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Lecture 2: Priesthood of Jesus Christ

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1 Lecture 2: Priesthood of Jesus Christ
Dr. Ann T. Orlando

2 The Trinity IV.19 translated Edmund Hill, New City Press, 1991, pp166-7
And what priest could there be as just and holy as the only Son of God… Now there are four things to be considered in every sacrifice: Whom it is offered to Whom it is offered by What it is that is offered Whom it is offered for And this one true mediator, in reconciling us to God by His sacrifice of peace Would remain one with Him to whom He offered it And make one in Himself those for whom He offered it And be Himself who offered it One and the same as what was offered

3 Outline Biblical Background: Hebrews Patristic Biblical Scholarship
Review 4th and 5th C Christological controversies Theodoret of Cyrus Interpretation of Hebrews

4 Jesus as Priest in Gospels
Neither Jesus nor anyone around Him refers to Jesus as a Priest ‘Priest’ in Gospels refers to Jewish Temple priesthood, rarely to pagan priests Jesus relation to Temple Refers to Himself as the Temple Jesus even as a child displays ‘ownership’ of Temple Cleanses Temple Jesus as the paschal sacrifice

5 Authorship of Book of Hebrews
Modern view: Unknown author Patristic view: various Some Patristics authors, such as Athanasius, Augustine and Theodoret, attributed Hebrews to Paul Others, such as Tertullian and Origen (usually), do not Still others, such as Jerome, are unsure (who thus placed Hebrews at the end of Paul’s Letters) Reasons for authorial controversy Format and style dissimilar from anything else in New Testament Greek is most learned and elegant of any NT book Whoever wrote it, did write it prior to c. 95 AD since I Clement quotes from Hebrews (see I Clement 36)

6 Outline of Hebrews From Raymond Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament, p. 684. Introduction 1:1-3 Jesus superior to angels and Moses 1:4-4:13 Jesus’ priesthood 4:14-7:28 Jesus’ sacrifice 8:1-10:18 Disciple’s relation in faith to Jesus and His sacrifice 10:19-12:29 Proper practice 13:1-9 Conclusion 13:20-25

7 Patristic Exegesis Assumes sacred Scripture is ONE BOOK
Multiple human authors, across multiple centuries But one truth about God and humanities relation to God But several different approaches develop on how to understand the One Book Alexandrian Antiochene

8 Some definitions Historia (history) Theoria (application of historia)
Connected with the literal, historical meaning of text Emphasizes language and rhetoric of text Theoria (application of historia) Rooted in historia, theoria suggests analogies to provide moral lessons Also provides analogies from historical to suggest anagogical Allegory (spiritual) Rooted in philosophical understanding of text(s) Hidden (spiritual) meanings in texts

9 ‘Antiochene’ School A group of Christian Biblical Exegetes of 4th – 5th C Usually said to begin with the school of Diodore in Antioch Key points of common views among Antiochene Emphasis on historical interpretation Concerned about the fanciful allegorical interpretations Old Testament presents ‘types’ pointing to Jesus Jesus has two distinct (separate) natures

10 Theodoret of Cyr (Cyrus, Cyrrhus)
Born in Antioch in 393; died as bishop of Cyrus in 457 Became a monk and studied Diodore, Theodore of Mopsuestia and John Chrysostom Against his will, became bishop of Cyrus Opposed Nestorius; Theodoret encouraged Nestorius to accept term Theotokos But he also opposed Cyril as seeming to deny full humanity of Christ Theodoret attended Council of Chalcedon, but abstained from voting Pope Leo I wrote Theodoret a letter encouraging him to accept Chalcedon See Theodoret’s letter to Leo (Letter #113) and Leo’s response (Letter #120)

11 Works by Theodoret Ecclesiastical History
Commentaries on Paul’s Letters Commentaries on Psalms and Prophets Letters Apologetic works

12 Interpretation of Hebrews
Theodoret attributes Hebrews to Paul and condemns those who think otherwise Believes it is addressed to Jewish-Christians who are being persecuted by non-believing Jews. Deeply concerned with various Christological controversies Gnosticism Arianism Nestorianism Monophysitism

13 Key Points in Theodoret on Priesthood of Christ
Superiority of priesthood of Melchizedek over that of the Levis In His sacrificial suffering, Jesus perfects human nature Priesthood of Christ continues as mediator

14 Assignments Re-read Letter to the Hebrews
John Chrysostom, Homily XVII.1-5 on Hebrews 9:24-26 We will read second part of Homily later Greek can be found in PG (Patrologia Graeca, Migne) 63 Review Augustine, CoG X.20 Theodoret, Interpretation of Hebrews, Ch. 1-6 Greek can be found in PG 82 Prepare a page paper and prepare for discussion next week

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