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Welcome! Thank you for coming!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Thank you for coming!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Thank you for coming!

2 Grade Level Teachers *Jennifer Gaertner 469-752-4072
Kelly Blakey Rhonda White-Myles Yvonne Tijerina Amanda Casebere * Team Leader

3 Communication 2nd Grade Google Classroom: updates, homework, upcoming events Using Google Chrome, go to Google Classroom and enter the following code: 76o118w. Other sources of information: Parent portal: Boggess Elementary website Boggess PTA website Boggess Elementary Boggess Facebook

4 Classroom Communication
The agenda will be the main form of communication between school and home. Please be sure you check the agenda each day and feel free to use the agenda to communicate with the teacher. A Thursday folder will be sent home with graded papers and miscellaneous notes. Feel free to or leave a voic message for your child’s teacher. We will also communicate through , Sign up Genius and Remind.

5 Notes Please be aware that notes are required for the following reasons: 1. When a child has been absent from school. 2. If a child is traveling home a different way than usual. 3. When a child needs to be excused from P.E./Fitness or recess. 4. When a child needs to leave school earlier than 2:45. 5. When a child needs to be excused for religious reasons, the form needs to be turned in ahead of time.

6 Agendas are an exciting tool we
will be using in second grade! The following are some things to know about your child’s agenda: -They go home and come back to school daily. -Your child’s word list will be handwritten inside the agenda in ABC order each week as part of Monday’s homework. -It is a communication tool between parent and teacher. - (Parent initials or signs nightly) -It teaches students organizational skills and responsibility. -Homework assignments will be written in it daily. -Handbook is in the front of agenda. -There is a replacement fee for lost agendas. -Record weekly reading minutes.

7 Homework Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
All homework for the week will be sent home on Monday. *Read 20 minutes ABC order words in agenda (due Wed.) Math (due Thursday) Writing prompt (due Fri.)

8 Curriculum Reading and Language Arts:
*Involves teacher instruction, small group, independent work. *Skills developed are comprehension, fluency, inferring, predictions, story elements, summarizing, main ideas, and research. Math: *Curriculum involves teacher instruction, group and independent work and the use of various manipulatives. *Some topics are addition and subtraction facts, time, place value, measurement, geometry, fractions, and problem solving. Science/Social Studies: *Some topics are Citizenship, Governement, Engineering, Life Science, Earth Science and Physical Science.

9 Spelling New focus in PISD No longer will have spelling tests
Emphasis on applying spelling patterns within classrooms

10 Diagnostics Types: MAP, TPRI and IRI assessments.
Information from diagnostic tests shows students’ strengths and areas for growth. Results of these tests are shared with parents at conferences. Tutoring and instruction (Tier 2 for Reading/Math) are planned around these test results. There will be 3 scheduled conferences and one Portfolio Celebration (Open House).

11 Attendance/Tardies We look forward to teaching your child every day but we certainly understand illness may keep your child from attending school. Please call the Child Safe Line at to report the absence. Instruction BEGINS at 7:45. Please help your child arrive so he/she can prepare properly for the day. Gym doors are open from 7-7:30 for students to enter the building. Front doors open at 7:15 and students may come down the hall at 7:30.

12 Visitors Parents are welcome here at Boggess.
For the protection of all students everyone must report to the office and present his/her driver’s license/I.D. to receive a badge. Please do not go directly to the classroom.

13 Dismissal Bus and Daycare students will meet in the gym and will be escorted to their vehicle. Front Carpool: K-2 students will be at the front of the school and will be escorted to their vehicle. Back Carpool: 3-5 students will be at the back of the school and will be escorted to their vehicle. Walkers/Bike riders will be dismissed from the Kindergarten entrance west of the main doors. Please come to the doors to notify the teachers on duty to pick up your child. Children who have permission to walk alone or with a sibling, will be let out the door first.

14 Volunteering Help with classroom parties Go on field trips
Work on teacher projects at home Work in monthly classroom Bengal Buck Store Help the 2nd grade teachers! There is a cabinet in our hallway with things that need to be completed. Watch D.O.G.S. **All volunteers need to complete a background check. *** WE LOVE AND APPRECIATE OUR VOLUNTEERS! 

15 Lunch Second grade eats lunch from 11:45-12:15.
Please periodically check your child’s lunch account to be sure your child has enough money for any purchases. You can set up automatic payments using payPAMS. This can be done on or visit the PISD website for the link. If you send lunch money to school with your child, please place in an envelope with your child’s full name, ID#, and amount. Your child will deposit the envelope in the black drop box in the main hallway. It is a good idea for you to place a small amount of money in your child’s account for unplanned situations. You are welcome to have lunch with your child. Students may not ask a friend to join them at the guest table due to food allergies. This is a special time for you and your child to visit. Please look for the designated guest tables. Please only bring food for your child. Friday is a popular day for guests. Please consider enjoying lunch with your child on another day of the week.

16 Snack Students may bring a small nutritional snack each day. Healthy snack ideas: raisins, crackers, fruit. Please be sensitive to the fact that many children have allergies. Please refrain from sending snacks with peanut products. We encourage you to send a water bottle with your child. Only water will be allowed in the classroom.

17 Birthdays Treats may be sent to school to recognize your child’s birthday. (Easily distributed and shared) Cookies and healthy snacks are possible treats. Treats are shared after lunch in the child’s classroom. Parents are welcome to send alternate snacks.

18 Specialists Katie Flores, Guidance Counselor 469-752-4016
Terri Hernandez, ESL Specialist Kaitlynn Nam, Instructional Specialist *Danielle Frenzel, Instructional Specialist *Shared with Hunt Elementary

19 Students requiring gifted services may...
PACE- Lori Scaglione Students requiring gifted services may... perform two grade levels above current grade learn exceptionally fast need only one to two repetitions for mastery thrive on complexity arrive at solutions in an unusual manner If you have a child you believe may need PACE services, notify your child’s teacher or campus specialist. The referral deadline date: December 7, 2017. If you are brand new to Plano, please contact your child’s teacher or campus specialist the first week of school. For more detailed information, contact: TIFF

20 Daily Schedule 7:45-9:15 Math 9:15-10:55 Language Arts/Social Studies
10:55-11:15 Intervention/Enrichment 11:15-11:45 Recess 11:45-12:15 Lunch 12:15-12:35 Intervention/Enrichment 12:35-1: Language Arts/Social Studies 1:00-1:40 Science 1:40-2: Specials

21 CLASS: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ART A B C D E PE C&D D&E A&E A&B B&C MUSIC 25 m. B & E C & A D & B E & C A & D FITNESS 25 m. E & B A & C B & D C & E D & A Group Assignments: A: Gaertner D: Casebere B: Blakey E: Tijerina C: White-Myles

22 Policy Guide Please review the Student/Parent Policy Guide. You can find it online at .

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