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Engineers as Educators

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1 Engineers as Educators
Sharon Bowers, NIA Educator-in-Residence Elana Slagle, Educational Consultant 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting January 6, 2010

2 Tonight’s Goal Build a bridge between the worlds of engineering and education. Provide tools and experiences to help engineers build confidence in working with teachers and students.

3 When it comes to STEM, I’m … A scientist A technologist An engineer
Know your audience When it comes to STEM, I’m … A scientist A technologist An engineer A mathematician

4 Why are you here?

5 Why we hope you’re here …

6 Science is the study of what Is, Engineering builds what Will Be.
Engineers and Scientists Science is the study of what Is, Engineering builds what Will Be. The scientist merely explores that which exists, while the engineer creates … what has never existed before. Theodore VonKármán, c.a. 1957 One description

7 Black Boxes Scientific Method … Black boxes discussion

8 Black Boxes Engineering Design Process … Black boxes discussion


10 How do you describe what you do?
Discussion …

11 3 Musketeers Twix Milky Way An engineer is most like … Snickers
Four Corners An engineer is most like … Snickers 3 Musketeers Twix Milky Way What do students already know … get them engaged and talking.

12 ``What you need to invent, is an imagination and a pile of junk.''
Thomas Edison

13 You must be ready to test your flying object in 10 minutes.
The challenge: Use the materials provided to make a flying object that travels further than all others. You must be ready to test your flying object in 10 minutes. Must use one straw, paper strips provided.

14 Engineering design process … elementary and secondary.
Iterate – re-design

15 SCAMPER How have Oreo cookies changed over the years? Why have they changed? S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Magnify or minify Put to other use Eliminate Reverse or rearrange

16 Re-design …you have 15 minutes before you need to demonstrate your new design.
Must use one straw, paper strips provided.

17 3 things I like 2 things I can teach 1 way to extend
Snowball Battle 3 things I like 2 things I can teach 1 way to extend

18 Using the materials provided, create a hot air balloon.
Team Challenge Using the materials provided, create a hot air balloon. The competition … Can your hot air balloon stay aloft longer than any other hot air balloons, initially powered by 30 seconds of hot air from a hair dryer?

19 Team Challenge Musts … Use no more than 7 sheets of tissue paper
You will only have 30 seconds of hot air from a hair dryer You have 30 minutes to complete your balloon. Mays … You may follow either set of directions or create your own design.

20 Connecting to Standards
Position and motion of objects–NSES K-4 Pushing/Pulling Motions and forces –NSES 5-8 Describing Motion Newton’s Three Laws of Motion Motions and forces –NSES 9-12 Gravity Need to connect to standards-based curriculum Mention K-12 Engineering Report

21 Connecting to Standards
Properties of objects and materials–NSES K-4 Observable and measurable properties Properties and changes of properties in matter–NSES 5-8 Characteristic properties Structure and properties of matter–NSES 9-12 The physical properties of compounds reflect the nature of the interactions among its molecules and atoms.

22 Connecting to Standards
Science and Technology –NSES K-4 Abilities of technological design Understanding about science and technology Abilities to distinguish between natural objects and objects made by humans. Science and Technology –NSES 5-8 and 9-12

23 Resources

24 Resources Visit Discovery Now (play a vodcast) and NASA eClips as examples of video segments.

25 Resources When did you know …

26 Humor Keep it light … keep them guessing Myth Busters Rube Goldberg

27 More Humor

28 Wordle Review

29 Animoto Documentation

Fade to the Animoto video

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