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Bell Ringer What new ideas were being taught late in the Industrial Revolution challenged the established ideologies of the Church?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What new ideas were being taught late in the Industrial Revolution challenged the established ideologies of the Church?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What new ideas were being taught late in the Industrial Revolution challenged the established ideologies of the Church?

2 Nationalism in Europe Essential Question: What role did Nationalism play in Europe during the late 19th century?

3 Nationalism A strong feeling of pride and devotion to one’s country based on a shared language, culture, and history.

4 Unification of Germany
The Congress of Vienna made important territorial changes in German-speaking lands. Resistance against the French led to demands for a unified state Zollverein established an economic alliance of German states led by Austria

5 Unification of Germany
1862 – Otto von Bismarck becomes chancellor, or prime minister, of Prussia. Master of realpolitik, or realistic politics based on the needs of the state. Power > principles

6 Unification of Germany
Germany unified into a unified state after defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War. William I of Prussia was given the title of Kaiser, or emperor. German nationalism had created the birth of the second reich, or empire.

7 Unification of Italy Nationalism also unified Italy into a strong European state. Italian city states shared a common culture and language

8 Decline of Austrian Empire
The Hapsburgs presided over a multinational empire, yet continued to ignore the urgent demands of nationalists.

9 Decline of the Austrian Empire
Less than a quarter of their subjects were German speaking Each nationalist group wanted more political control over their own affairs

10 Decline of the Austrian Empire
Austria’s defeat in the 1866 war with Prussia resulted in: Nationalist pressure that led to the creation of a new political power known as the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary Created even more for independence from other nationalist groups

11 Essential Question What role did Nationalism play in Europe during the late 19th century?


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