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The Development of Statistical Business Registers in

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1 The Development of Statistical Business Registers in

2 Outline Structure of the SBR Information sources
Technological environment Updating and maintenance processes Uses of statistical business registers Issues and challenges Ongoing initiatives and long-term plans

3 Introduction Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) the main agency of the Government of Nepal (GoN) responsible in the collection, consolidation, publication and analysis of the statistics Three Statistics Division (Planning, Economic, Social) 18 Thematic sections 33 Statistics Offices Economic Census Section

4 Role of Economic Census Section
Newly established unit of CBS/ 2013 AD Main responsibilities are: Establish Statistical Business Register Planning and implementation of Economic Census and Surveys related with economic subject matters Plan and implement surveys and study on informal economic activities Analysis and dissemination of economic data collected from censuses and surveys

5 Rationale of Statistical Business Register in Nepal
Non existence of the complete frame of all the economic units (establishments and enterprises-formal or informal) The shortage of some basic economic statistics such as the number of enterprises, establishments, business, persons engaged according to all ISIC sectors

6 Initiation of SBR in Nepal
CBS has initiated on its own way to establish Statistical Business Register in Nepal since 2014 via SBR surveys with the aim to provide a frame for establishment-based censuses, surveys and economic research and to generate a core set of economic statistics like for computation of GDP.

7 SBR Questionnaire Form : Main Questionnaire (Business Information)
Information on the cover page Name of establishment Registration no Registered year Office of registration District Municipality Ward no. Name of village or settlement Status of interview Completely enumerated Completely rejected Partial information Form Serial number

8 SBR Questionnaire Form : Main Questionnaire (Business Information) …
Name of business firm Type of business (e.g. restaurant, hotel, cloth shop etc. ) Registered number Registered year: Status of Permanent Account Number and its registered number Address Information of establishment (district, VDC/municipality, ward, village/hamlet, name of road, house number, name of business complex, flat no, shop no, phone number, fax, , website, name of contact persons, designation, phone of contact person)

9 SBR Questionnaire Form : Main Questionnaire (Business Information) …
Legal status of the establishment (individual, partenership, pvt ltd, public company etc..) Agencies where the establishment is registered (multiple agencies possible) Association status with professional / business associations (e.g. Nepal Chamber of Commerce, association of specific business etc)

10 SBR Questionnaire Form : Main Questionnaire (Business Information) …
Structure of establishment (single, main head office, Branch unit) Ownership status of the land/building where establishment located (own, rented, other) Major economic activities or production of main goods and services (primary and secondary): NSIC to be coded Capacity of the establishment on the basis of business characteristics (unit, number) e.g . Number of beds in hospitals, number of students in schools etc) Information on employment by sex and type (owner, manager, paid employee, unpaid employee) Respondent information

11 Years Recorded Administrative data source used for reference only
Years recorded is not practiced While transcribing the list from the administrative office, three consecutive reference years were set from 2012

12 Status of records SBR development in Nepal is still at infancy stage
Integrated database structure not developed Data is still to be integrated from pilot 14 districts CSPro application developed for data entry No experience on the changes in the number of records over the years

13 Sectors covered Currently, SBR survey covers all sectors except Section A, O, T and U as defined by ISIC Revision 4 Registered Agriculture related business included

14 Industry and product classifications used
Nepal Standard Industrial Classification Revision 4 (NSIC Rev. 4) derived from ISIC revision 4 has been used while collecting information Product information is not collected so Product codes has not be used obviously.

15 Some Issues on Status on SBR in Nepal
SBR survey questionnaire does not contain information on Local and foreign ownership of enterprises Currently the enterprise is also not classified as small, medium and large enterprises during survey, All the establishments and enterprises has been / will be included in SBR. SBR questionnaire does not contain enterprises engaged in International trade. SBR Team : Institutional set up in CBS Main responsibility is to supply frames for statistical surveys by establishing SBR in Nepal

16 2. Information sources Economic Census of Nepal
CBS as NSO is responsible to conduct the economic census Target Periodicity is five years. Geographic coverage: Economic or business units operated within the territory of the country Content Coverage: ISIC rev .4 all sectors except A, P, T,U It will be bench mark for the SBR ingredients. Provide business frames and some economic statistics Be conducted in 2018 for the first time in Nepal

17 2. Information sources Surveys
Available data from thematic economic surveys like hospital survey, trade survey, survey of travel agencies and other business sectors may be used to feed in SBR in future CBS will be responsible organization to feed SBR from the surveys of business sectors Periodicity of survey is not fixed yet . As NSDS will be endorsed , it will guide for regular surveys. Geographic coverage: As per design of the survey. Content Coverage: As per design of the survey. The surveys will also be significant source of SBR

18 2. Information sources Administrative Data For example:
Basically different government agencies exist in registering or licensing to establish and operate or impose tax to the business units in the country . For example: Office of Company Registration Office of Cottage and small industries Department of Industry Office of Inland Revenue office Office of municipality or village development committee or District Development Committee Office District Administration Office District Education Office etc.

