions contact me at:

15 What information is missing from the Website?
What other questions do you have?

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