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“Too much content and so little time!”

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1 “Too much content and so little time!”
Teaching Religious Education Wisely and Prayerfully

2 Class Time Talk with students as they come into class – engage them in their lives (what did you do this week, how was your football game, has anyone seen this movie?, where can I go to get the best pizza?, How was that math final?, What’s your plan for this weekend? Share a funny youtube video or pictures from last class). We need to connect with them on a human level. Class Begins Prayer Review last class’s content Deliver Content Check for understanding Wrap Up

3 Prayer Use different forms
Remember, they don’t know how to pray spontaneously unless they are taught how to pray Memorized prayers are a great model Memorare, Rosary decade, St. Michael Prayer, prayers of the saints, Hail Holy Queen, etc. Take time to sit with Jesus in Church Sing (or have one person lead song) Find silence but you might need to use a song or reflection to allow their minds to stop racing Ask for intentions (written or said aloud)

4 Review Past Material This is essential to connecting themes and concepts Don’t just teach 15 separate lessons that seemingly don’t fit together String the lessons together so they are coherent Possibly give the students a worksheet which they fill out during each class (What are three things you learned today, three challenges, questions, main vocabulary words and definitions, etc). The worksheet can be used to review Throw a ball to ask quick review questions, give a short quiz

5 Deliver Content Define your 3-5 main objectives
Connect to the last lesson Split up into groups and read parts from the book, answer questions, watch a video clip and then respond, catechist lectures and students fill out sheet to follow along, have students read and then present on their readings (5 min presentations), have them think, pair, and then share with the large group Remember that activities if chosen, must be age appropriate and worthwhile in teaching content. Don’t do activities just for activity sake – have a purpose!

6 Check for Understanding
Teach the content – but review the content after introducing it What were the three main teaching points for today? What did you learn today? Review the vocabulary words/concepts Have a mini quiz at the end to review material Develop a way to check for comprehension

7 Wrap Up Challenge/Homework – always leave them with something to think about or do Homework doesn’t have to be scary, but it brings validity to the class. “Ask your parents about the day you were baptized and answer these 5 questions. Pick one song which speaks out against one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Bring in a scene from a movie that…”) Visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament – end class there in the Church?

8 Remember… Students learn tough content in science and literature. Theology shouldn’t be on a separate level. Remember to introduce them to Jesus – he is a person Be a witness in the way you act, the way you speak, and the way you treat students Lead with love Teens have lots of questions. Allow time to answer them or answer written questions that are placed in a bowl Introduce them to the saints. Real stories and witnesses draw us in Understand youth culture so as to present content in a meaningful way PRAY FOR YOUR STUDENTS by name

9 It’s helpful to… Sprinkle your classroom with holy water
Invite the pastor into class Invite quality speakers into class Expose them to the beauty of Catholicism in a real way Be joyful even when the students don’t want to be there Challenge them – answers like “I don’t know” or “Who cares” don’t cut it. Let them off the hook and you have the whole class doing that. Rephrase questions if the students do not understand Refer to other textbooks to explain certain topics better than your main textbook if it seems weak in that area

10 It’s not about us. It’s about Jesus.
Why are you doing this? Love And because God wills It.

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