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Presentation on theme: "GREETINGS FROM BULGARIA!"— Presentation transcript:


2 How the Regional Inspectorates of Education in Bulgaria encourage the principals to introduce innovations in their school management Presented by: Mr. Ivan Panayotov – Head of Regional Inspectorate of Education, Haskovo Mrs. Galina Gotsova – Head of Regional Inspectorate of Education – Vratsa BULGARIA

3 Structure of Bulgarian Educational Management
Ministry of Education and Science 28 REGIONAL INSPECTORATES OF EDUCATION (RIE) School School facilities Kindergarten

Controlling Organizational MAIN FUNCTIONS of RIE Methodical

5 Improvement of methods of teaching and thus the educational process;
Priorities of Ministry of Education and Science and Regional Inspectorates of Education Improvement of methods of teaching and thus the educational process; Increasing the qualification of teachers Motivating schools for participating in projects and programmes of European Union Expanding the range of the all day organization of the educational process Reducing the number of drop-off students

6 RIE supports the schools in their work in the projects included in the Operational Programme “HRD”

7 The project of the National Institute for education and qualification in the educational system “Innovative practices in management” Innovative approaches in management for promotion the quality of education in Bulgarian language as an official language in education Management and development of new creative practices in ICT use in school Innovative approaches in management in cooperation with interested schools and persons Innovative approaches in management in development of civic and social competences of students

8 Joint participations of RIE and schools in European educational projects
Lifelong Learning Programme: Comenius, Regio partnerships Leonardo da Vinci, Mobility

9 RIE – Vratsa - coordinator
Comenius, Regio partnerships “Cooperation between educational institutions and parents aiming to provide quality education of the students from primary level” RIE – Vratsa - coordinator  Primary school ”S.Vrachanski”- Vratsa 1. School board 2. PARTNERS

10 Partners from Romania 1 3 2 Center of teachers education
Casa Corpului Didactic Prahova School board Comitetul reprezentativ al părinţilor + Școala cu clasele I-VIII ”Sf. Vasile” Ploiești School Școala cu clasele I-VIII ”Sf. Vasile” Ploiești

11 The main aim of the project
. The main aim of the project To develop and exchange good practices targeting cooperation between educational institutions and parents in order to provide quality education of pupils at primary school

12 Main activities of the project
●Trainings, discussions, lessons visits ●Use of interactive forms of work with parents Conducting of international conference: “Cooperation for quality education’ with 130 participants - teachers and principals from Bulgaria and Romania, 18 experts and heads of RIOs from our country, partners from Romania, Turkey – partners from another project. Producing of bilingual omnibus with the project’s results: ”Cooperation for quality education” which we will present to you. Producing of educational film and bilingual brochures with the mobility results.

13 Captured moments…

14 Comenius, Regio partnerships “Citizen united in Europe (CiU in EU)”
RIE – Haskovo - coordinator Bulgaria NGO; School. 1. Finland - Municipality of Laukaa - Scools, - NGO 2. Partners

15 The main aim of the project
. The main aim of the project To increase the efficiency of the civic education of the participants through creating groups of volunteers who work for the community benefit

16 Main activities of the project
During the project psychologists, teachers and students from the participating schools are being trained to use modern approaches in civic education teaching and share good practices

17 What is coming up?

18 Bulgaria,
Thank you for your attantion! Bulgaria,


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