19 Administrative Data Currently, information from these administrative system is not linked to SBR but an effort is made to make inventory of economic units registered in the respective offices at district level for conducting SBR survey In the long term CBS aims to link the SBR with the respective administrative data as principal source of information CBS will be responsible organization to lead coordinating and developing systems to link Admin data with SBR Periodicity not conceptualized Geographic coverage: Within the country Content Coverage: Basic SBR variables on the availability

20 Issues on Status of Information sources
In long term, financial statements issued by the big enterprises, establishments also may be fed in Nepal SBR frame. Until now, no such information has been collected for SBR. No any initiation has been taken for feeding SBR via Big data Still a lot of things like policy and legal framework set up, coordination and inter-agencies dialog on data sharing, capacity strengthening for smooth running of SBR etc. have to be carried out for information to be linked from different sources to create the records in SBR. Still CBS has not started the process for formal data sharing agreements with the custodians of the principal data sources

21 3. Technological environment
CBS consists of an IT section Existing Hardware systems : PC computers at central and Districts offices Server at Government Integrated Data Center (out of CBS) Server at CBS (Internal) Printers

22 Software systems Currently SBR application has been developed using CSPro In long term, a permanent relational database system will be developed Currently, data has been entered in stand alone computer In future, the data will be shared via network system in and out of CBS. District Statistics offices will be made responsible to entry the SBR survey data in CSPro environment and entered data will be sent to CBS – Economic Census Section. An efficient and effective IT network system has to be established yet. The system will be upgraded periodically in sustained way. Currently, backup of SBR data will be made in stand alone computer hard drive as well as in USB flash disk or external disk. No comprehensive IT system exist in CBS. Planning is necessary to establish an strengthened IT system for operation of SBR with its linkage to different information sources. CBS will develop a long term business plan to sustain the IT system. Different types of backup server system may need to be developed to protect the data or for security of data in the years to come.

23 4. Updating and maintenance processes
How often are the information updated (e.g. daily, monthly, etc.)? Online, batch or incremental updating? The principal data sources used for updating How is the new information related to existing records verified? Verification/validation procedures in place for adding/deleting records What are the “out of scope” or error reporting facilities in the system? How could new relevant data sources and variables be incorporated? What are the facilities available for periodic macro analysis and high level verification of the data in the SBR?

24 4. Updating and maintenance processes
The Statistics offices at Districts involved in statistical business register (SBR) survey in the previous fiscal year will continue the task of SBR survey and expand the coverage of economic units that were not covered in the previous years. Such kind of updating task has been continued for the Statistical Offices involved in SBR survey. An advanced software application is needed to be developed to register and update the status of each and every economic units operated or registered or unregistered in the country in the future and to make it live register database.

25 4. Updating and maintenance processes
CBS has not reached at the stage of updating and maintenance processes of SBR data as an efficient SBR system is yet to be established in Nepal. If SBR system is established , an updating mechanism will be operated which is one of the objective for SBR system functioning. The principal data sources used for updating will be the administration data while registering or renewing the business units. Periodically conducted economic census as well as thematic surveys will also be principle data sources for SBR. CBS still need to have strengthened SBR system. CBS needs capacity development in establishing the SBR with an international standard and methodology .

26 4. Updating and maintenance processes
CBS-SBR system has not been developed to verify the new information related to existing records. Modality for Verification/validation procedures in place for adding/deleting records is still has to be developed in SBR system. Currently, SBR survey consist the fixed variables. There is a scope to incorporate new data sources if available. For example, data sources from thematic business associations also can be used. As current so-called SBR is not complete SBR in Nepal, it has not provided any frame and facilities for periodic analysis.

27 5. Uses of Statistical Business Registers
The information stored in SBR database is not at the stage of utilization of data since SBR will take time to provide services for frame. After accomplishment of Economic Census operation in 2018, the EC data will be the first input for SBR in Nepal. However, the information will be used to derive basic business statistics as well as frame for the different business surveys. If SBR is complete, the data can be expanded to accommodated other data storage like administrative data or survey data to derive relevant statistical information and analysis.

