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Chronic and Other Injuries of the Foot and Lower Leg

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1 Chronic and Other Injuries of the Foot and Lower Leg
Injuries, Part 3 Chronic and Other Injuries of the Foot and Lower Leg 4/17/2018

2 “Before & After” BELLWORK
Using a piece of notebook paper, answer the following questions, leaving a line between each answer. Put the paper aside until the end of class. 1. How do you get inflammation? 2. What is tendonitis and its symptoms? 3. What do you think compartment syndrome does to the body? 4. What do you think fasciitis is? This activity is used in Bellwork as a pretest and then in the Closure as an assessment of new learning. At this point in the lesson, students probably will not answer the questions correctly. Teacher instructs students to put Before and After aside until the end of the lesson. TEACHER! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CHANGE QUESTIONS TO FIT YOUR PRESENTATION! IF YOU DO, CHANGE THE LESSON, AND ALL SLIDES THAT PERTAIN TO THEM 4/17/2018

3 Objectives Differentiate between chronic injuries and unique lower leg issues; and their mechanisms, signs, symptoms and treatments. Property of CTE Joint Venture 4/17/2018

Think-Pair-List Think back to treatments for injuries that we have learned about this unit and you have recorded on your Injury Tracker. Make a list with your neighbor. Share. 3. Think-pair-share teacher presents a question teacher gives wait time for student to form answer teacher instructs students to share their answer with a partner teacher calls on non-volunteers to share with the class PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 3

5 Contusions MOI: direct blow S/S: Can limit ROM Swelling Ecchymosis Rx:
RICE Padding for protection Monitor for acute compartment syndrome Property of CTE Joint Venture 4/17/2018

6 Acute Compartment Syndrome
MOI: direct blow or tearing of muscle fibers causing swelling S/S: Pain becoming worse; eventually numbness Loss of foot ROM Leg swelling Property of CTE Joint Venture 4/17/2018

7 Acute Compartment Syndrome
Rx: Medical Emergency! Refer Immediately Apply cold and elevate Surgical intervention is probably necessary Property of CTE Joint Venture 4/17/2018

8 Plantar Fasciitis Causes: Shoes Overweight Activity on hard surfaces
Overuse Poor mechanics Fatigue Property of CTE Joint Venture 4/17/2018

9 Plantar Fasciitis S/S: Morning pain Swelling Pain with WB Crepitus Rx:
Good shoes/orthotics Stretching Ice Taping Referral? 4/17/2018

10 Shinsplints or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
MOI: Pes planus (flat feet) Overweight Poor conditioning Poor shoes Activity on hard surfaces Overuse/Muscle weakness Poor running technique Genetics Property of CTE Joint Venture 4/17/2018

11 Shinsplints Shinsplints is a catch-all term for tendonitis, chronic compartment syndrome or a stress fracture Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is the more apporpriate term for shinsplint-type pain 4/17/2018

12 MTSS: S/S: Rx: Pain- usually found on medial side of leg
Pain with activity that gets progressively worse over time RICE before/after Check shoes Stretch Strengthen NSAIDs Cross Train Rest Refer for fracture or commpartment syndrome 4/17/2018

13 “What’s My Injury?” With a partner, choose an injury from today’s lesson Write a creative scenario about that injury including the etiology, pathology, and treatment for the injury Be prepared to share with the class Property of CTE Joint Venture 4/17/2018

14 “Before & After” CLOSURE
On your Before and After bellwork sheet, answer the following questions on the line below your “Before” answers. This will assess your new learning for the day! 1. How do you get inflammation? 2. What is tendonitis and its symptoms? 3. What do you think compartment syndrome does to the body? 4. What is faciitis? 4/17/2018

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