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NatHosting Project: Overview

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1 NatHosting Project: Overview
Matthias Razum (FIZ Karlsruhe), Hildegard Schäffler (BSB), Michael Seadle (HU Berlin) SafeNet Workshop; Edinburgh, 25/26 July 2016

2 Background Alliance of Science Organisations: Initiative „Digital Information“ ( ) Working Group „National Hosting Strategy“ of the „Alliance“ deals with the issue of permanent access to licensed digital publications: Commissioned a study by Charles Beagrie Ltd.: „Ensuring Perpetual Access: Establishing a Federated Strategy on Perpetual Access and Hosting of Electronic Resources for Germany” (2010) recommendations: consider Portico and/or LOCKSS, take international cooperation into account Preliminary evaluation of Portico and LOCKSS leads to project NatHosting, funded by the German Research Association (DFG) aiming at the preparation of a sound concept for the subsequent implementation of a national hosting strategy

3 Project Grant „NatHosting“
Project start: 02/2014 Project end: 02/2016 Consortium Bavarian State Library (BSB) FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz-Institute for Information Infrastructure University Library Frankfurt/M. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) KIT Library and Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) Humboldt-University, Berlin Berlin School of Library and Information Science University Library Erlangen-Nürnberg

4 Project Structure Seven Work Packages (lead): Quantities, licences BSB
Analysis of Portico and LOCKSS HU Proposal for a technical solution FIZ-KA Rights management KIT Use cases and workflows UB-ER Organisational and financing structure UB-F Achieving acceptance / external supervision (Advisory Board) BSB

5 Proposed Solution The analysis of the main characteristics of both Portico and LOCKSS lead us to the proposal of a combined solution: Portico participation of a national consortium Covering the content of a large number of (often bigger) publishers without delay Either as an „opt-in“ consortium or as a „national licence“ Portico‘s offer currently under negotiation Build-up of a „Managed PLN“ Successively covering content from smaller but relevant publishers, currently not covered by Portico

6 Proposed Solution Coupling the PLN with a „trusted“ rights management Based on KB+; linked with national ERM project According to the licences of the participating libraries Opt-out concept for publishers, if they don’t agree with the rights interpretation of the libraries Potentially to include Portico rights management as well Third party systems can be integrated if certain standards are fulfilled

7 Proposed Solution 3 Setup of a National Hosting Agency
Negotiations with publishers about PLN participation Setup of the entitlement registry Commissioning of a technical operator of the PLN incl. rights management Communicating with the German library community Representing NatHosting in Portico and LOCKSS Boards Requires: organisational and funding concepts

8 Next steps Prepare follow-up proposal with DFG for funding of implementation project Defining content priorities and licensing content (including Open Access) Technical implementation of PLN and rights management Populating entitlement registry Defining and testing workflows Establishing a hosting agency and funding strategy Conclude negotiations with Portico Continue with international networking Share licensing language Joint negotiations for publishers‘ PLN participation? Share plug-ins Share ERM technology

9 Thank You!

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