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Anthem: A study of dystopian society

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1 Anthem: A study of dystopian society
Novella written by Ayn Rand

2 Meet Ayn Rand Read the section titled “About Ayn Rand” at the back of the novel. What stands out to you about her life? Why is she so influential to modern American thought and philosophy? What obstacles did she have to overcome? What was her guiding philosophy?

3 Essential Questions that lead to theme:
What is identity? What is cultural identity? What are our responsibilities to others based on this identity? What role does society play in crafting identity? How do current events and society influence our perspectives?

4 Essential Questions continued
What are our responsibilities to society and how can culture play a role in these responsibilities? What is the current system of governmental ideology in America? Is this system any more valid than other systems? What system of government ideology did Ayn Rand experience in Russia? How does this differ from American ideology?

5 Philosophical ideas in Anthem:
Utopia vs. Dystopia Individualism vs. Collectivism Selflessness (obliteration of individual thought) Altruism Egoism Free Will Conformity

6 World Views . . . (to think about as you read)
As you read Anthem, take note of how the narrative presents Rand’s world view. How would you describe her world view? How is her worldview similar to or different from your own? How has her philosophy influenced your own world view? Do you think that her worldview is valid or worthy?

7 Assignment 1: Today, read the author’s introduction and note any comments she makes on her purpose in writing. Complete pp before class discussion tomorrow. Chapter 1, question 1 will be a journal entry: RTR: date Anthem’s society para FEF In a small group, discuss and record your answers to the remaining discussion questions for chapter 1. Be ready to share your thoughts whole group. Do you enjoy working collectively or as an individual? Why?

8 Assignment 1 continued:
While viewing a clip from the movie V for Vendetta, consider the following: “What is V’s message to the populace?” After viewing, write down your observations about the clip and what you believe V’s main message is. What does V believe about the citizens’ role in allowing government to take control of their lives?

9 “Free will means the choice to think or not.” -Ayn Rand

10 What is the purpose of V’s slogan. Do you agree with this message
What is the purpose of V’s slogan? Do you agree with this message? Is it a form of propaganda? Why/why not?

11 Can you make a connection to Anthem?

12 Assignment 2: Read pp (chapters 2-4) before class discussion tomorrow. With your small group, discuss the questions for chapters 2-4.

13 A catalyst for rebellion . . . Does every successful movement need one?


15 How is loss become a catalyst for revolution in Hunger Games?

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