28 Potential Benefits of using SBR
Statistical infrastructure for generating quality economic statistics in Nepal will be enhanced. CBS will have expanded its regular statistical activity as performing the registration of economic units . District level Statistical system will be improved. Coverage of data sources will be expanded for deriving economic indicators and national account estimates. Private companies or business communities may utilize the data from SBR to expand and develop their business or industries. New economic development policy and planning will be formulated with the use of SBR data. Business legislation may be improved with the use of SBR data. SBR data may be utilized in the direction of increasing the economic growth of the country. SBR will be supportive in fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals.

29 5.2 Objective of Nepal Statistical Business Register
Overall objective of SBR is to develop a standardized list of the economic units or establishments formally registered in the authorized agencies Specific Objectives: To establish statistical infrastructure as a basis for the operation of economic surveys in the country To provide a sample frame or complete list of economic units for the design of statistical operations To provide the required statistics for the business demographic analysis and To provide a basic quality statistics for the estimation of national accounts To present the structural status of the business in operation

30 Potential uses of the information in SBR of Nepal
Survey frame Basic Business or economic Statistics Enhanced national accounts estimate Business demographic indicators Utilization of business statistics in policy formulation, planning and implementation of programs for economic development in the country Business enterprises may utilize the economic data to expand their businesses

31 Issues on Continuation and Update of SBR
Developing legal and policy framework on SBR Awareness to Policy makers and bureaucrats about the SBR and its benefits Update the information on the changes made or occurred in the business or establishments Make awareness and responsible the data providers Sufficient resource allocation for SBR development Transcribe list of registered establishments or enterprises annually from the concerned registration offices Sustainable Coordination mechanism among data sharing organisations Mutual understanding or consent in sharing the required information from administrative offices for developing SBR.

32 Issues on continuation and Update of SBR
A need of separate SBR unit in each Statistical Offices for the continuation and update of SBR and arrange additional staff for SBR management Capacity development of human resources (Training of SBR) as well as financial resources Challenge to sensitize about SBR as the innovative endeavor to concerned authority for sufficient budget allocation to accomplish the job within the target period. Make ensure to respondents about the confidentiality of information they provide.

33 Issue and challenges System analysis for SBR development
Setting Hardware and software requirements for establishing SBR Implementation of SBR system Adaptation and updating, maintenance with advancement of technology

34 Issue and challenges Establish the administration and management of SBR Human Resources Management Regular Budget allocation Regular Output generation Service providing Mechanism

35 Possible sustainable solutions to the issues and challenges noted
A strong legal and policy framework need to be developed in developing and implementation of SBR system. An adequate human resources need to be arranged for the management of SBR system Regular sufficient Budget allocation should be ensured for operation and maintenance of the system. A strong coordination mechanism among the inter government and private business agencies should be formed for operation of live SBR. Effective Monitoring mechanism

36 The role of multilateral organizations in addressing these issues and challenges
In Nepal, the government agencies like Office of Company Registrar, Department of Industry, Department of Cottage and Small industries, Department of Inland Revenue office, etc. and Private organization like Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry may have significant role in solving the issues and challenges related with establishing SBR in Nepal. An awareness and capacity development program also has to developed for the organizations other than CBS for the SBR system to be functional. National Planning commission and Ministry of Finance also have a great role in endorsing the SBR program in the Country.

37 Initiatives in other departments with implications for the SBR
No any initiatives have been taken place in relation to SBR in other departments The offices like Department of Inland Revenue, Office of Company registration has own database system on registration of establishment to fulfill their administrative purpose. Some offices like Department of Cottage and Small Industries do register and renew the registration of new and old business firms at districts. Digital database partially exist .

38 Current SBR related initiatives underway in the CBS
Survey on Statistical Business Register has been Started since Fiscal Year 2014 In 2014, SBR survey was started in three districts namely Dang, Palpa, and Dolakha. In 2015, SBR survey was started in four districts namely Dhankuta, Sindhuli, Pyuthan, Syangja In 2016, SBR survey has been started in seven districts namely Udayapur, Okhaldhunga, Nuwakot, Gorkha, Surkhet, Jumla, Doti Preparatory Work for Economic Census 2018 Preliminary list of economic units collection in all districts except SBR districts Pilot Economic Census 2018 will be conducted in 2017 March –June.

39 Current SBR related initiatives underway in the CBS
Nepal SBR will be the continuing process for generating survey frames as well as basic business statistics. Each year , budget has been/ will be allocated to old Statistical offices/ and new statistics offices to carry out SBR survey. The 2018 Economic Census will mostly fulfill the SBR input. However, SBR system has to be developed for it to be functional as per international standard.


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